- •Preface
- •Contents
- •1.1 Fundamentals of the semiclassical laser theory
- •1.1.1 The laser oscillator
- • Homogeneous, isotropic, linear dielectrics
- • The plane wave
- • The spherical wave
- • The slowly varying envelope (SVE) approximation
- • Propagation in doped media
- •1.1.3 Interaction with two-level systems
- • The two-level system
- • The dipole approximation
- • Inversion density and polarization
- • Decay time T1 of the upper level (energy relaxation)
- • Spontaneous emission
- • Interaction with the host material
- • Pumping process
- • Decay time T2 of the polarization (entropy relaxation)
- •1.1.4 Steady-state solutions
- • Inversion density and polarization
- • Small-signal solutions
- • Strong-signal solutions
- •1.1.5 Adiabatic equations
- • Rate equations
- • Thermodynamic considerations
- • Pumping schemes and complete rate equations
- • The three-level system
- • The four-level system
- • Rate equations for steady-state laser oscillators
- •1.1.6 Line shape and line broadening
- • Normalized shape functions
- • Lorentzian line shape
- • Gaussian line shape
- • Normalization of line shapes
- • Mechanisms of line broadening
- • Spontaneous emission
- • Doppler broadening
- • Collision or pressure broadening
- • Saturation broadening
- • Types of broadening
- • Homogeneous broadening
- • Inhomogeneous broadening
- • Time constants
- •1.1.7 Coherent interaction
- • The Feynman representation of interaction
- • Propagation of resonant coherent pulses
- • Superradiance
- •1.1.8 Notations
- •References for 1.1
- •2.1.1 Introduction
- •2.1.3 Radiometric standards
- • Primary standards
- • Secondary standards
- •References for 2.1
- •2.2 Beam characterization
- •2.2.1 Introduction
- •2.2.2 The Wigner distribution
- •2.2.3 The second-order moments of the Wigner distribution
- •2.2.4 The second-order moments and related physical properties
- • Phase paraboloid and twist
- • Invariants
- • Propagation of beam widths and beam propagation ratios
- • Stigmatic beams
- • Simple astigmatic beams
- • General astigmatic beams
- • Pseudo-symmetric beams
- • Intrinsic astigmatism and beam conversion
- •2.2.6 Measurement procedures
- •2.2.7 Beam positional stability
- •References for 2.2
- •3 Linear optics
- •3.1 Linear optics
- •3.1.1 Wave equations
- •3.1.2 Polarization
- •3.1.3 Solutions of the wave equation in free space
- • Wave equation
- • Monochromatic plane wave
- • Cylindrical vector wave
- • Spherical vector wave
- • Helmholtz equation
- • Plane wave
- • Cylindrical wave
- • Spherical wave
- • Real Bessel beams
- • Vectorial Bessel beams
- • Solutions of the slowly varying envelope equation
- • Gauss-Hermite beams (rectangular symmetry)
- • Gauss-Laguerre beams (circular symmetry)
- • Cross-sectional shapes of the Gaussian modes
- • Circular aperture with radius a
- • Applications
- • Gratings
- •3.1.5 Optical materials
- • Dielectric media
- • Optical glasses
- • Dispersion characteristics for short-pulse propagation
- • Optics of metals and semiconductors
- • Special cases of refraction
- • Variation of the angle of incidence
- • Crystal optics
- • Birefringence (example: uniaxial crystals)
- • Photonic crystals
- • Negative-refractive-index materials
- • References to data of linear optics
- •3.1.6 Geometrical optics
- • Gaussian imaging (paraxial range)
- • Single spherical interface
- • Imaging with a thick lens
- • Simple interfaces and optical elements with rotational symmetry
- • Non-symmetrical optical systems
- • Properties of a system
- • General parabolic systems without rotational symmetry
- • General astigmatic system
- • Symplectic optical system
- • Misalignments
- • Lens aberrations
