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Beginning Mac OS X Tiger Dashboard Widget Development (2006)

9.7 Mб

Amazon Album Art



<title>Amazon Album Search</title>

<style type=”text/css”> @import “amazonart.css”;


<script type=’text/javascript’ src=’AppleClasses/AppleInfoButton.js’ charset=’utf- 8’ />

<script type=’text/javascript’ src=’AppleClasses/AppleAnimator.js’ charset=’utf-8’ />

<script type=’text/javascript’ src=’AppleClasses/AppleButton.js’ charset=’utf-8’ /> <script type=”text/javascript” src=”localisedStrings.js” charset=’utf-8’ /> <script type=”text/javascript” src=”amazonart.js” charset=’utf-8’ />


<body onLoad=”setup();”> <div id=”front”>

<div id=”slidearea”> <div id=”slide”>

<div id=”art_bg”></div>

<div id=”art”><p>No artwork requested yet</p></div> <div id=”add_to_itunes_container”>

<div id=”add_to_itunes” onClick=”setAlbumArt()”><a href=”#” id=”add_to_itunes_a”>Set as album art in iTunes</a></div>


<div id=”show_thumbnails”><a href=”#” id=”show_thumbnails_a”><img src=”images/show_thumbnails.png” id=”show_thumbnails_img”/></a></div>

<div id=”thumbnails”></div> </div>

<div id=”fbottom” onClick=”toggleSlide();”><img src=”images/front_r3_c1.png”></div>


<div id=”ftop” onClick=”toggleSlide();”> <img src=”images/front_r1_c1.png” />

<!-- <img src=”images/searchbox_bg.png” id=”searchbox_bg” /> --> </div>

<input id=”s” type=”search” name=”s” placeholder=”Album details” results=”5” autosave=”amazonartwidgetsearch” onsearch=”doSearch();”>

<div id=”get_from_itunes” onClick=”getDetailsFromiTunes();”><a href=”#” id=”get_from_itunes_a”><img id=”itunes_icon” src=”images/itunes_icon.png” /></a></div>

<div id=’infoButton’></div> </div>

The add_to_itunes div calls the setAlbumArt() function whenever you click the banner at the bottom of the widget after it has found the album art. The show_thumbnails div displays the small thumbnails icon in the upper-right corner of the artwork display. The fbottom and ftop divs contain the toggleSlide() function.

The CSS file contains the rules for the area that slides on the front of the widget. The slidearea at the top of the section shows the size of the widget with the slide extended and album art displayed.


Chapter 15

/* -----



#slidearea /* defines area where slide is visible */


padding: 0px; position: absolute; height: 218px; width: 216px; overflow: hidden; top: 38px;

left: 0px;


#slide /* The bit that slides up and down */


position: absolute; top: 0px;

left: 0px; width: 216px; height: 0px; overflow: hidden;


#art_bg /* The background image - to add drop shadow to album art */


background-image:url(images/front_r2_c1.png); position: absolute;

top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 216px; height: 200px;




position: absolute; top: 0px;

left: 8px; width: 180px; height: 180px;

background-color: #000000; padding: 10px;

overflow: hidden; visibility: hidden;


#thumbnails .thumbnail


float: left; margin: 5px;


#thumbnails .selected


padding: 2px; margin: 2px;


Amazon Album Art

border: 1px dashed #999999;


#art /* The bit where the album art goes */


position: absolute; top: 0px;

left: 8px; width: 200px; height: 200px; overflow: hidden;


#art p


padding: 5px 5px 10px 5px; margin: 0px; vertical-align: middle; text-align: center;




padding: 0px; position: absolute; top: -1px;

left: 0px;




position: absolute; bottom: 5px;

left: 13px; width: 190px; height: 32px;




visibility: hidden; padding: 2px 5px 2px 5px; width: 190px;

height: 32px;


text-align: center;

font-family: “Gill Sans”, “Helvetica Neue”, sans-serif; text-shadow: 0px 1px 0px #000000;

color: #ffffff; font-size: 11px; font-weight: bold;

display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle;


Chapter 15


#add_to_itunes a


color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none;




position: absolute; top: 5px;

right: 13px; visibility: hidden;




font-family: “Helvetica Neue”, sans-serif; font-size: 11px;


The HTML and CSS files set up the slide area and provide the layout, but the amazonart.js script has a section that controls when the widget slides to display the album artwork.

JavaScript Functionality

The portion of the amazonart.js script that controls sliding the widget to display the artwork is marked in the code with a “slide stuff” comment.

