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Exercise 18 Write questions which correspond to the given answers. Use the information in the text given

The nearest star that can be seen with the naked eye is called Alpha Centauri. It’s 4.36 light years away and can be seen from the southern hemisphere. However, the nearest star to Earth is 4.24 light years away. Its name is Proxima Centauri and it is so faint that you cannot see it with the naked eye.

The deepest part in the world’s oceans is in the Pacific Ocean, at a place called the Marianas Trench. A Japanese ship sent down an unmanned probe to the bottom of the ocean there, to a depth of 10,911 metres.

The Mohs scale of mineral hardness was created in 1812. It ranges from talc, which is number one on the scale, to diamond which is number ten. Silver is between 2.5 and 3. Iron is between four and five. Glass is between six and seven. So silver is the softest of the three materials and glass is the hardest. The most common of these three gases in the atmosphere is nitrogen. After that comes oxygen. Hydrogen is less common than oxygen and is the least common of these three gases.

So far the hottest temperature recorded on Earth was at a place called Al Azizyan in Libya. The temperature reached a record of 58° Celsius.

The coldest temperature ever recorded on Earth was in 1983. A temperature of -89° Celsius was recorded at a place called Vostok in Antarctica.

1 How ________________________________________________?

4.36 light years away.

2 How ________________________________________________?

10,911 metres.

3 Which of ____________________________________________?


4 Which of _____________________________________________?


5 What ________________________________________________?

58° Celsius.

6 What ________________________________________________?

-89° Celsius.

Exercise 19 Read the headings in the specification table for four luxury yachts, then delete the wrong answers below




Top speed

Max guests

No. of crew







Oceanco 702


















1 Sherakhan is the (most/least) expensive of the yachts.

2 Oceanco 702 is (as expensive as/not as expensive as) Alysia.

3 The second longest yacht is (Sherakhan/O’Mega/Oceanco 702/Alysia).

4 Alysia is the (fastest/second fastest/slowest) of the yachts.

5 (More/Fewer) guests can stay on O’Mega than on Alysia.

6 There are (fewer/more) crew members per guest on Alysia than on Oceanco 702.

Exercise 20 Complete the sentences with a comparative or superlative form, adding any words that are needed. You may use some words twice

boring warm simple good wonderful

lucky intelligent comfortable hot old far difficult cheap bad interesting

1 This exercise is too easy – can’t we try a _______________ one?

2 England’s too cold in the spring – let’s go to Spain where it’s _______________ .

3 She comes top in all the exams – she must be _______________ girl in the class.

4 The temperature in July reaches forty-four degrees – it’s _______________ month of the year.

5 Let’s buy this video – it doesn’t cost that much – it’s _______________ the other one.

6 This pen’s not very good – I’d like a ______________ one, please.

7 When I passed my driving test, it was the _______________day of my life.

8 Lying down in bed is _______________ sitting on a hard chair.

9 Our youngest son doesn’t want to be a teacher unlike his _______________ brother.

10 Australia is much _______________ from Europe than I thought.

11 I could hardly keep awake – it was _______________ film I’ve

ever seen.

12 The rules of this game are too complicated. Can we play something _______________ ?

13 She’s _______________ person I know – she is always winning prizes in Lotteries.

14 A couple of miles is _______________ I can walk. Then we’ll have to catch the bus.

15 I have a _______________ headache today than I did yesterday.

16 This is _______________ restaurant in town; I’m never coming here again.

17 I can’t do this test – can you give me a _______________ one?

18 She was the _______________ person at the party and I sat next to her all evening. It was awful!

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