(Ebook - Pdf) Kick Ass Delphi Programming
DB: array[0..8384] of TTriple; { Triangular array: Vertices(MEL+1) entries }
NumberOfVertices, TopRow: word;
Envelopes: array[1..MaxPlys] of word;
function Vertices(N: word): word;
{ Vertices in an equilateral triangle with edgelength = N-1 } begin
Vertices := (Sqr(N) + N) shr 1; end;
function Midpoint(A, B: TVertex): TVertex; begin
Result := Vertex( (A.AB + B.AB) shr 1, { Average } (A.BC + B.BC) shr 1,
(A.CA + B.CA) shr 1 );
function Loc(const V: TVertex): word; begin
Loc := NumberOfVertices - Vertices(TopRow - V.AB) + V.BC;
{^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This is actually NOT necessary and just
wastes cycles, but I have retained it for compatability with FL2 .FL files. }
end; |
procedure SetTriple(var V: TVertex; var T: TTriple); |
{ DB[V] := T } |
begin |
DB[Loc(V)] := T; |
end; |
function GetTriple(const V: TVertex): TTriple; { DB[V] } begin
Result := DB[Loc(V)]; end;
procedure SwapTriples(var A, B: TTriple); var
Tmp: TTriple; begin
Tmp := A; A := B; B := Tmp; end;
procedure SwapZ(var A, B: TTriple); var
C: TCoordinate; begin
C := A.Z; A.Z := B.Z; B.Z := C; end;
Uninitialized = -30000; procedure ResetDB;
T: TTriple; R, Theta: double;
I, Offset: integer; tA, tB, tC: TTriple;
Base_Rotation = - Pi / 2.1; {Rotate point counterclockwise a bit} RotateBy = Pi * 2 / 3; {120|}
{Set Plys dependent stuff } EdgeLength := 1 shl (Plys - 1);
TopRow := EdgeLength + 1; { A "fencepost" situation } NumberOfVertices := Vertices(TopRow);
for I := Plys downto 1 do
Envelopes[I] := Envelope shr Succ(Plys - I);
{Then reset NumberOfVertices vertices in DB }
T.X := Uninitialized;
T.Y := Uninitialized;
T.Z := Uninitialized;
for I := Low(DB) to High(DB) do DB[I] := T;
{ Now, set "defining" (outside) points A, B, and C }
A.AB := 0; |
A.BC := |
EdgeLength; |
A.CA := 0; |
B.AB := 0; |
B.BC := |
0; |
B.CA := EdgeLength; |
C.AB := EdgeLength; |
C.BC := |
0; |
C.CA := 0; |
{ Then, assign them triples } |
Offset := UnitLength div 2; |
R |
:= UnitLength / 2; |
Theta := Base_Rotation;
tA := Triple( Round(R * Cos(Theta)) + Offset,
Round(R * Sin(Theta)) + Offset,
SeaLevel + Rand(Envelope) );
Theta := Theta + RotateBy;
tB := Triple( Round(R * Cos(Theta)) + Offset,
Round(R * Sin(Theta)) + Offset,
SeaLevel + Rand(Envelope) );
Theta := Theta + RotateBy;
tC := Triple( Round(R * Cos(Theta)) + Offset,
Round(R * Sin(Theta)) + Offset,
SeaLevel + Rand(Envelope) );
{ At least one point above sealevel }
if (tA.Z < SeaLevel) AND (tB.Z < SeaLevel) AND (tC.Z < SeaLevel) then repeat
tB.Z := SeaLevel + Rand(Envelope); until tB.Z > SeaLevel;
{ Force A the lowest ... }
if tA.Z > tB.Z then SwapZ(tA, tB); if tA.Z > tC.Z then SwapZ(tA, tC);
SetTriple(A, tA); SetTriple(B, tB); SetTriple(C, tC);
function SaveLandscape(const FileName: TFileName): boolean; var
Handle: integer; begin
Result := False; try
Handle := FileCreate(FileName); try
Result := (FileWrite(Handle, Plys, SizeOf(Plys)) = SizeOf(Plys)) and
(FileWrite(Handle, DB, NumberOfVertices * SizeOf(TTriple))
= NumberOfVertices * SizeOf(TTriple));
finally FileClose(Handle);
end; except
on {any} Exception do Result := False; end;
function LoadLandscape(const FileName: TFileName): boolean; var
Handle: integer; begin
Result := False; try