// ----- SLIDE STUFF -----

function goAmazon(ASIN)


if (window.widget)


var aa_url; switch (gCountry)


case ‘uk’: aa_url =

“http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/redirect?link_code=ur2&tag=netcetera06-21&camp =1634&creative=6738&path=ASIN%2F” + ASIN + “%2F”;

break; case ‘ca’: aa_url =

“http://www.amazon.ca/exec/obidos/redirect?link_code=as2&path=ASIN/” + ASIN + “&tag=thewidgetfoun-20&camp=15121&creative=330641”;

break; case ‘fr’: aa_url =

“http://www.amazon.fr/exec/obidos/redirect?link_code=as2&path=ASIN/” + ASIN + “&tag=thewidgetfoun-21&camp=1642&creative=6746”;



Amazon Album Art

case ‘de’: aa_url =

“http://www.amazon.de/exec/obidos/redirect?link_code=as2&path=ASIN/” + ASIN + “&tag=thewidgetfo05-21&camp=1638&creative=6742”;

break; case ‘at’:

aa_url = “http://www.amazon.de/exec/obidos/redirect?link_code=as2&path=ASIN/” + ASIN + “%3Fsite-redirect=at&tag=thewidgetfo05-21&camp=1638&creative=6742”;

break; case ‘jp’:

aa_url = “http://www.amazon.co.jp/exec/obidos/ASIN/” + ASIN; break;

default: // us aa_url =

“http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/redirect?link_code=as2&path=ASIN/” + ASIN + “&tag=chubbybat-20&camp=1789&creative=9325”;





function toggleSlide()


if (gOpen)









function slideOpen()




gOpen = true;

if (window.widget) window.resizeTo(216, 257);



function slideClosed()






function slideIt(animation, current, start, finish)



Chapter 15

gSlide.style.height = current + “px”; o(“fbottom”).style.top = current + “px”;


function slideClosedCompleted()


if (window.widget) window.resizeTo(216, 56);

o(“fbottom”).style.top = “-1px”; gOpen = false;


In addition to the JavaScript functionality that controls the display of artwork, Amazon Album Art takes advantage of the command line to run AppleScripts and control iTunes to add the cover art to the track and get information about the current selection.

Get Details from iTunes

To get the details of the track that is currently playing or the track that is selected whenever you click the iTunes button in the widget, the widget’s JavaScript calls the GetSelectionDetails script. When you look in the JavaScript, you can see the AppleScript called using the osascript utility. The result is passed back to the JavaScript using the outputString.


function getDetailsFromiTunes()


if (window.widget)


o(“s”).value = getLocalisedString(“Fetching...”);

var output = widget.system(“/usr/bin/osascript GetSelectionDetails.scpt “ + gMode, null).outputString;

if (output && output.length > 0)


output = output.replace(/\s+$/, “”); // remove white space from end of string - removes LF that Applescript writes

o(“s”).value = output; doSearch();




o(“s”).value = “”;




The GetSelectionDetails script checks to see if iTunes is running. If it is, the script checks to see if the mode is set for selection and if it is, to get the artist and album. If iTunes is playing music, the script gets the artist and album of the currently playing track. When it has the information, it copies it to stdout where the JavaScript picks it up in the outputString.

on run argv

set mode to item 1 of argv tell application “Finder”


Amazon Album Art

set iTunesRunning to process “iTunes” exists end tell

if iTunesRunning then

tell application “iTunes” try

if mode is “selection” and selection is not {} then set theArtist to artist of item 1 of selection set theAlbum to album of item 1 of selection

else if player state is not stopped then set theArtist to artist of current track set theAlbum to album of current track

end if

copy theArtist & “ “ & theAlbum to stdout end try

end tell


-- copy “iTunes must be running, with one or more tracks selected” to stderr end if

end run

With the information from the script, Amazon Album Art is able to find the album information on Amazon and download the artwork.

