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Архив материалов к 1 семестру 1 / Английский язык / Орлова Г. Д. Английский для бакалавров ч.2 / Пособие по английскому языку для бакалавров Часть 2.DOC
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To be proud of

  1. Я горжусь своим факультетом.

  2. Мы гордимся своим университетом.

  3. Мой друг гордится своим братом.

  4. Рабочие гордятся своим ремеслом.

To be famous for

  1. Наш город славится своими ружьями.

  2. Наш край (область) славится известными писателями.

  3. Площадь Победы известна своим памятником и вечным огнем.

  4. Тула известна своими самоварами и пряниками.

To be of great interest (for)

  1. Музей оружия представляет большой интерес.

  2. Новые районы Тулы представляют большой интерес.

  3. Ясная Поляна представляет большой интерес для посетителей.

  4. Это новое ружье представляет большой интерес для специалистов.

VII. Make up questions. Let your fellow students answer them.

Model 1. – Have you ever been to …?

– Yes, I have.

    • When were you there (last)?

    • Last summer.

Model 2. – Have you ever been to …?

– No, I haven’t.

    • Would you like to go there?

    • Rather.

Have you ever been to

the Kremlin?

the Art Gallery?

the Victory Square?

Yasnaya Polyana?

the gun-making plant?

the Central Park?

our Philharmonic society?

the stadium “Arsenal”?

the Museum of Regional Studies?

the Arms Museum?

VIII. Correct the statements. Begin with:

I am afraid you are not right.

Sorry, but you are mistaken (wrong).

I can’t agree with you.

  1. Many streets in Tula are called after the parts of the accordion.

  2. The machine-building plants produce iron and steel.

  3. Historically Tula was famous as an agricultural center.

  4. There are no industrial enterprises in Tula.

  5. Tula was founded on the banks of the Volga river.

  6. The gun-making plant produces radio lamps.

  7. The Museum of Arms is in Boldin Street.

  8. Tula blacksmiths specialized in making samovars.

  9. There are no higher educational establishments in Tula.

  10. The great Russian writer Ivan Turgenev lived and worked in Yasnaya Polyana.

IX. Fill in the blanks with prepositions.

  1. There are many places … interest in our city.

  2. The main street of Tula is always full … people.

  3. In Tula there is a monument … Peter the Great, the founder of a state gun-making plant.

  4. Tula was founded … 1146 … the banks of the Upa river.

  5. The citizens … Tula are proud … their guns and rifles.

  6. This street is called … Gleb Uspensky, a well-known Russian writer born in Tula.

  7. Moscow is famous … its numerous theatres.

X. Ask your fellow students:

1) what city he (she) lives in;

2) what city he (she) was born in;

3) what street he (she) lives in;

4) when Tula was founded;

5) what Tula is famous for;

6) what industries are developed in Tula;

7) if there are some places of interest in Tula;

8) what collection the Art Gallery has;

9) what he (she) knows about Yasnaya Polyana;

10) if he (she) can list the sights of Tula;

11) who founded the central park;

12) if there are some educational establishments in Tula;

13) what museums, theatres and concert halls he (she) knows.

XI. Translate into English.

  1. Многие улицы Тулы называются по деталям ружья.

  2. Тула – город со многими промышленными предприятиями, такими как машиностроительные, металлообрабатывающие, горнодобывающие, химические, пищевые и другие.

  3. Жители Тулы гордятся историческим прошлым своего города.

  4. Памятник защитникам Тулы с вечным огнем стоит на Площади Победы.

  5. Музей оружия известен не только в нашем городе.

  6. Уличное движение в Туле довольно оживленное.

  7. В новых районах города много высоких зданий.

XII. Read the text ‘The Tula Kremlin’ and answer the questions:

  1. What was the history of Tula linked with?

  2. What happened in 1380?

  3. What did the Kulikovo Battle lead to?

  4. What happened in 1503?

  5. What material was the first Tula fortress made of?

  6. What outline has the Kremlin? How is this fact explained in the text?

  7. How many towers has the Kremlin?

  8. What battle did the Tula Kremlin withstand in 1552?

  9. Who had the larger army?

  10. Who helped the Tula defenders?

  11. How long did the peasants under Ivan Bolotnikov defend themselves within the Kremlin walls?

  12. What did the attackers do with the army of Bolotnikov and Bolotnikov himself?