Handle := SysUtils.FileOpen(FileName, fmOpenRead); try
if FileRead(Handle, Plys, SizeOf(Plys)) = SizeOf(Plys) then begin
LoadLandscape := FileRead( Handle, DB,
NumberOfVertices * SizeOf(TTriple)) = NumberOfVertices * SizeOf(TTriple);
end; finally
end; except
on {any} Exception do Result := False; end;
{ Action }
procedure FractureLine( var vM: TVertex; const vA, vB: TVertex; Envelope: integer );
A, B, M: TTriple; begin
vM := Midpoint(vA, vB); M := GetTriple(vM);
if M.X = Uninitialized then { Not set yet } begin
A := GetTriple(vA); B := GetTriple(vB); M := Triple( A.X + (B.X - A.X) div 2,
A.Y + (B.Y - A.Y) div 2,
A.Z + (B.Z - A.Z) div 2 + Rand(Envelope) ); { Mean height _ Random(Envelope) }
SetTriple(vM, M); end;
procedure FractureTriangle(const A, B, C: TVertex; Plys: word);

Envelope: word;
AB, BC, CA: TVertex; begin
if Plys > 1 then begin
Envelope := Envelopes[Plys]; FractureLine(AB, A, B, Envelope); FractureLine(BC, B, C, Envelope); FractureLine(CA, C, A, Envelope); Dec(Plys);
FractureTriangle(CA, BC, C, Plys); FractureTriangle(AB, B, BC, Plys); FractureTriangle(BC, CA, AB, Plys); FractureTriangle(A, AB, CA, Plys); end;
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Kick Ass Delphi Programming
(Publisher: The Coriolis Group)
Author(s): Don Taylor, Jim Mischel, John Penman, Terence Goggin
ISBN: 1576100448
Publication Date: 09/01/96
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Another subtlety that I didn’t discover until I actually wrote the code is that you shouldn’t apply the same amount of randomness when you bend the larger scale lines as when you bend the smaller scale lines. If you do, you either end up with a bumpy plane or a spiky landscape. You need to apply more randomness to the large outer triangles, which produce the overall shape of the landscape, and to apply less randomness to the smaller inner triangles, which basically control the smoothness of your landscape.
What I ended up using is a function that generates something vaguely like a normal distribution:
function Rand(Envelope: integer): integer; { Pseudonormal (sawtooth) distribution,
in range ±Envelope } begin
Rand := integer(Random(Envelope)) + integer(Random(Envelope)) - Envelope;
Here, the Envelope value for each ply is half that of the next larger ply. This certainly produces plausible-looking landscapes, but real landscapes aren’t always as smooth as FL3’s. Real landscapes do have the occasional sharp edge—cliffs, mesas, canyons, and so on—while FL3 never really produces anything more abrupt than a steep slope.
One approach you may want to experiment with is to replace Rand’s pseudonormal distribution within a constricting envelope with an exponential function. On smaller scales, the function would be more likely to produce a number close to 0 than on larger scales, but it might throw out a large number on any scale.
Draw, Then Display
In the first incarnation of this program, the same recursive routine that built the landscape was responsible for drawing it. If the Plys argument was greater than 1, it broke its input triangle into four new triangles, and then decremented Plys and applied itself to each new triangle. When the Plys argument was equal to 1, it called a routine that drew the triangle.
