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Fetter Economics vol 2 Modern Economic Problems.pdf
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Online Library of Liberty: Economics, vol. 2: Modern Economic Problems

The decision in any specific case is one dependent on local conditions, and the exact limits of public ownership are not fixed. Industry is changing so rapidly that new adjustments are made every year. The main outlines of public ownership, however, are now in large part determined. Some industries do well, others ill, under public management, and between these lie many debatable cases. Waterworks and probably electric lighting, because of the comparative simplicity of their operation, are more suitable for public ownership than are gas-works. No absolute line divides the one group from the other. But, whatever the changes, the fact cannot be ignored that the increase of public ownership is altering in manifold ways the organization of industry, and is reacting upon the production of wealth and the distribution of incomes.


Bemis, E. W., (Ed.), Municipal monopolies. N. Y. Crowell. 1899. Brooks, R. C., Municipal Affairs, 5: 1-346. 1901. An exhaustive and wellarranged bibliography on all aspects of municipal problems.)

Fairlie, J. A., Recent extensions of municipal functions in the United States. A. A. A., 25: 299-310. 1905.

Guyot, Yves, Where and why public ownership has failed. Trans. 19: 61-73. 1902.

Lincoln, E. E., The results of municipal electric lighting in Massachusetts. Pp. 484. Boston. Houghton, Mifflin Co. 1918.

Maltbie, M. R., Municipal utilities. Princeton. University Press. 1917. National Civic Federation, Report on municipal and private operation of public utilities. 1907. 3 vols. (A monumental study by an American delegation, which visited many cities of Europe and America; favorable, in the main, to extension of municipal ownership.)

Stephens I. L., A bibliography of municipal utility regulation and municipal ownership. Pp. 410. Cambridge. Harvard Univ. Press. 1918.

Todd, A. M., Municipal ownership, with a special survey of municipal gas plants in America and Europe. Public Ownership League of America. Chic. 1918.

Van Hise, C. R., Conservation of natural resources. N. Y. Macmillan. 1910.

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