Processing the Downloaded Image

In the amazonart.js script, the processDownloadedImage() function takes the cover art downloaded from Amazon and adds it to the album in iTunes. The first part of the function sets up an error check to make sure you have selected tracks in iTunes before trying to look them up on Amazon. The widget

.system() method uses the osascript command to run the SetCoverArt AppleScript and pass it the gLocalJpeg, which contains the cover art, and specifies whether to use small images.

function processDownloadedImage(currentStringOnStdout)


if (currentStringOnStdout.length > 0)


// curl only outputs on error - so if there was output, something went wrong gItunesLink.innerHTML = getLocalisedString(“Select iTunes tracks first”); setTimeout(resetAddToiTunesImage, 5000);




if (window.widget)


var useSmallImages = o(“small_images”).checked ? “Yes” : “No”;

var output = widget.system(“/usr/bin/osascript SetCoverArt.scpt “ +

gLocalJpeg + “ “ + gMode + “ “ + useSmallImages, null).outputString; if (output && output.substr(0,6) == “Error:”)


gItunesLink.innerHTML = getLocalisedString(“Select iTunes tracks first”); setTimeout(resetAddToiTunesImage, 5000);




Chapter 15


gItunesLink.innerHTML = ‘<a href=”#” id=”add_to_itunes_a”>’ + getLocalisedString(“Set as album art in iTunes”) + ‘</a>’;





The GetSelectionDetails AppleScript has global variables for the filename, mode, and use small images settings. These are passed to the AppleScript from the JavaScript using the osascript utility.

The first part of the AppleScript has sections for locating iTunes and setting up the cache for the album art in the user’s Library folder. It checks to see if iTunes is running and alerts the user if it is not. After the setup, the script attempts to get a list of tracks from iTunes to operate on. The script then proceeds to get the artwork from Amazon and set it for the tracks that are playing or for the selection.

global jpeg_filename, mode, use_small_images

on run argv

set jpeg_filename to item 1 of argv set mode to item 2 of argv

set use_small_images to item 3 of argv --set jpeg_filename to “amazonart.jpg” --set mode to “selection”

--set use_small_images to “no”

--is iTunes running? tell application “Finder”

set itunes_running to process “iTunes” exists end tell

--get path to image files

set jpeg_loc to ((path to home folder) as string) & “Library:Caches:com.widgetfoundry.widget.albumart:” & jpeg_filename

set pict_loc to convert_jpeg_to_pict(jpeg_loc)

if itunes_running then set_artwork(pict_loc)


copy “Error: iTunes must be running, with one or more tracks selected” to stdout

end if end run

to set_artwork(pict_loc) try

tell application “iTunes”

-- get list of tracks on which to operate set t to {}

if mode is “selection” and selection is not {} then set t to selection

else if mode is “current_track” and player state is not stopped then set t to {current track}


Amazon Album Art

else if mode is “current_album” and player state is not stopped then set alb to album of current track

set t to (file tracks of library playlist 1 whose album is alb) end if

if t is not {} then

-- show warning if more than 30 tracks are to be processed set proceed to “Yes”

if (count of t) is greater than 30 then

set r to display dialog “Set art on all “ & ((count of t) as string) & “ tracks - are you sure? This may take some time to complete.” buttons {“Yes”, “No”} with icon 2

set proceed to button returned of r end if

if proceed is “Yes” then

-- get contents of JPEG

set file_ref to open for access pict_loc set ott to read file_ref from 513 as picture close access file_ref

-- set album art image on tracks with timeout of 600 seconds

repeat with a_track in t try

set data of artwork 1 of (a_track) to ott on error m

copy “Error: “ & m to stdout end try

end repeat end timeout

end if


copy “Error: You need to select some tracks in iTunes first!” to stdout end if

end tell on error m

copy m to stdout return

end try

end set_artwork

to convert_jpeg_to_pict(orig_file) try

set ext_index to (length of orig_file) - 3

set new_file to text from character 1 to character ext_index of orig_file & “pict”

-- convert to PICT


Chapter 15

tell application “Image Events” launch

-- open the image file

set this_image to open orig_file

if use_small_images is “Yes” then

-- resize if image is > 240 pixels wide - assume pic is more-or-less square copy the dimensions of this_image to {xdim, ydim}

if xdim is greater than 240 then scale this_image to size 240

end if end if

tell application “Finder” to set new_item to new_file save this_image in new_item as PICT

close this_image end tell

return new_file

on error m number n if n is -1728 then

copy “Error: Error when converting image for iTunes” to stdout else

copy “Error: “ & m to stdout end if

end try

end convert_jpeg_to_pict

The last handler in the AppleScript converts the JPEG artwork file to a PICT format for iTunes. As you can see, it uses the Image Events utility for the conversion.

Summar y

The Show Artwork command in iTunes is great for purchased music, but it doesn’t provide the same experience if your music library is built from your audio CDs. The Amazon Album Art widget provides a way to add the album artwork to your ripped CDs by automating an otherwise manual process. To augment iTunes, it takes advantage of two strengths of widgets: the abilities to retrieve information from a website and to interact with applications.