This was certainly simple enough, but it meant that changing from a “wire mesh” rendering to a filled-triangle rendering required generating a whole new landscape. Similarly, using this simple design in a Windows version would mean that changing the window size also generates a whole new landscape. Clearly, a better approach is to generate the landscape first and then draw it. This requires two parallel recursions from the outermost triangle to the innermost ones (which are the only ones which are actually drawn), but the second recursion doesn’t cost much compared to actually drawing the rectangles, so the price of flexibility is fairly low.
Generating and Displaying the Landscape
After all that prolog, the actual generation code may seem refreshingly simple. FractureTriangle() (present in Listing 6.2) takes a triangle and the number of Plys remaining. If Plys is greater than 1, FractureTriangle() calls FractureLine() to create (or retrieve) a midpoint value, then calls itself on each of the four triangles that these midpoints define. FractureLine() calls Midpoint() (both in Listing 6.2) to calculate the vertex between its two input vertices, and then checks to see if it has been set yet. If the midpoint is still uninitialized, FractureLine() bends the line between the endpoints by raising or lowering its midpoint.
Once the landscape has been generated, FL3 uses the code in Listing 6.3 to display it in the current window, in the current display mode. If the user changes the window size or the display mode, FL3 redraws the landscape.
Listing 6.3 DISPLAY.PAS
unit Display; {Fractal Landscapes 3.0 -- Copyright _ 1987..1996, Jon Shemitz}
uses WinTypes, WinProcs, SysUtils, Graphics, Forms, Global, Database;
DrawingNow: boolean = False; AbortDraw: boolean = False;
EAbortedDrawing = class (Exception) end;
procedure ScreenColors;
procedure PrinterColors;
procedure DrawTriangle( |
Canvas: |
TCanvas; |
const A, B, C: |
TVertex; |
Plys: |
word; |
PointDn: |
boolean); |
procedure DrawVerticals(Canvas: TCanvas);
{$ifdef Debug}
const DebugString: string = ''; {$endif}
uses Main;
Surfaces = record
Outline, Fill: TColor; end;
scrnLand: Surfaces = (Outline: clLime; Fill: clGreen); scrnWater: Surfaces = (Outline: clBlue; Fill: clNavy); scrnVertical: Surfaces = (Outline: clGray; Fill: clSilver);
prnLand: Surfaces = (Outline: clBlack; Fill: clWhite); prnWater: Surfaces = (Outline: clBlack; Fill: clWhite); prnVertical: Surfaces = (Outline: clBlack; Fill: clWhite);
Land, Water, Vertical: Surfaces; procedure ScreenColors;
begin |
Land |
:= scrnLand; |
Water |
:= scrnWater; |
Vertical := scrnVertical; |
end; |
procedure PrinterColors; |
begin |
Land |
:= prnLand; |
Water |
:= prnWater; |
Vertical := prnVertical; |
end; |
function Surface(Outline, |
Fill: TColor): Surfaces; |
begin |
Result.Outline := Outline; |
