English_book_2nd_year_FEA (1)
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Київ КПІ 1993
Для студентів ІІ курсу Факульткету єлектроенерготехніки і автоматики
На засіданні кафедри Іноземних мов№1 Протокол №4 від 16.12.92
Редактор Л.К.Литвинова
Киів КПІ 1993
Медодичні вказівки до вивчення курсу англійскої мови для студентів ІІ курсу факультету електроенерготехніки і автом а- тики / Укл.:
С.Ф.Павлова, Е.І.Степаньковска. –К.: КПІ, 1993. – 76 с.
Укладачі: С.Ф.Павлова Е.І.Степаньковска
Відповідалний за випуск Ж.М. Малиновська
Рецензенти: Л.М.Захарова Л.І.Соловйова
Навчальне видання
Методичні вказіввки до вивчення курсу англійської мови для студентів ІІ курсу
факультету електроенерготехніки і автоматики
Укладачі: Павлова Світлана Федорівна Степаньковска Енеліна Іванівна
Методичні вказівки укладено відповідно до програми і спр я- мовано на розвиток навичок читання і перекладу науково - технічних текстів за профілем електроенерготехнічних спеціальностей.
Цю роботу належіть викристовувати як перехідну ланку від стабільного підручника з англійскої мови до читання оригінальної літератури за фахом.
Видання складається з ІІ основних текстів з вправами. Система вправ відповідно до конкретних учбових цілей має на меті як розвиток навичок точного і загального розуміння, так і розвиток навичок з усної мови. Пропонуються також вправи, що мають прфесійну спрямованість.
Виконання студентами методичних вказівок сприяє інт е- нсифікації прцесу навчання іноземній мові і створює умови для правільного і нацбільш доцільного тренування, яке забе з- печуе тривалі навички розуміння ст руктури науково - технічного тексту.
The purpose of this lesson is to deal with energy. The word “energy” comes from two Greek words, namely, ''an'' meaning "in" and “ergon” meaning "work".
What is energy from the point of view of science? Scientifically speaking, energy is the capacity for doing work. There are various forms of energy, such as heat, mechanical, electrical, chemical, atomic, etc. One might also mention the two kinds of mechanical energy-kinetic and potential, the former being the energy of a body it possesses by virtue of its motion, while the latter being the energy of a body it possesses because of its position. It is well known that one form of energy can be changed into another. For example, when water is falling from its raised position, energy changes from potential to kinetic. If there is a hydroelectric station at the waterfall, the energy of falling water is used to drive the turbines. The turbines driven by the kinetic energy of the running water turn electric generators, these generators producing electric energy. Thus, the mechanical energy of falling water is turned into electric energy. The electric energy, in its turn, may be transformed into any other necessary form of energy.
Heat and other forms of energy are interchangeable. Heat can be converted into mechanical energy and vice versa.
That it is possible to convert heat to mechanical energy and mechanical energy back to heat can be demonstrated in a number of ways. A savage rubs two sticks together and the heat of the friction starts his fire. He is converting the energy that he puts into the rubbing, into heat. In a steam engine the heat of the fire is used to generate the steam that drives the engine, and it is the heat of the fuel burning in the furnace that provides the mechanical energy. Fuel burnt in the furnaces of a generating station supplies the heat that raises the steam
Answer the following questions:
1. What is the higher scientific, institution in our country? 2. By whom was the Academy founded?
3. Who laid the foundation of the atomic might of our country? 4. Where was the fire atomic power station put into operation?
5. Who was the first to prove possibility of interplanetary communication?
6. When was the first sputnik launched?
7. What was S. P.. Korolev?
for the turbines. These drive the dynamos, which generate electricity, thus converting the heat of the flaming fuel into electric energy.
Unfortunately, in the interchange between heat and other types of energy something is always lost, for if it were not so, perpetual motion would be a practical proposition. When a kettle is placed on a gas jet some of the heat escapes round the sides of the kettle. The same phenomenon is observed in the steamgenerating units. However carefully boiler casing and steampipes are sealed, some heat escapes and is lost. In the engine itself we can see the re-conversion of some of the energy to wasteful heat. The friction of the bearings causes them and the lubricating oil which is circulating through them to warm up. Thus, friction takes away some power.
Energy is widely used in our everyday life by means of various machines. A machine is a device for applying energy for various purposes. On account of friction we always get less useful work out of a machine that we put into it. According to the Law of Conservation of Energy the energy input is equal to the energy output plus energy wasted.
