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4 What qualities are very important for the following careers?

Example: teacher – disciplined, objective,

creative, even-tempered

accountant –

teacher –

doctor –

software engineer –

salesperson –

secretary –

mechanic –

driver -

5 Before taking up this or that career you should carefully analyze your likes and dislikes, your weak and strong points. These mainly depend on what type of person you are: left-brained or right-brained. Do the following quiz to understand what type you are.


(Taken from www.longman.com/adults/)

  • If the number of you’re a answers is bigger than that of your b answers, you are mainly left-brained. It means that you are analytical, logical. You are good at classification, planning and labeling. You are objective in your judgments. You’d better choose careers connected with organizing data, processing information, mathematical analysis.

  • If you have more b answers – you are mainly right-brained. You are very emotional and artistic. You usually make subjective judgments. You are spontaneous in making your decisions. You perceive the world through images, feelings, smells. You are good at creative jobs: artist, actor, musician. Though you can make a good businessman as you are able to take risks.

There are seldom people who are purely left or right-brained though we mainly belong to either of the type.

6 In pairs think of as many occupations as you can that can be taken up by left or right-brained people.





7 Look at the following resume and speak of the man who wrote it.

Example: Ivan Ivanov is not married, he doesn’t have children.

Дата: 00/00/00

ФИО: Иванов Иван Иванович

Семейное положение (наличие детей): холост, детей нет

Прописка: г. Москва, ул. Ленина – 1, кв. 23

Телефон: 8 916 49 25 490, +7 (495) 348-20-17

Должность: менеджер по рекламе

Возраст: 25

Образование: высшее (экономическое)

Языки: английский (разговорный свободный, письменный


Стаж: семилетний опыт работы в области рекламы (последние 5

лет в представительстве крупной иностранной компании)

Обязанности: поддержка маркетинговых инициатив в области

продвижения продукции на рынке, пресс-конференции, участие в

выставках, разработка PR мероприятий

Водительские права: есть


Passive Voice

8 Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to the words in bold type.

He is being taken care of.

“Hamlet” was written in 1602.

The stadium will be finished in summer.

I have been accepted to the musical school.

Remember! Пассивный залог используется не только во времени Present Simple, но и в других.

При этом по времени изменяется только глагол to be, смысловой глагол не меняется, он всегда остается в III форме.

Present Continuous

It is being done.

It is being required.

Present Perfect

It has been done.

It has been required.

Past Simple

It was done.

It was required.

Future Simple

It will be done.

It will be required.