English book 1st year FEA
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Київ КПІ 1998
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Медодичні вказівки до практичних занять з англійскої мови
для студентів І курсу факультету електроенерготехніки та автоматики
Упорядники: Бріскіна Людмила Антонівна Фляджинська Наталія Ігорівна
Редактор Л.М.Лукашевич
which are frequently organized in the square.
On the other side of the square are the National Gallery and the, Nation Portrait Gallery. Further west from Trafalgar Square is Buckingham Palace, the residence of the Queen of England. This is a beautiful building standing in large gardens. The palace and the gardens are open to visitors several days a week.
To the east of the City is the Port of London. Here today, are miles and miles of docks and the great Industrial areas that depend upon shipping. This is the “East End of London”, unattractive in appearance but very important for the country's commerce.
London is very old and full of historical places, full of customs and traditions. Englishmen are a mixture of past and present, of the old-fashioned and the very modern.
Visitors are usually greatly surprised by the number of bridges across the river. The capital has 14 bridges, the famous London Bridge being the biggest among them.
London, one of the world's biggest cities, situated on the river Thames, about forty miles from the sea, is the capital of Great Britain, a great industrial and cultural centre, and one of the Britain's most important ports.
London today stretches for nearly 30 miles from north to south and nearly 30 miles from east to west. This is the area known as "Great London" with a population of nine million and an area of 620 square miles.
The City of London is the heart of the business and financial life of the country. Here most of the streets are narrow and run down to the Thames, the traffic is slow. It is a very small part of London, only one square mile in area. High office buildings stand on either side of the narrow streets, all business firms are concentrated there. There is also the Mansion House, the official residence of the Lord Mayor of London.
The most striking building In the City today is St. Paul's Cathedral designed by Wren, a famous English architect of the 17-th century. People say that the Cathedral is the finest Renaissance church In Europe.
About two miles westward s another part of London that now is called the West End. It is the most pleasant residential area of London. There, are lovely parks, luxurious mansions and elegant stores and restaurants, as well as theatres, museums and hotels there. Piccadilly circus is the heart of London's world of entertainment.
Westminster Abbey, at which all British Kings and queens are crowned, is in the West End. Many famous people are buried in the Abbey, among them Newton, Darwin, Dickens and Kipling. Westminster Abbey was built over nine hundred years ago.
Across the road from Westminster Abbey are the Houses of Parliament with its famous Big Ben, a huge clock built just over a century ago, the clock from which all people in Britain take the time. From Parliament Square Whitehall goes off to the North. This is where the big government offices are situated. On the right is New Scotland Yard, the centre of the Metropolitan Police, and on the left is Downing Street; where the Prime Minister has his official residence. At the end of Whitehall is Trafalgar Square, in the middle of which rises the Nelson Column, a monument to Admiral Nelson for his victories in the war against Napoleon. The large plat-form at the foot is often used by the orators when there are large meetings or demonstrations for peace and disarmament, for better school buildings and pensions for the aged and so on,
The United Kingdom does not have a written constitution or printed set of rules for governing the country. Parliament consists of the House of Commons and the House of Lords, members are elected only to the House of Commons. The Prime Minister is usually the leader of the Party that has a majority in the House of Commons.
Britain is a democracy; men and women over 18 years have a vote. Voting is not compulsory. They have the right to elect a representative to Parliament. The representative is their Member of Parliament or M. P. An M. P. tries to be of use to all the people living in his electoral area but he does not take orders from them.
At the opening of Parliament the Queen reads a speech from the throne in the House of Lords. Her speech has been written by the Prime Minister. It outlines the Government's plans for the new session of Parliament. M. P.s from the House of Commons are summoned to the House of Lords to stand and listen to the speech. This is one of the few occasions when the whole Parliament - Queen and both Houses of Parliament - meet together.
Parliamentary elections must be held: if the government loses its majority support in the House of Commons; if the Prime Minister decides to hold an election, or if the Parliament is coming to the end of a five-year period.