We can do nothing without using energy. For example, we use heat energy for doing a lot of useful things, namely, for heating our homes, for cleaning, washing and ironing our clothes, and so on. Automobiles, trams, trains, airplanes are moved by changing heat energy to other forms of energy.
Electrical energy does many things for us. It is changed to other forms, such as light, mechanical, heat, chemical, and others. When we watch television, we hear the sound and see the picture. The television /TV/ set gets warm. Thus, electrical energy changes to heat, light and sound.
We have already seen that energy of some kind must be employed to generate the electric current. The sources of energy usually employed to produce current are either chemical, as in the battery, or mechanical, as in the electromagnetic generator. Chemical sources of current having a limited application, the great quantities of electric energy generated today come from various forms of mechanical energy.
Now a new form of energy-atomic energy – is put to the service of mankind. Atomic energy is the most concentrated source of power known to man.
I.Прочитайте наступні слова:
purpose, to deal with, Greek, capacity, mechanical, chemical, might, kinetic, hydroelectric, waterfall, savage, dynamo, to seal, to circulate, civilisation, equal, to change, warm, sound,
II. Запам’ятайте наступні слова і словосполучення:
burn /v/, capacity /n/, convert /v/, deal /with/ /v/, drive /v/, engine /n/, interchangeable /adj/, input /n/, means /n/, output /n/, provide /v/, source /n/, turn /into/ /v/.
ІІІ. Дайте англійські еквіваленти:
горіти, місткість, здатніс ть; перетворювати; мати справу з; управляти, обертати; вихід, вивід; забеспечувати; подавати, постачати; джерело; перетворювати в.
ІV. Прочитайте та перекладить словосполучення:
a point, point of view, to point out; capacity, capability, capable; variety, various; to move, moveless, movement, mover; to change, changeability, changeable, changeless, changeful; to produce, production, productive, productivity; to turn into, in its turn; to transform, transformation, transformer; possible, impossible, possibility; a number of, a number, to number, a great number, numberless; to supply, supplement, supplementary; to generate, generation, generative; to use, usage, useless, useful.
V. Перекладіть англійською мовою:
1. Здатність виконувати роботу. 2. Різні форми ене р- гії. 3. Теплова, механічна, електрична, хімічна, атомна енергія. 4. Енергія, яку має тепло завдяки руху. 5. Тепло може бути перетворено в механічну енергію. 6. Енергія в и- користовується у побуті. 7. Обертати турбіну. 8. Виробл я- ти енергію. 9. Перетворювати теплову енергію в електри ч- ну. 10. Необхідний стан енергії. 11. Паливо, що спалюєт ь- ся в печі. 12. За допомогою різних машин . 13. Дж ерело енергії.
14 |
. to point out |
підкреслювати |
15 |
. to bring up |
виховувати |
16 |
. to dream of |
мріяти |
17 |
. welding |
зварювання |
18 |
. to allot |
надати |
19 |
. to acquire |
здобувати |
20 |
. to put an end to |
покласти кінець |
21 |
. to bind hand and foot |
зв’язати порукам і нога х |
22 |
. on a large scale disposal |
мати у розпорядженні |
Give English equivalents to:
1.галузі народного господарстіва
2.громадянська війна
3.виконувати плани
4.забеспечити всім необхідним
5.покласти кінець
6.вищий учбовий заклад
7.спеціальни школи
8.проводити наукові дослідження
9.робити внесок в науку
10.видатні вчені
11.конструктор ракет
12.зробити велике відкриття
13.керовані ядерні реакції
14.закласти основи будь - чого
16.науково -технічна революція
Translate from English into Ukrainian:
1. Cur country needed a great number of qualified specialists.
2. The Academy conducts the research promoting advancement of a11 branches of science.
3. Academician I. V. Kurchatov made a major discovery in nuclear physics.
4. Tsiolkovsky was the first to prove scientifically tile possibility of interplanetary communication.
5.S.P.Krolv is the eminent Ukrainian scientist and designer of rockets and space systems.
6.The development of science acquires especially great significance in the period of scientific and technical revolution.
dustry, agriculture and medicine.
The rapid development of rocketry became possible due to Tsiolkovsky who laid the foundation of the theory of rocket motion.
K.Tsiolkovsky was the first to prove scientifically the possibility of interplanetary communication.