- •3.1.7 Beam propagation in optical systems
- • Stigmatic and simple astigmatic beams
- • Fundamental Mode
- • Higher-order Hermite-Gaussian beams in simple astigmatic beams
- • General astigmatic beam
- • Waist transformation
- • General system (fundamental mode)
- • Thin lens (fundamental mode)
- • Collins integral
- • Two-dimensional propagation
- • Three-dimensional propagation
- • Gaussian beams in optical systems with stops, aberrations, and waveguide coupling
- • Field distributions in the waist region of Gaussian beams including stops and wave aberrations by optical system
- • Mode matching for beam coupling into waveguides
- • Free-space coupling of Gaussian modes
- •References for 3.1
- •4.1 Frequency conversion in crystals
- •4.1.1 Introduction
- • Symbols and abbreviations
- • Symbols
- • Abbreviations
- • Crystals
- • Historical layout
- •4.1.2 Fundamentals
- • Three-wave interactions
- • Uniaxial crystals
- • Biaxial crystals
- • General approach
- •4.1.3 Selection of data
- •4.1.5 Sum frequency generation
- •4.1.7 Optical parametric oscillation
- •4.1.8 Picosecond continuum generation
- •References for 4.1
- •4.2 Frequency conversion in gases and liquids
- •4.2.1 Fundamentals of nonlinear optics in gases and liquids
- • Linear and nonlinear susceptibilities
- • Third-order nonlinear susceptibilities
- • Fundamental equations of nonlinear optics
- • Small-signal limit
- • Phase-matching condition
- •4.2.2 Frequency conversion in gases
- • Metal-vapor inert gas mixtures
- • Mixtures of gaseous media
- •References for 4.2
- •4.3 Stimulated scattering
- •4.3.1 Introduction
- • Spontaneous scattering processes
- • Relationship between stimulated Stokes scattering and spontaneous scattering
- •4.3.2 General properties of stimulated scattering
- • Exponential gain by stimulated Stokes scattering
- • Experimental observation
- • Generator setup
- • Oscillator setup
- • Four-wave interactions
- • Third-order nonlinear susceptibility
- • Higher-order Stokes and anti-Stokes emission
- • Transient stimulated scattering
- •4.3.3 Individual scattering processes
- • Stimulated Raman scattering (SRS)
- • Stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) and stimulated thermal Brillouin scattering (STBS)
- • Stimulated Rayleigh scattering processes, SRLS, STRS, and SRWS
- •References for 4.3
- •4.4 Phase conjugation
- •4.4.1 Introduction
- •4.4.2 Basic mathematical description
- •4.4.3 Phase conjugation by degenerate four-wave mixing
- •4.4.4 Self-pumped phase conjugation
- •4.4.5 Applications of SBS phase conjugation
- •4.4.6 Photorefraction
- •References for 4.4
6 |
1.1.2 The electromagnetic field |
[Ref. p. 40 |
For all quantities the complex notation is used [99Bor], the real quantities are Qreal = 12 (Q+Q ). The relations between D, E and B, H are given by the material equations. Under the action of an external electric/magnetic field atomic or molecular electric/magnetic dipoles are generated in matter. The dipole moment per unit volume is called the electric or magnetic polarization P (E, H) or J (E, H), respectively. The resulting material quantities are the electric displacement D and the magnetic induction B given as:
D = ε0E + P (E, H) = ε0 ε(E, H) · E , |
(1.1.8) |
B = µ0H + J (E, H) = µ0 µ(E, H) · H |
(1.1.9) |
P = ε0χe(E, H)E : electric polarization (SI-unit: As/m2),
J = µ0χm(E, H)H : magnetic polarization (SI-unit: Vs/m2),
χe(E, H), χm(E, H) : electric/magnetic susceptibility, in general a tensor and a function of the fields,
ε = 1 + χe, µ = 1 + χm : permittivity/permeability number, in general tensors, 1 : unit tensor,
ε0 = 8.8542 × 10−12 As/Vm: electric constant, µ0 = 4π × 10−7 Vs/Am: magnetic constant.