There are many political parties in Great Britain. Conservative, Labour, Liberal, Social Democratic Party are major parties there, When a party wine a majority of votes, it forms the government and the others - the opposition.
1. "English in Electrical Engineering and Electronics"
Eric H. Hendinning.
Oxford University Press, 1990.
2."Science for language learner" Mary Ellen Quinn.
Prentice - Hall, INC, 1989.
3."Basic English for Science" Oxford University Press, 1991.
Для студентів І курсу Факульткету електроенерготехніки та автоматики
На засіданні кафедри Іноземних мов
Протокол №1 від 30.08.1993
Киів КПІ 1994
Методичні вказівки до практичних занять з англій с- кої мови для студентів І курсу факультету електроенерготехніки та автоматики / Упорядн. Л.А.Бріскіна, Н.І.Фляджинська. – К,: КПІ, 1994. – 80с.– Англ. і укр. мова.
Упорядники: Л.А.Бріскіна Н.І.Фляджинська
Відповідальний за випуск С.Ф.Павлова
Рецензент Н.Ю.Пєпєлова
The name used at the United Nations is the "United Kingdom"; in full, this is the "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland". Strictly speaking, England, Great Britain and the British Isles ought only to be used as geographical names, since England is only a part of Great Britain; Great Britain does not include Northern Ireland, but the British Isles include Great Britain and the whole of Ireland, that is both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Eire.
Foreigners usually call all British people "English", but the Scots, the Irish and the Welsh do not consider themselves to be English.
The total area of the United Kingdom is 244.000 sq. km. It has a population of 56 million. The most thickly populated part of Great Britain is England.
The country is known for its typically maritime climate with frequent rains, strong winds and continuous fogs. There are many rivers in Great Britain, but none of them is very long. Most of the rivers are connected with one another by means of canals. Scotland is known for the number and beauty of its lakes and wonderful scenery. Great Britain is rich in natural vegetation cover. For centuries, the country has been famous for its cattle-and-sheep- breading. The climate of the whole country is not quite suitable for agriculture. That is why farming is declining in England. Other countries produce foodstuffs with higher productivity and in greater quantities.
Great Britain has a well-developed industry and shipbuilding. Coal is the main source for the development of British industry. The country is rich in mineral resources. There are deposits of high-grade coal and iron ore, as well as copper, lead, zinc, tin, chalk and clay suitable for manufacturing china.
Great Britain is one of the most highly industrialized countries in the world. The largest industrial cities of Britain are London, Birmingham, Glasgow, Manchester, Newcastle, Liverpool, and Sheffield. There are many textile factories in Manchester. Liverpool is one of the biggest ports of the West. Oxford and Cambridge are university towns.
Now some words about the social system of Great Britain. Britain is a constitutional monarchy.
It has a monarch - either a king or a queen - as its Head of State, but the monarch has very little power. The Queen reigns but she does not rule. Parliament and the existing government have the power.
Asia, Africa and Latin America get their education at the Polytechnic Institute.
The Kiev Polytechnic Institute has foreign economic relations with 45 foreign partners from 12 countries of the world. 29 agreements and 17 contracts have been concluded and 77 protocols have been signed: KPI received the certificate as a participant of foreign economic relations.
The most active international scientific and technological cooperation is carried out by the chairs of the institute with the partners from Poland, Germany, Bulgaria, Denmark, Lebanon, Lately the relations with China, USA, Italy, Vietnam, Spain have become more active.
The institute carries out the exchange of students according to the agreement on cooperation with the Oregon University (USA).
The institute has at its disposal a desease - prevention centre for employers and students.
Our Institute also takes care of students’ leisure for a well organized leisure is a very important factor in bringing up young specialists.
The Knowledge square is the centre of the whole KPI complex. It has about 105x100m. Meeting, festivals, consecration into students take place there. In summer the square is decorated with lamps, fountains, flowerbeds. The Knowledge square is connected with one of the main city streets - Pobeda (Victory) avenue.
The assembly hall intended for 1750 seats is used for different mass meetings. The opening ceremony and the meeting of the teaching staff were held in August 1984.
