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Учебное пособие по англ языку.doc
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Variant 1. Admission to an usa Medical School

1.Find the English equivalents in the text below.

  1. начальное школьное образование

  2. средняя школа

  3. пройти курс подготовительного (домедицинского) обучения

  4. длиться 3 года

  5. подавать заявление в медицинскую школу

  6. учебная успеваемость

  7. отбор студентов

  8. вступительный тест

  9. приемная комиссия

  10. оценивать общие способности

  11. конкурс на место

2.Translate the sentences into Russian

  1. Primary school education generally takes the pupils from the age of 6 to the age of 14 years, and secondary school – to the age of 18.

  2. After finishing his secondary school the candidate for medical school must take a course of premedical studies in a college or university.

  3. This course lasts for 3 years and prepares the candidates for a medical school.

  4. A student applies for admission to a medical school when he has completed premedical studies.

  5. Academic achievement is the most important factor in the selection of students. In most medical schools candidates are required to pass the admission test.

  6. This is a national multiple choice test.

  7. The test lasts about 8 hours over a one day period and includes questions in biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics and English.

  8. Then, the special admission committees have personal interviews with the candidates in order to assess the candidates’ general abilities, his character and his abilities to study medicine.

  9. The competition for places is very difficult and only about half of the students who apply to a medical school are accepted and begin their medical education.

Variant 2. Curriculum

1.Find the English equivalents in the text below.

  1. основные медицинские предметы

  2. состоять из клинических предметов

  3. проходить практику

  4. участвовать в лечении пациентов

  5. получать степень

  6. работать в больнице интернами

  7. интернатура

  8. ординатура

  9. обязателен для всех выпускников-медиков

  10. специальность врача

  11. лицензия на практику

2.Translate the sentences into Russian Curriculum

  1. The basic medical sciences are presented largely during the first two years of medical studies.

  2. The students study anatomy, biophysics, biochemistry, physiology, bacteriology, histology and other subjects.

  3. In the second year they study microbiology, pathology, physical diagnosis, pharmacology and laboratory diagnosis.

  4. During the final two years the curriculum consists of clinical subjects.

  5. Medical students have practical work at teaching hospitals affiliated to the medical school.

  6. Students in small groups meet their teachers in the wards and in the out-patient departments where they participate in the treatment of the patients.

  7. At the end of 4 years all students receive the Degree of Doctor of Medicine.

  8. Then they must work in the hospital for one year as interns. This course of work at the hospital is called internship.

  9. The period of residency is obligatory for all medical graduates.

  10. The period depends on the specialty of the doctor and may be 3 or 4 years.

  11. After the residency the graduate is granted a license to practice and he may work either in government service or private practice.