The current inside a medium is caused by the electric field and Ohm’s law holds
j = σeE |
(1.1.10) |
σe: electric conductivity, in general a tensor and function of the field, (SI-unit: A/Vm).
Electric and magnetic polarization depend in general on both generating fields, E and H. In many cases this relation is linear, but quite often a very complicated relation occurs, as in nonlinear optics, ferro-magnetism or ferro-electricity. The material equations can only be evaluated by quantum mechanics. In the following non-conducting (σe = 0), charge-free (ρ = 0) and nonmagnetic (χm = 0, µ = 1) media are assumed, which holds for dielectrics. The magnetic field can be eliminated and a wave equation results from Maxwell’s equations:
grad div E − ∆E + |
1 ∂2 |
E + |
1 |
P |
= 0 , |
(1.1.11) |
c02 |
∂t2 |
ε0 |
div D = 0 |
(1.1.12) |
with |
1 |
× 108 m/s : vacuum velocity of light . |
c0 = |
= 2.99792458 |
√ |
ε0µ0 |
Equation (1.1.11) is the fundamental equation, describing the propagation of optical fields. It includes di raction as well as amplification of light and non-linear e ects. It has now to be adapted and simplified for the di erent applications in optics and laser technology. Homogeneous, isotropic, linear dielectrics
The propagation of light in homogeneous media as gases, liquids, glasses or cubic crystals is investigated. These materials are assumed to be homogeneous (permittivity ε does not depend on the
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1.1 Fundamentals of the semiclassical laser theory |
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spatial coordinates), isotropic (ε does not depend on the polarization of light), and linear (ε does not depend on the intensity of the field). The last assumption holds for low-intensity fields only.
The permittivity ε is a scalar and (1.1.11)/(1.1.12) reduces to the standard wave equation:
∆E − |
ε ∂2E |
= 0 , |
(1.1.13) |
c02 |
∂t2 |
div E = 0 . |
(1.1.14) |
Simple solutions are the plane and the spherical waves. The plane wave
The infinite, monochromatic wave with a plane phase front and constant amplitude reads:
E = E0 exp[i(ωt − nk0r)] , |
(1.1.15) |
H = H0 exp[i(ωt − nk0r)] ; |
(1.1.16) |
H0 = [k0 × E0] . k0Z
It is a transversely polarized field with E H k0, as plotted in Fig. 1.1.3.
n = ε = |
1 + χe : |
the refractive index of the medium, in general complex, |
(1.1.17) |
k0 = 2π/λ0 : wave number in vacuum, |
k0: wave vector, direction of propagation, |
λ0: wavelength in vacuum, |
µµ0 |
µ0 |
Z = |
: impedance, |
Z0 = |
= 376.7 Ω : vacuum impedance. |
εε0 |
ε0 |
The Poynting vector or energy flux is a real quantity with |
S = [Ereal × Hreal] |
(SI-unit: W/m2). |
6 N
] |
Fig. 1.1.3. The plane wave in a homogeneous, |
isotropic medium. |
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8 1.1.2 The electromagnetic field [Ref. p. 40
Table 1.1.1. Values of refractive index nr and absorption coe cient α at wavelength λ0 [85Pal, 82Gra, 78Dri].
Material |
λ0 [µm] |
nr |
α [m−1] |
Fused quartz |
0.54 |
1.46 |
very small |
Sapphire |
0.50 |
1.765/1.764 |
very small |
Water |
0.54 |
1.332 |
0.8 |
Water |
1 |
1.328 |
80 |
6 |
Copper |
0.54 |
0.7 |
11.6 × 106 |
Gold |
0.54 |
0.3 |
11.1 |
× 106 |
Iron |
0.54 |
2.4 |
16.4 |
× 10 |
The intensity is the time average over one period T = 2π/ω and results in:
1 |
1 |
J = S |
= |
+ |
E |
E |
. |
(1.1.18) |
T |
4 Z Z |
0 |
0 |
For dielectrics without losses (µ = 1, n = nr is real), (1.1.18) reduces to |
1 |
|2 |
J = |
c0nrε0 |
|E0 |
(1.1.19) |
2 |
with both quantities, E0 and J , inside the medium. For vacuum applies |
2 |
JW/m2 = 1.33 × 10−3 |
E0,V/m |
, |
E0,V/m |
= 27.4 |
JW/m2 |
. |
For a homogeneous dielectric, low-absorbing |
medium the complex refractive index is given by |
[99Bor, p. 739]: |
nˆ = nr − i |
α |
, |
α k0 |
(1.1.20) |
2k0 |
nr: real part of the refractive index,
α: absorption coe cient, in general the non-resonant broad-band absorption.