Great importance is attached to the development of physical culture at our Institute. There are many sport grounds, football field, volleyball and basketball courts at students' disposal. Man y students go in for different kinds of sport according to their liking. It helps them to keep their body healthy and strong. There are lots of rated athlets among the students of our Institute. The names of some graduates are well-known all over the country.
Britain, Great Britain, the United Kingdom (UK for short), England, the British Isles - these different names are sometimes used to mean the same thing, and they are frequently used wrongly.
Part I
Unit I
Grammar: Indefinite, Continuous, Perfect Tenses. (Active).
Word Order.
Pre-text Exercises
I.Practise reading of the following words:
Science [’saı∂ns], scientists [’saı∂ntıst], scientific [saı∂n’tıfık], deal [di :l], matter [’mæt∂], motion [’m∂u∫(∂)n], chemistry [’kemıstrı], physics [’fızıks], biochemistry [’baı∂’kemıstrı], property [’pr p∂tı], biophysics [’baı∂’fızıks ] , temperature [’temprıt∫∂], mechanics [mı’kænıks], nuclear [’nju:k- lı∂], nucleus [’nju:k lıs], light [laıt], precise [prı’saız], precision [prı’sız(∂)n].
II. Try to memorize the following words:
matter - матерія, to deal with - мати справу з, motion - рух, energy - енергія, force - сила, to include - включати, to e x- plore - досліджувати, property - властивість, nucleus (pl., n u- clei) - ядро, exact - точний, descriptive - описувані, precise - точний, precision - точність, applied - прикладні, branch - галузь, to be distinct fr om - відрізнятися, distinction -
відмінність, compound - сполучення.
Physical science deals with the non-living parts of the Universe. Chemistry and physics are the two main divisions of the physical sciences. Chemistry is the study of matter and its changes, physics is the study of motion, energy and forces, which act on matter.
Both chemistry and physics include several parts. Chemistr y can be dіvided into the following: 1) biochemistry, which explores chemical changes and products of living organisms; 2) inorganic chemistry, which analyzes chemical elements and compounds without carbon; 3) organic chemistry, which deals with chemical compounds that have carbon; and 4) physical
chemistry, which studies the physical and chemical properties of matter;
Physics includes these fields: (1) bioph ysics, the study of energy and living things; (2) electricity and magnetism, which deal with the effects of electricity, especially its electromagnetic effects; (3) electronics, the study and control of electrons;
(4) heat, which deals with temperature changes; (5) optics, the study of sight and related electromagnetic waves; (6) mechanics, which is concerned with the effect of forces on bodies; (7) nuclear physics, in which the atom and its nucleus are studied; and (8) solid state physics, the study of solids with regard to heat, light, and so on.
As you can see from the words "biochemistry", "bioph ysics", and "physical chemistr y", some sciences are combinations of ph ysical sciences or of biological and physical sciences.
Scientists in all these fields have one thing in common: the way they study and solve problems. They do this by using the "scientific method" in their work. The steps in the scientific method are as follows:
1. Problem
2. Hypothesis
3. Experimentation
4. Results
5. Conclusions
Physics is an exact science. It is concerned with precise measurement. Biology, for example, is a descriptive science. It is concerned with describing life forms. Using the knowledge and principles of the exact and descriptive sciences is the concern of the applied sciences. Important concerns of the applied sciences are transportation and communication. Others are building, food, and manufacturing. The applied sciences plans, design, and create means for improvements in these areas.
We see that applied sciences are distinct from the exact and descriptive sciences. They are also distinct from technology.
In general, the applied sciences use the methods and principles of science to solve technological problems. The solutions have practical applications, such as building better bridges, making engines more efficient, or growing more food. This is a primary characteristic of the applied sciences.
fields of technology as electron instrument engineering, cybernetics, automation and computing technique. Electric power engineering automation department trains specialities in Electrical Networks and Electric Systems, Central Power Plants, High Voltage Technique, Cybernetics of electrical systems. The Electroacoustic faculty trains specialists in such fields of technology as hydroacoustics sound recording, measuring techniques and microprocessors. At the Radio-engineering department young people get the diploma of designers of radioelectronic devices. At the Phys- ico-engineering department students will become metallurgists and specialists in metals, alloys and powder metallurgy.
