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О.А. Ставцева Английский язык. Методические указания и устные материалы для выполнения контрольных работ №4, 5, 6

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The facility, known as a bubble condenser (барботёр-конденсатор), was built at Elektrogorsk in Russia, and allows engineers to test breaks for water and steam line in the event of a nuclear accident at a plant where this type of a reactor is used.

In western countries nuclear power plants have systems which keep accidental radioactivity releases within a contained area. More recent Russian «third generation» reactors have a similar system, but the older first and second generations do not. Many of the second generation reactors have a pressure suppression container system, while the bubble condenser is designed to control both pressure and radioactivity.

The results of testing have been a success. «The test which simulated the maximum load possible during an accident showed that the bubble condenser works. This was something that was needed and was really useful. It proves that this system is safe. Only minor modifications to such plants, costing not more than €100,000 are needed to ensure larger safety margins», says Mr. Kühlwein, who is a project manager for the test. «Everyone benefits if nuclear power plant safety is increased. It is also an opportunity for western industry and the eastern plants to learn about each other and establish business links for the future».


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Everyone knows civil engineering to deal with the construction of various kinds of buildings and structures. All buildings constructed nowadays may be divided into three main types: intended for housing, for industrial purposes, for cultural activities of the people. Much attention is paid to providing the region with an adequate infrastructure, including highways, airports, bridges, parking lots and so on.

The first multistoried buildings are known to have been built in Novokuznetsk; today they are being erected all over the region. As for industrial construction much work is to be done in erecting new and reconstructing the existing facilities for coal-mining, metallurgical, and chemical industries.

Civil engineering would be unable to fulfill its tasks without modern machinery and materials. At present there are about 500 building organiza-


tions in the region. The builders have at their disposal up-to-date earthmoving and building equipment: scrapers, bulldozers, excavators, loaders, etc. Due to mechanization a construction site looks like a huge industrial enterprise.

The main building materials are timber, stone (brick), concrete, steel, lightweight metals, glass and plastics. Building materials industry is represented by nearly 50 enterprises producing cement, asbestos, brick, concrete panels, paints and other materials. Cement and glass are known to be used not only within the country but to be exported abroad.

Availability of new building methods and building materials are of great importance for developing modern architecture, speeding up construction, and decreasing its cost.


Modern town planning is supposed to begin with the development of a master (генеральный) plan. It is the plan which defines the pattern of the town and its relation to the topography. It is to show the principal areas and zones necessary for housing and industry, for business and cultural purposes.

As for the landscape, the master plan should show the agricultural areas surrounding the town and the areas of natural landscape that should be left for passive recreation. The design must respect any feature that has visual significance. It is more than vandalism to fall a tree that has taken years to grow or to demolish a building of fine architectural qualities. Besides, it is necessary to plan the active recreation zones both for the housing areas and for the town as a whole.

Planning a town or a city one should remember that the site of its location should be «healthy», free from dust and smog. The plan must provide the proper standards of space and sunlight to the city’s buildings, and people must move about the town without danger to their life. The town should be so planned that it would be a convenient place for dwelling, working and playing.

Much attention in town planning is paid to the economy factor. But this does not mean that the cheapest scheme is the best scheme.

The «raw materials» for a town planner include a great number of objects: buildings, roads and pavements, lamp posts, trees and so on. Each of them should give a pleasure to look at it.



The history of building is inseparably connected with the history of civilization itself. Primitive building required practically no tools and depended upon the material at hand. The invention of tools made it possible to cut stones and timber. The more civilization was developing, the larger and more complex structures could be built. Building has been raised to a higher level due to the creative work of mechanical, technological, and civil engineers. It has become a vital element of national industry, but still it has a number of problems, the greatest of them being minimization of the cost and time of construction works.

An increase in the construction works can be achieved by greater productivity. One of the most important economic results of this would be much faster building.

Modern architecture is characterized by simplicity of line and design. This made it possible to introduce standardized components for buildings and structures erected for different purposes. High quality standardized components for buildings are manufactured by modern house-building plants. Most of the work being done at the plant, the operations on the construction-site, where the conditions may be very difficult, are minimized.

This building method is often called “industrialized building” and includes such aspects as the organization of work, programming, design, wide-scale application of factory-produced panels and other dwelling parts, as well as the increased use of standardized or prefabricated (сборный,

заводского изготовления) components.