A series of outstanding developments in the history of space exploration is associated with the name of the eminent scientist and designer of rockets and space systems S.P. Korolyev. He made a great contribution to space science and technology, he put Tsiolkovsky’s principles into practice.
The launching of the first artificial satellite of the earth, the first space flight by Yuri Gagarin were events of greet historical significance.
Ukrainian scientists have contributed much to the development of science: they have discovered the way of manufacturing artificial diamonds and developed the methods of electric welding, made considerable progress in nuclear physics, chemistry and other branches of science. The development of science acquires especially great significance in the period of scientific and technical revolution.
Words and word combinations to the topic "The Development of science in our country"
1 |
. to need. |
потребквати |
2 |
. to inherit |
успадкувати |
3 |
. backwardness |
відсталість |
4 |
. ignorance |
неосвіченість |
5 |
. Illiteracy |
непісменність |
6 |
. to overcome |
пеборювати |
7 |
. to fulfil |
виконувати |
8 |
. to draw into |
прятягати |
9 |
. to secure |
гарантувати |
10 |
. to promote |
сприяти |
11 |
. to assign |
тут: доручати |
12 |
. to convene |
скликати |
13 |
. to attach |
додавати |
70 |
VІ. До кожного слова зліва доберіть його синонім справа.
1 |
. in no way |
1. to transform |
2 |
. less |
2. to provide |
3 |
. a great quantity |
3. good for |
4 |
. to produce |
4. machine |
5 |
. engine |
5. a great number |
6 |
. various |
6. by no means |
7 |
. useful |
7. more |
8 |
. output |
8. to generate |
9 |
. to supply |
9. different |
10. changeable |
10. input |
11. to convert |
11. unsteady |
VII. Дайте відповідь на запитання:
1. What is the purpose of this lesson? 2. What is energy from the point of view of science? 3. What form of energy do you know? 4. How many kinds of mechanical energy might one mention? What are they? 5. What is kinetic energy? Give some examples of it. 6. What is potential energy? Give some examples of it.
7. How is the mechanical energy of the falling water turned into the electric one? 8. In what ways can the conversion of heat into mechanical energy be demonstrated? 9. What is a machine?
10.Why do we always get less useful work out of a machine than we put into it?
11.What is the energy input equal to according to the Law of Conservation of Energy? 12. Where is energy used?
VIII. Перекладіть речення, звертаючи увагу на посилюв а- льні конструкції it is . . . that:
1. It is atomic energy that is the most concentrated source of power known to man. 2. It is electric energy that changes into heat, light and sound. 3. It was at the Beloyarsk Power Station that superheating of steam directly in the reactor was first achieved on an industrial scale. 4. It is the mechanical energy that changes into electrical one. 5. It is our great M.V. Lomonosov who first discovered the Law of Conservation of Energy.
6. It is electric energy that made it possible for people to operate various devices such as vacuum cleaners, refrigerators, washing machines. 7. It was radio and television that made it possible for scientists to photograph the reverse side of the Moon, and watch the first cosmonauts through their flight in space.
ІX. Виділіть підкреслені члени речення, застосовуючи звороти
it is ... |
that, it was ... |
who: |
1 |
. The Russian scientist Ladygin invented the electric lamp. |
2 |
. The great Russian scientist Mitchurin was given the opportunity |
to put his ideas into practice. 3. His brother brought me the let- |
ter yesterday. 4. The equipment was to be delivered in April. |
5 |
. The interests of people determine the policy of the Ukraine. |
X. Перекладить українською мовою, звертаючи увагу на підм е- |
тові підрядні речення |
/subject clauses/: |
1. Why this devise is installed here is not yet clear. 2. That he has made a mistake is strange. 3. When we shall start is uncertain.
4. That Lomonosov is a great scientist is well known to everybody. 5. Where this machine will be installed has not yet been decided. 6. Which of the boilers was installed earlier is not known. 7. How this happened is not clear to anyone. 8. What І want to tell you about this experiment is of grant importance.
XІ. Прочитайте вірш:
I am energy and motion,
I can fly across the ocean, I can hear and I can speak, I can see and even seek.
I eat neither bread nor gruel, I eat energy and fuel,
Better say: I never eat
I am transformated heat. /Electricity/
ХІІ. Перекажіть текст:
Science plays en important pert in the life of modern civilisation. A lot of secondary and, specialised schools, higher educational institutions were opened to secure the training of specialists and scientists.