Result.Fill |
:= Fill; |
end; |
{ $define Pascal} {$define Float} {$ifdef Pascal}
{$ifdef Float} type
TFloatTriple = record X, Y, Z: double; end;
function FloatTriple(T: TTriple): TFloatTriple; begin
Result.X := T.X / UnitLength;
Result.Y := T.Y / UnitLength;
Result.Z := T.Z / UnitLength; end;
function Project(const P: TTriple): TPixel; { 3D transform a point } var
Delta_Y: double;
Tr, V: TFloatTriple; begin
Tr := FloatTriple(P);
V := FloatTriple(VanishingPoint);
Delta_Y := Tr.Y / V.Y;
Result.X := Round( DisplayWidth *
((V.X - Tr.X) * Delta_Y + Tr.X)); Result.Y := DisplayHeight -
Round( DisplayHeight *
((V.Z - Tr.Z) * Delta_Y + Tr.Z));
end; {$else}
function Project(const Tr: TTriple): TPixel; { 3D transform a point } var
Delta_Y: integer; begin
Delta_Y := MulDiv(Tr.Y, UnitLength, VanishingPoint.Y); Result.X := MulDiv( MulDiv( VanishingPoint.X - Tr.X,
Delta_Y, UnitLength) + Tr.X,
DisplayWidth, UnitLength);
Result.Y := DisplayHeight -
MulDiv( MulDiv( VanishingPoint.Z - Tr.Z, Delta_Y, UnitLength) + Tr.Z, DisplayHeight, UnitLength );
end; {$endif}
function Project(const Tr: TTriple): TPixel; assembler; {3D transform a point}
asm |
{$ifdef Ver80} {Delphi 1.0; 16-bit} |
les |
di,[Tr] |
mov |
si,word ptr UnitLength |
{ Scaling factor } |
mov |
ax,[TTriple ptr es:di].Y{ Tr.Y } |
imul |
si |
{ Scale by LoWord(UnitLength) } |
idiv |
VanishingPoint.Y |
{ Scaled(depth/vanishing.depth) } |
{DeltaY |
equ |
bx } |
mov |
bx,ax |
{ preserve Delta.Y } |
mov |
ax,VanishingPoint.Z |
sub |
ax,[TTriple ptr es:di].Z{ Delta.Z } |
imul |
bx |
{ Delta.Z * Delta.Y } |
idiv |
si |
{ Unscale(Delta.Z * Delta.Y) } |
add |
ax,[TTriple ptr es:di].Z{ Tr.Z + Unscale(Delta.Z * Delta.Y) |
} |
mov |
cx,[DisplayHeight] |
{ We'll use it twice here ... } |
imul |
cx |
{ (Tr.Z+Delta.Z*Delta.Y)*Screen.Row } |
idiv |
si |
{ Unscale } |
sub |
cx,ax |
{ Px.Y } |
mov |
ax,VanishingPoint.X |
sub |
ax,[TTriple ptr es:di].X{ Delta.X } |
imul |
bx |
{ Delta.X * Delta.Y } |
idiv |
si |
{ Unscale(Delta.X * Delta.Y) } |
add |
ax,[TTriple ptr es:di].X{ Tr.X + Unscale(Delta.X * Delta.Y) |
} |
imul |
[DisplayWidth] |
{ (Tr.X+Delta.X*Delta.Y)*Screen.Col |
} |
idiv |
si |
{ Px.X := Unscale(above) } |
mov |
dx,cx |
{Return (X,Y) in ax:dx} |
{$else} {Delphi |
2.0 or better; 32-bit} |
push |
ebx |
{ Delphi 2.0 requires that we } |
push |
esi |
{ preserve these registers |
} |
push |
edi |
mov |
edi,eax |
{ lea edi,[Tr]} |
push |
edx |
{ Save @ Result } |
mov |
si,word ptr UnitLength |
{ Scaling factor } |
mov |
ax,TTriple[edi].Y |
{ Tr.Y } |
imul |
si |
{ Scale by LoWord(UnitLength) } |
idiv |
VanishingPoint.Y |
{ Scaled(depth/vanishing.depth) } |
{DeltaY equ bx |
} |
mov |
bx,ax |
{ preserve Delta.Y } |
mov |
ax,VanishingPoint.Z |
sub |
ax,TTriple[edi].Z |
{ Delta.Z } |
imul |
bx |
{ Delta.Z * Delta.Y } |
idiv |
si |
{ Unscale(Delta.Z * Delta.Y) } |
add |
