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KRUT VII Simple Sent Part of the Sent.doc
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The simple sentence parts of the sentence The Subject

Exercise 1 p. 185. Find the subject and state what it is expressed by. Translate the sentences into Russian:

1. Between him and the four other brothers who were present there was much difference, much similarity. (Gls.) 2. There was no getting anything out of them. (Gls.) 3. When so much had been written about Charles Strickland, it may seem unnecessary that I should write more. (M) 4. Today, somehow, seemed different. It was not sunny and he didn't feel lucky today. (I.Sh.) 5. The stronger among the girls ran about and engaged in active games. (Ch.B) 6. Thirty is a good age to begin all anew yet. (Ab) 7. His was a lucky lot. (Lck) 8. What I want is sea air. (Gls.) 9. Sitting in the presidium has the advantage of allowing one to study the audience. (Lnd) 10. To have had the privilege of taking part in such an event is a happiness for which I can never be sufficiently grateful to the Soviet people. (Lnd)

Exercise 2 p. 185. Analyse the pronoun it used as the subject in the following sentences.

1. At nine o'clock the next morning I went out. It was cold and rainy. At the first, corner I came upon a man who seemed strangely familiar. It was Uncle Caesar, an old Negro, who wore the most remarkable coat that I had ever seen or expected to see. It was very long and had been grey. But rain, and sun, and age had so changed it that it was impossible to name the colour. Once it must have been the military coat of an officer. But now all its buttons were gone except one. The second button from the tap only remained. (After O. Henry) 2. The evening grew darker, and, the roads being crossed by gates, it was not safe to drive. 3. "Is it education that makes you behave as you do?" Sarie asked. (Ab) 4. It is impossible for reality to be concealed from the people forever. (Pl) 5. It was quite unexpected her putting the mother that question. (Wld) 6. It happened several days before he arrived. (Lnd)

Exercise 3 p. 186. Insert there or it and analyse the pronoun it.

1. ... were many people in the room; ... was very stuffy. 2. ... is high time to begin our work. 3. ... is no time left. 4. ... has been no rain for some days. 5. The next day .. . was still rain­ing. 6. ... was twenty degrees in the shade. 7. ... was nothing to be seen. 8. The translation was easy; ... took me very little time. 9. The text was easy; ... took me very little time to translate it. 10.... was deep snow at the foot of the hill. 11. ... was snowing hard. 12. At that moment ... came a knock at the door. … was a postman. 13. I'm afraid ... is no preventing it. 14. ... is no use our wasting time talking about it. 15. ... is no sense in our wasting time talking about it. 16. Something clanked and rattled outside. ... was the dog's chain. Then ... was a sudden furious barking. Pat's heart began to thump. "Perhaps ... is Bob coming back," he thought. 17. ... is a storm coming on! 18. ... remained only to sign the document. 19. ... was still very early and ... was nobody to be seen in the street. 20. ... were many villages on the road to town. 21. ... was three kilometres from the village to the town. 22. I am sure ... is a rule for it and ... is not the rule you refer to; but I cannot remember it, though. 23. By now ... was no mistaking the twinkle in his eyes.

Exercise 5 p. 187. Translate into English using the construction with the emphatic it.

1. Вот здесь мы в прошлом году разбили лагерь. 2. Так это ваш друг написал такую интересную статью? 3. Они-то и посоветовали мне обратиться к вам. 4. Как раз этот вопрос меня тревожит. 5. Важно не количество, а качество. 6. Именно из-за вашей небрежности произошел несчастный случай. 7. И вот в таком радостном настроении мы возвращались домой. 8. Это вы ввели меня в краску. 9. Не иначе как мои двоюродные братья сыграли надо мной эту шутку. 10. Первыми заметили пожар дети. 11. С большим трудом мы добрались туда. 12. Не столько его слова, сколько его тон показался мне странным.

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