For a field propagating in z-direction (1.1.15)/(1.1.20) deliver an exponentially damped ampli-
tude: |
E(z, t) = E0 exp i(ωt − nrk0z) − |
αz |
. |
(1.1.21) |
2 |
Some numbers of nr, α are compiled in Table 1.1.1. The spherical wave
One solution of the wave equation (1.1.13) in spherical coordinates is the quasi-spherical wave, generated by an oscillating dipole (Hertz’s dipole), see Fig. 1.1.4. The far field reads [99Jac]:
E (r, ϑ, t) = |
λ0Eϑ |
exp [i (ωt |
− |
nˆk |
r)] sin ϑ , |
| |
E |
ϑ| |
= |
|µ| 4π2k03 |
, r |
λ |
ε0 |
r |
0 |
0 |
with µ the dipole moment and ϑ the angle between the dipole axis and beam propagation k0.
In the paraxial approach (ϑ π/2 , θ 1) the well-known spherical wave, useful for applying
Huygens’ principle, results:
λ0 |
E0 exp [i (ωt − nˆk0r)] , θ 1 , |
E(z, t) = r |
(1.1.22) |
where E is approximately parallel to the dipole axis.
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1.1 Fundamentals of the semiclassical laser theory |
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r, S, k0
z |
Fig. 1.1.4. A quasi-spherical wave, emitted by an |
oscillating dipole. | The slowly varying envelope (SVE) approximation
In the Slowly Varying Envelope approximation (1.1.11) is solved approximately with the ansatz of a quasi-monochromatic, quasi-plane wave
E = E0(x, y, z, t) exp[i(ωt − nrk0z)] , P = P 0(x, y, z, t) exp[i(ωt − nrk0z)] . |
(1.1.23) |
The wave propagates mainly in z-direction and the amplitude is slowly varying with x, y, z, t, which means:
–slowly varying in time (quasi-monochromatic): ∂|E0|/∂t ω|E0|, or spectral bandwidth ∆ω ω,
–slowly varying in space (quasi-plane wave): ∂|E0|/∂z k0|E0|, which means low divergence of the beam ∆θ 1 (paraxial approach), and a smooth transverse profile,
–slowly varying polarization ∂|P 0|/∂t ω|P 0|,
–slowly varying electric susceptibility ∂|χe|/∂t ω|χe| and |grad χe| k0|χe|.
Then second order terms can be neglected and the SVE-approximations are obtained [84She, p. 47], [66War, 86Sie]. The SVE-approximation for di raction
Steady-state propagation in vacuum means ∂|E0|/∂t = 0 and P = 0. Equation (1.1.11) delivers with the ansatz (1.1.23) and neglecting ∂2E0/∂t2 the SVE-approximation used in di raction theory, also called the Schr¨odinger equation of optics:
∆tr − 2ik0 |
∂ |
E0 |
= 0 , |
div E = 0 . |
(1.1.24a) |
∂z |
∆tr is the transverse delta-operator, which in rectangular coordinates reads |
∆tr = |
∂2 |
+ |
∂2 |
. |
∂x2 |
∂y2 |
The field in (1.1.24a) is a vector field, and the ∆-operator in cylinder coordinates is rather complicated, because the unit-vectors are no longer constant [99Jac], especially for non-uniform polarization in circular birefringent media [82Fer, 93Wit]. In most cases (except birefringence) the
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