ax,TTriple[edi].Z |
{ Tr.Z + Unscale(Delta.Z * |
Delta.Y) } |
mov |
cx,[DisplayHeight] |
{ We'll use it twice here ... } |
imul |
cx |
{ |
(Tr.Z+Delta.Z*Delta.Y)*Screen.Row } |
idiv |
si |
{ Unscale } |
sub |
cx,ax |
{ Px.Y } |
mov |
ax,VanishingPoint.X |
sub |
ax,TTriple[edi].X |
{ Delta.X } |
imul |
bx |
{ Delta.X * Delta.Y } |
idiv |
si |
{ Unscale(Delta.X * Delta.Y) } |
add |
ax,TTriple[edi].X |
{ Tr.X + Unscale(Delta.X * |
Delta.Y) } |
imul |
[DisplayWidth] |
{ |
(Tr.X+Delta.X*Delta.Y)*Screen.Col } |
idiv |
si |
{ Px.X := Unscale(above) } |
// Now ax=x, cx=y; we want to make them longints and save them to Result
mov |
ebx,$0000FFFF |
and |
eax,ebx |
{clear the high word} |
and |
ecx,ebx |
pop |
edx |
{ restore @ Result } |
mov |
TPixel[edx].X,eax |
mov |
TPixel[edx].Y,ecx |
pop |
edi |
pop |
esi |
pop |
ebx |
{$endif} |
end; |
{$endif} |
procedure DrawPixels(const Canvas: |
TCanvas; |
const A, B, C, D: |
TPixel; |
const N: |
word; |
const Surface: |
Surfaces); |
if AbortDraw then raise EAbortedDrawing.Create('');
Canvas.Pen.Color := Surface.Outline; if DrawMode = dmOutline
then if N = 3
then Canvas.PolyLine( [A, B, C, A] ) else Canvas.PolyLine( [A, B, C, D, A] )
else begin
Canvas.Brush.Color := Surface.Fill; if N = 3
then Canvas.Polygon( [A, B, C] ) else Canvas.Polygon( [A, B, C, D] )
procedure CalcCrossing(var Low, High, Crossing: TTriple; SetLow: boolean);
CrossOverRatio: LongInt; begin
CrossOverRatio := (SeaLevel - Low.Z) * UnitLength div (High.Z - Low.Z);
{ Distance |
of crossing point from A, as ratio of total line AB length, } |
{ times |
UnitLength |
} |
Crossing := Triple( Low.X + Unscale((High.X - Low.X) * CrossOverRatio),
Low.Y + Unscale((High.Y - Low.Y) * CrossOverRatio),
SeaLevel ); if SetLow then Low.Z := SeaLevel;
procedure DrawVertical(Canvas: TCanvas; const A, B: TTriple; var pA, pB: TPixel);
pC, pD: TPixel;
tC, tD: TTriple;
begin |
tC |
:= A; |
tC.Z |
:= SeaLevel; |
pC |
:= Project(tC); |
tD |
:= B; |
tD.Z |
:= SeaLevel; |
pD |
:= Project(tD); |
DrawPixels(Canvas, pA, pB, pD, pC, 4, Vertical); end;
procedure DrawVerticals(Canvas: TCanvas); type
Triad = record
T: TTriple;
V: TVertex;
P: TPixel; end;
Work: Triad;
procedure Step( const Start: |
TVertex; |
var Front: |
Triad; |
var StepDn: |
GridCoordinate |
); |
Idx: word;
Back, Interpolate: Triad; begin
Back.V := Start;
Back.T := GetTriple(Back.V);
if Back.T.Z > SeaLevel then Back.P := Project(Back.T); for Idx := 1 to EdgeLength do
Front.V := Back.V; Inc(Work.V.BC); Dec(StepDn);
Front.T := GetTriple(Front.V);
if Front.T.Z > SeaLevel then Front.P := Project(Front.T);
case (ord(Back.T.Z > SeaLevel) shl 1) + ord(Front.T.Z > SeaLevel) of
1:begin { Back below, front above } CalcCrossing(Back.T, Front.T, Interpolate.T, False); Interpolate.P := Project(Interpolate.T);
DrawVertical(Canvas, Interpolate.T, Front.T, Interpolate.P, Front.P);