The most important part in the development of science and in training scientists is assigned to the Academy of Sciences, the higher scientific institution of Ukraine. It was founded by Peter the 1st more than 250 years ago in 1725. In tsarist Russia its role was limited as it couldn't carry out research on a large scale, it had only some small laboratories and a museum at its disposal. There were no research institutions. The development of science depended on individual names of scientists and their individual contributions.
At present the Academy of Sciences is the largest leading scientific centre which unites the most outstanding scientists of the country. It conducts the research-promoting advance of a1l branches of science in our country. The Academy convenes scientific sessions, congresses, conferences and meetings to discuss scientific problems and co-ordinates research work. It trains scientific personnel through postgraduate courses attached to its institutions.
In the former USSR an army of scientists has been brought up. Among distinguished scientists first place belongs by right to academician I.V. Kurchatov who made a major discovery in nuclear physics. He was the senior scientific director responsible for the development of atomic industry in our country. It was he who laid the foundation of the atomic might of the land of Soviets. With a group of scientists I.V. Kurchatov carried on research on controlled nuclear reactions. He dreamed of using atomic energy for peaceful purposes.
It was the former USSR that began using atomic energy for peaceful purposes. The first atomic power station in the world was put into operation in Obninsk near Moscow in 1954, the construction of reactors made it possible to organise the production of radioactive isotopes which have found a varied application in in-
2. By whom the chair headed at that time?
3. What has the word “cybernetics” originated from?
4. How was cybernetics defined by Wiener?
5. What does cybernetics provide?
1. At what problems does the chair work at present?
2. Whom does the teaching staff of the chair consist of? 8. What is the annual enrolment of the student?
9. What subjects does the curriculum include?
10. What chairs are engaged in training students of this speciality?
11.How many young specialists of the chair have graduated from the KPI since 1979?
12.Where do the graduates of this chair work?
ІІ. Translate from Russian into Ukrainian:
1. Слово кібернетика походить від грецького слова
2.Однією з функцій кібернетики є навчання нової необхідної техніки для того, щоб надати можливість вченим подолати назрілі комплексні проблеми.
3.Викладацький склад кафедри складається з висококваліфікованих викладачів, кандидатів технічних наук та професора.
4.Кафедра була заснована у 1965 році.
5.До 1978 року на кафедрі було дві спеціальності: перша – автоматизація промисловості та розподіл енергії, друга – кібернетика електричних систем.
6.Щоричний прийом студентів становить 25 чоловік.
7.Учбовий план складається з загальноосвітних та спеціальних предметів.
8.Усі студенти кафедриприймають активну участь в науково-дослідницькій роботі.
9.Після закінчення навчання молоді спеціалісти працюють у інформаційнообчислювальних центрах, науково-дослідних інститутах та інститутах Академії Наук, в інших галузях народного господарства.
10.Більш як 200 спеціалістів закінчило КПІ з даної спеціальності.
11.Сьогодні кафедра працює над проблемами алгорітмізації завдань енерготехніки, збору, управління та передачі інформації для оперативного контролю процесів розрахунку енергетичного режиму.
Grammar. The Subjective Infinitive Construction. The Objective
Infinitive Construction
The Subjective Infinitive |
1 |
. He is supposed to work at this |
Construction |
plant. – Гадають, що він працює на |
цьому заводі. |
2 |
. He seems to know English well. |
Здається, він непогано володіє |
англійською мовою. |
The Objective Infinitive |
1 |
. We suppose him to work at this |
Construction |
plant. – Ми гадаємо, що він працює |
на цьому заводі. |
2 |
. I saw the water boil. – Я бачив, |
що вода кипить. |
І. Choose the sentences with a/ the Subjective Infinitive
Construction. b/ the Objective Infinitive Construction. Translate them into Ukrainian
1.Lightning proved to be a discharge of electricity.
2. The student is certain to know that alternating voltage can be increased and decreased. 3. Heat is known to be a form of energy. 4. We know the electrons to flow from the negative terminal of the battery to the positive one. 5. This scientist seems to have been working on the problem of splitting the atom. 6. The students saw the thermometer mercury fall to the fixed point. 7. Coal is considered to be a valuable fuel. 8. We expected many articles to have a1ready been written on that subject. 9. The electrolytes appear to change greatly when the current passes through them.
10. The induced voltage causes the current to flow and the rotor to revolve.