In industrialized countries the building industry employs a considerable proportion of the labour force, comprising skilled and unskilled workers, building engineers and architects, designers and managers.

Building industry provides the construction of residential, public and industrial buildings. It holds a considerable place in any country’s national economy and is being carried out on a large scale.

Housing is known to affect the level of living, that is why it is paid much attention to. The ever growing housing demands required new methods of construction with greater emphasis upon standardization, widescale use of prefabrication and reinforced concrete (железобетон) panels.

Prefabricated elements and structures may be classified into two principal groups – for residential houses and industrial buildings.


Modern designs for residential construction should provide all the conveniences: heating, lighting and ventilating systems, coldand hot-water supply, sanitary fittings.

Industrial buildings are known to comprise laboratories and factories, plants and mines, office buildings and stores, garages and exhibition halls, etc. Each of them demands its own structural solution and techniques. But in general they may be divided into two categories: structures which have to provide enough space for machinery and the ones which have to provide enough space for people.

Reinforced concrete arches, metal frames, glass walls and prefabricated mass-produced elements are known to be widely used in constructing modern industrial buildings.


Today it is hard to imagine our life without highways. Roads are known to have appeared in the far-off times and were first in the form of pedestrian tracks. Then, as civilization was progressing, they became routes along which horse-driven traffic and finally motor vehicle could move.

Roads have always had a dual function serving as traffic routes and as a means of approach to residential and industrial buildings. But since the growth of transport these functions have been seriously in conflict with each other. Today this conflict is extremely great and may result in great danger.

Any town is to be so planned that its citizens would not be injured or killed by moving traffic. The layout of all newly developed areas should take into consideration the safety factor. It is the task of a designer to see that pedestrians and fast moving motor vehicles are isolated, they should never be mixed with each other. When planning a city a designer is to define the principal roads connecting various districts and zones together, the most efficient routes of public transport, the principal pedestrian ways.

Much attention is being paid to road construction in Kuzbass where automobile transportation provides the connection between 20 towns of the region. More than 2.6 thousand automobile companies have at their disposal thousands of trucks, cars and buses.

Different organizations all over the world are experimenting with automated highways. The aim of the research is to provide computercontrolled highways making it possible for vehicles to travel with greater safety at faster speeds and closer to each other.



Everyone knows concrete to be produced by mixing together smallsize stones, sand, cement, and water. The stones used in the mix give the concrete its strength; the sand is needed to fill the gaps between the stones; and the cement paste (cement mixed with water) covers the surfaces of all solids. Thus, a mixture as a uniform mass is done. The less water is used in mixing, the stronger the concrete is. But it is not easy to make such uniform concrete mixture. That is why special devices have to be used to mix wet concrete.

The mixture is poured (tipped or piped) into special wooden forms of the required shape. To make the concrete still stronger, engineers are to reinforce it. This is done by placing steel bars into the forms before the concrete mixture is poured there. Hence the name «reinforced concrete». Using the forms it is possible to produce an unlimited variety of constructional shapes.

At present a wide use is made of standardized reinforced concrete units or elements. The units of which a building is to be constructed are manufactured at a factory and then assembled on the construction site. This building techniques known as precast (сборный) concrete has many advantages over other building methods. Among the most important advantages there are: industrialization of construction work; cutting labour force needed for building; extending the building season which is of special importance in cold regions; shortening the duration of the building time. The precast concrete techniques has to play a big role in the country’s building program.

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From a technological point of view all man-made things may be divided into two groups: things which are produced or manufactured and those which are constructed. It is evident that civil engineering as a special branch of national economy deals with the things belonging to the second group. That is why it may be called ‘the engineering of things constructed’.

Civil engineering technology plays a vital role in all construction projects. Airports, highways, urban development projects, bridges, dams, pipelines, canals – all are real monuments to the civil engineering. The planning and construction phases of all such projects require the labour and efforts of civil engineering technicians.


Engineering of things constructed starts with map-making and surveying, soil-boring and laboratory testing of soils samples. At the same time engineering technicians are busy with the design of foundation, of asphalt and concrete mixtures, of highway and pedestrians routes, as well as of drainage, steel and concrete structures.

