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7. Replace the expressions in bold with a word or expression from the box which has the same meaning.

unleaded petrol • fossil fuels • recycle (things) • organic genetically modified • greenhouse • rain forest • global warming • erosion • contaminated • environmentalists • emissions • biodegradable • packaging • acid rain • Green Belt • ecosystem


1. In Britain, building is restricted or completely banned in the area of farming land or woods and parks which surrounds a town.

2. Many companies are developing boxes, cartons and cans which can easily be decomposed by organisms such as bacteria, or by sunlight, sea, water, etc.

3. The burning of some fuels creates carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, methane and other gases which rise into the atmosphere.

4. Farmers have cleared hectares of thick wooded land in tropical regions where the precipitation is very high.


1. Complete each sentence with a word from the box.


book sellers






fire-fighters mechanic



  1. ___ need to be persuasive to get people to buy their products.

  2. I work in a garage as a ___.

  3. If you want to know the way, ask a ___.

  4. He has a car with a uniformed ___.

  5. His ___ at school has given him a good report.

  6. An ___ designs bridges or roads.

  7. Gordon is a ___a t the local hospital.

  8. It’s useful to be a good ___ if you use a computer.

  9. ___ need a lot of courage as their work is often very dangerous.

  10. ___ work in places from which you can buy books, whereas ___ work in places from which you can borrow books.

2. Fill in the gaps with the prepositions: in, about, at, with, to, for, of, on, by.

1. He made an appointment ___ the career officer ___11 o’clock.

2. I’d like to talk ___ the employment counselor ___ a job.

3. There are several ways ___ looking ___ a job.

4. It is difficult these days ___ anyone to find a well-paid permanent job.

5. A good worker is usually someone ___ the right kind ___ experience.

6. I’ve decide to make a career ___ medicine.

7. One can waste energy ___ getting a job he is not suited ___.

8. He faced ___ many problems when he started his business.

9. Electronic engineers are employed ___ manufactures ___ electrical and electronic equipment.

10. Appointment is a necessary courtesy, you can’t just drop ___.

3. Fill in the gaps with job, position or career.

1. Your ___ is what you do to earn your living.

2. A scandal brought his ___ in politics to a sudden end.

3. This aid is for those who have a very low ___ in society.

4. My sister occupies an important ___ in the Department of Health.

5. He had a hard ___ painting the car.

6. She spent most of her ___ as a teacher in London. 7. He’s applied for the ___ of sales manager.

8. He has unemployed doing only odd ___.

9. Bob has made a successful ___ for himself.

10. Kate has a very good ___ in an international company.

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