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Topics (Part 1).doc
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Work in pairs

10. Ask your partner and learn his/her interests. Use the model and prompts.

Model 1:

  • What’s your hobby, Mike?

  • It’s cooking. I enjoy it very much.

Prompts: ports, motoring, music, dancing, collecting stamps, reading, fishing, painting.

Model 2:

  • What do you usually do in the evenings?

  • I usually stay at home and do something about the house.

Prompts: watching TV, reading books, going out, listening to music.

11. You want to know if your partner takes any hobbies: if ‘yes’- ask ‘why’.

  • ……..

  • Yes, I’ve chosen hiking.

  • ……..

  • It’s difficult to answer. It seems healthy.

Make dialogues by analogy. Use the words in the box.

Skiing, travelling, knitting, playing, computer games, gardening, interesting, useful, practical, entertaining, satisfying, enjoyable, healthy, embroidering

12. Match the parts of the dialogues. Act out the dialogues.



1. Do you often go fishing?

a) Fishing. I enjoy it very much.

2. Do you usually catch much?

b) Well, it depends. Last Sunday, for instance, I caught so much that it was enough for all of us and our cat

3. What is your favourite pastime, I say?

c) Well, yes. I enjoy.



1. No, I don’t mean that. What’s your favourite pastime?

a) Oh, very. Actually, I’m crazy about dancing. What about going to the disco?

2. How do you usually spend your evenings, Susan?

b) Oh, a lot of things. There’s always a lot of work to do about the house, washing up, doing the rooms.

3. I see, what about dancing?

c) Again – nothing special. Sometimes I read a little, watch TV.

4. Yes, I’d like to.

You want to suggest your partner doing something. Study the following standards.

Making suggestion

a)How to ask for a suggestion


What shall we

would like to do tonight?


)How to make a suggestion

What about


Do you feel like going to the pictures?

Shall we

Why don’t we spend the weekend in the country?


c)How to accept a suggestion


Yes, good idea.

that would be nice.

That seems all right.



)How to reject a suggestion

No, I’m afraid I can’t.

I’m sorry I can’t.

I don’t really feel like.

Well, I’d rather not.

e)How to make a counter-suggestion


Well, I’d rather

I’d prefer to go to the exhibition (bar, disco).

13. Make up dialogues. One of you suggests doing something. The other agrees. Use the model.


  • Let’s go out for a meal.

  • Why not. But if we won’t go anywhere too expensive.

You suggest:

  1. having a rest at home

  2. going to a picnic in the woods

  3. staying at home and watching TV

  4. going to a disco

  5. playing some game (e.g. cards)

  6. going fishing

  7. having a party.

Work in groups

14. Read a conversation about simple pleasures. Which one do you find strange? Why?

А.: Do you have any simple pleasures that you enjoy?

B.: Oh, for me, one of the simplest and most pleasurable activities is making bread. Because I love the slowness of it, and I love the feeling of the dough. And I love the fact that you have to wait. The bread takes its own time. And I love the smell.

A.: What about you?

C.: Well, there is nothing quite like building a brick wall.

A.: Oh, you are a builder!

C.: No, I’m not. But it is very simple. It’s very straight-forward. When you build a wall and it’s straight, it’s one of the greatest pleasures on earth, I think.

A.: Well, my pleasure is waking up at 8 o’clock and knowing that I don’t actually have to get up until 9.30 and going back to sleep. That’s a joy!

Try to interview as many people as possible about what they see as their pleasures in life.

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