The KPI graduates work at numerous enterprises and research institutions all over the country and abroad. Over four and a half thousand students graduate from the KPI annually.
The teaching staff of our Institute consists of highly qualified teachers, professors and scientists. 70% of the KPI teachers have scientific degrees. Among them there are Academicians and Corresponding Members of the Academy of Sciences, Professors, and Merited Scientists.
Training of full-time students lasts 5 years and 6 months, of tuition by correspondence - 5 years 10 months.
8895 students are accommodated in 21 hostels, 3 of them are at the disposal of married students. So, all non-Kiev students are provided with hostel facilities.
The Institute was founded in 1898. It had only four departments: mechanical, agricultural, chemical and civil engineering ones. The first enrolment constituted 360 students.
Some Institutes were organized on the KPI basis. Among them are: the Civil Engineering Institute, Technological Institute of Light and Food Industry, the Institute of Civil Aviation, Automobile and Road Building Institute, Agricultural (now Agricultural Academy) and others. In 1934-1944 the KPI was called an Industrial Institute.
A large number of prominent people worked and studied at the KPI: E. O. Paton, the founder of electric welding; M. I. Konovalov, a well-known chemist; I. P. Bardin, the greatest metallurgist in the country; A. M. Lyulka, the chief of airplain engines and S. P. Korolyov, the great designer of spaceships. President of the First Examining Board in chemistry faculty was Dmitry Mendeleyev.
More than 1000 young people from 37 countries of Europe, 77
information and computing technique - інформаційно-
обчислювальна техніка to train - навчати
electron instrument engineering - електронно-вимірювальна техніка
hydroacoustic sound recording - гідро-акустичний звукозапис measuring technique - вимірювальна техніка
to get the diploma - одержати диплом device - прилад
physico-engineering - інженерно-фізичний alloy - сплав
to graduate from - зaкiнчувaти / ВНЗ / enterprise - підприємство
research - дослідження
all over the country - по всій країні
teaching staff - викладацький склад /персонал/ academician - академік
to last - тривати
tuition by correspondence - навчання заочно at the disposal - y розпорядженні
to be founded - бути заснованим
civil engineering - інженерно-будівельний electric welding - електрозварювання economic relations - економічні відношення to carry out the exchange - здійснювати обмін dіsease-prevention centre - профілакторій
to take care of leisure – турбуватись про дозвілля consecration into students - присвячення y студенти assembly hall - актова зала
The Kiev Polytechnic Institute
The Kiev Polytechnic Institute is one of the biggest higher educational institutions in Ukraine. It is well-known not only in our country but abroad as well.
The Institute is situated not far from the centre of the city in a beautiful shady park.
At present the number of students in the KPI exceeds 30000. They obtain qualification on 68 specialities and 70 specializations at the KPI in 3 branches of the Institute (in the towns of Zhitomir, Chernigov, Cherkassy). There are 16 departments and a
college, among them there is the department of information and computing technique that trains students in such