There is always the need for new structures, but each new structure is erected a little differently from the previous one. Buildings may be of various dimensions and shapes, they may be made of wood, brick, or reinforced concrete. At last, they may be constructed by different methods, the most popular today being prefabricated construction.

At the same time it would be impossible to erect a building (whether it is the largest industrial or the smallest residential one) without a foundation, walls, a roof and some other basic structural elements. Every new building material is also based on the older ones. That is why the construction of buildings is considered to be the industry combining the ever-constant and the ever-changing features.


The appearance of new building materials and construction methods as well as of new types of equipment encourage both designers and architects to think of some unusual designs.

One of them provides for the erection of the plastic house, that is the house constructed from plastic bubbles linked together. The advantage of this building material is said to be the possibility of obtaining almost any size and shape of the house. The walls are supposed to be giant sandwiches, the outside surfaces of which will be made of rigid plastic and between them there will be foamed plastic acting as insulation.

The house is to embody features that are more and more associating with modern way of living: one-floor living space and huge glass areas which will admit lots of light.

Another building project provides for the construction of a city in a «plastic bag». The city under a gigantic plastic dome with a man-made climate has been designed by its architects for Arctic regions.

Buildings will have to be erected on a raft about 1 m above the permafrost layer. Otherwise the permafrost layer would melt because of the buildings’ warmth and result in ground subsidence.

The authors’ plan is to construct air-conditioned, multistory houses of aluminium panels covered with thermal insulation. The houses are supposed


to have a cylindrical shape to reduce the loss of heat through radiation from walls. Moreover, a «cylinder» will serve as a safeguard against strong winds and snow blizzards.

Another plastic dome nearby will house a medical center. The two domes are to be connected with a roofed passage protecting pedestrians against bad weather.

The city’s streets with offices and institutions located on its both sides are proposed to be roofed with plastic sheets. Even in the coldest season of the year the temperature will never be lower than 10oC.



1.Программа, методические указания и контрольные задания для студентов-заочников неязыковых специальностей. – М.: Высш. шк., 1989. – 112 с.

2.Современный город: Пособие по английскому языку: Для студентов строительных вузов / Е.В. Горбунова, М.М. Гришина, Н.И. Иванова, И.А. Носенко. – М.: Высш. шк., 1986. – 143 с.

3.Учебник английского языка для заочных технических вузов / Т.М. Новицкая, Н.Д. Кучин и др. – М.: Высш. шк., 1974. – 304 с.

4.Чистик М.Я. Учебник английского языка для политехнических вузов. – М.: Высш. шк., 1975. – 350 с.

5.Cooperation that Counts: A Focus on the European Tacis Program, 1999. – Brussels: the Phare & Tacis Information Centre, 2000. – 37 p.

6.Eldorado in Siberia. – Kemerovo Siberian Business: Verlag Lutz Garnies, Neukeferloh. – Munchen, 1992. – 129 p.

7.Kuzbass Welcomes Business Partners. – Kemerovo: Joint-Stock Co. Respect, 1993. – 64 p.

8.Fuel & Power International. – U.K.: Baldwin & Francis Ltd. – 1998, May. – 54 p.

9.Periodicals: Moscow News.





I. Указания и рекомендации по подготовке к экзамену ……...


II. Контрольные работы…………………………………………


Контрольная работа № 4 ………………………………...


Контрольная работа № 5 ………………………………...


Контрольная работа № 6 ………………………………..


III. Тексты для чтения…………………………………………..


Для студентов горных специальностей …………………….


Тексты для самостоятельного чтения ……………………..


Тексты для чтения и анализа в аудитории ………………..


Для студентов электротехнических специальностей ………


Тексты для самостоятельного чтения ……………………..


Тексты для чтения и анализа в аудитории ………………


Для студентов строительных специальностей …………...


Тексты для самостоятельного чтения ……………………..


Тексты для чтения и анализа в аудитории ………………


Список литературы ……………………………………………..



Ольга Алексеевна Ставцева


Методические указания и устные материалы для выполнения контрольных работ № 4, 5, 6 для студентов заочной формы обучения горно-электростроительных специальностей

Редактор З.М. Савина

Подписано в печать 03.04.03. Формат 60×84/16. Бумага офсетная. Отпечатано на ризографе.

Уч.-изд. л. 3,0.

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