Sahasra Mantra Sara Sangrahaha 2
.pdfSrfhasra Mantra Sara Sangrahah
( A Collection of one thousand Manthras Pertaining to all deities }
Compiled by
Sri C. V. Seetharama Iyer
(From Various books on mantra sastra)
published by
Mantra Sastra Sara Sangraha Samithi
WFf :
Sahasra Mantra Sara Sangrahali
{ A Collection of one thousand Manthras Pertaining to all deities }
Compiled by
Sri C. V. Seetharatna Iyer
(From Various books on mantra sastra)
f?TRT3 *HR feraf
published by
Mantra Sastra Sara Sangraha Samithi
All rights reserved by the publisher
First edition
1000 Copies
Published with the financial assistance
given by sri Tinimala Tiropati Devasthanam
Price Rs. 40/-
Copies available at
1.Mantra Stsira Sart Saagrafea Samithi C/o S, Rajam
2-2-647/185/10 A Btgi Amber pcti
Divakarla Publications.
6-3-609/18, Afianda nagar
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For the Ardent Devotees and Upasakas Rev. Shrl Sitaraffl
Iyer has devoted his best years of life in compiling and collecting various Mantras as available in innumerable kncwn and uolBc^c
Taotrlc Texts with Its Purascharan Vidhj wherever necessary*
For any student of Indian Mantra Shastra as well as ardent Upasakas, this campilation would be of great help for refe-
rence and repertaisation. The Martra Shastra is a vast ocean ar.d as
Bush one of us can not have time energy and resources to dive deep
into the Ocean and for them Sfari Si'aram Iyer's faumafiitation effo-
rts have brought forth this compilation. Many more such compila-
tion are to be further provided by the Generous Public and Religi-
ous Institutions and temple authorities *itb vest funds at their disposal come forward in preffiotirg discipline cf Sadbana in the
persons who crave for such guidance but due to lack of physical as
well as financial resources they are unable to do so*
It would also be a commendable Idea if such Religious
Institution and temple authorities set apart certain funds in encoura-
ging to find out and verjfy the results of tie purasch^rsB of \aricus
Mantrts by Stcihaks fcr community welfare ard 10 xpgkt the present
Occident and Western Cultured Indian public knew that tbtre are EO
tall claims by our sages and Mantra Drisias ftr the efficacy cf
Mtntras If proper discipline is followed by sadhaks.
I am confident tbtt this book will go a long way in remo-
ving the wrong information regarding Mantra Deba,
May the Mother Maht Tripurtitiiidari bestow her choicest
Blessings cm Siri Sitaram Iyer and gi?e him a 10og life to fulfil
his dream of publiibing |
more and more books. |
26, Jay Bbarat Socittji |
Hlrd Road, Khar Roadi |
Advocate, HigL Court f Bombay. |
Bomtey 400 052 |