I. Choose the letters of the examples in the right-hand column which correspond to the terms in the left-hand column.
d |
1. |
matter |
a. |
Mass |
- |
2. |
motion |
b. |
an earthworm |
- |
3. |
energy |
c. |
Gravity |
- |
4. |
force |
d. |
gas, a liquid, a solid |
- |
5. |
organism |
e. |
Protons + neutrons |
- |
6. |
property |
f. |
solar power |
- |
7. |
nucleus |
g. |
Walking |
II. Choose the items in the right-hand column under the correct headings in the left-hand column.
A. |
Chemistry |
a. |
Bioph ysics |
1. |
--- |
b. |
Electricity and magnetism |
2. |
--- |
c. |
Organic chemistry |
B. |
Physics |
d. |
Heat |
1. |
--- |
e. |
Biochemistry |
2. |
--- |
f. |
Light |
3. |
--- |
4. |
--- |
III. Match the terms below with their meanings.
b. 1. |
The physical sciences |
a. |
The study of light and |
__ 2. |
The "scientific method" |
related electro-magnetic |
waves |
__ 3. |
Optics |
b. |
The study of the non- |
__ 4. |
Bioph ysics |
living parts of the uni- |
verse |
__ 5. |
Electronics |
c. |
The study and control |
of electrons |
d. |
The way scientists |
study and solve prob- |
lems |
e. |
The study of energy and |
living things |
IV. Answer the questions to the text:
1 |
. What are the two main divisions of the physical sciences? |
2 |
. What is chemistry? |
3 |
. What is physics? |
4 |
. What sciences does chemistry include? |
5 |
. What sciences does ph ysics include? |
6 |
. What is common for all sciences? |
7 |
. What are the steps of the scientific method? |
8 |
. What is the concern of the applied sciences? |
V. Use the proper forms of the verbs in brackets. Pay attention to the word-order.
1 |
. After their experimental work in the laborator y, our stu- |
dents __________ (to air) the laboratory for 10 minutes. |
2 |
. You __________ (to study) the main principles of dynamics |
at school. |
3 |
. My friend ___ (to graduate) from the institute two years ago. |
4 |
. Next year this magazine __________ (to publish) some arti- |
cles on the use of his discover y. |
5 |
. Einstein's theor y __________ (to give) a mathematical ex- |
planation of the world's structure. |
6 |
. I _________(to read) two articles by Prof. Petrov this month. |
7 |
. The student ___________ (to study) the necessary technique |
by the end of the last term. |
8 |
. K. E. Tsiolkovsky __________ (to develop) already the the- |
or y of space flight long before the 1-st space rocket was built. 9. There is a group of students in the laboratory. The students at the 1-st bench _____ (to measure) the temperature of liquids. 10. The building of the Polytechnic Institute __________ (to face) the town park.
VI. Define the tense-forms of the verbs in the following sentences and translate them.
1. The teacher of English marks our mistakes in red.
2. After their experimental work, the students do not leave the laboratory for a long time.
3. At this temperature, the properties of the gas changed greatly.
4. Our engineers will take part in all the measurements next week.
5. I have taken the book from the library today. 6
Ex. 4. If you were an English tourist what questions would you ask about Kiev as an industrial centre of Ukraine?
Ex. 5. You show the foreign tourists monuments associated with the Great Patriotic war, what would you tell them about Kiev's occupation by fascist invaders?
Ex. 6. There are the questions you might ask your groupmates about their native city Kiev:
1. What city is the Ukrainian capital?
2. Where does Kiev lie?
3. What is the main street of Kiev?
4. How many residents live in Kiev?
5. When was Kiev founded?
6. What historical places are there in Kiev?
7. When did Kiev become the capital of the Ukrainian Republic? 8. What can you say about Kiev as the industrial centre?
9. Is Kiev a great scientific and cultural centre?
10. What monuments associated with the Great Patriotic war do you know in Kiev?
IV. Translate the following sentences from Ukrainian into English:
1.Київ - одне з найкрасивіших міст у Європі.
2.Київ - стародавне місто. В 1982 році місто відзначало своє 1500річчя.
3.У Ки єві є багато історичних місць, серед яких Софіївський собор, який було збудовано в Х I сторіччі.
4.У нашому місті є багато промислових підпри ємств.
5. Київ було дуже зруйновано в роки Великої Вітчизняної війни.
6.Сьогодні Київ - це великий промисловий, науковий та культурний центр нашої держави.
7.Ми пиша ємось нашим містом.
I. Check each other if you know the Ukrainian equivalents to the following words:
higher educational institution – вищий навчальний заклад well-known - відомий
abroad - за кордоном
to be situated - розташовуватись to exceed - перевищувати
to obtain qualification - отримати кваліфікацію 75