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The Use of the lnfinitive




~1. The Present lnfinitive shows а simultaneous action with that ofthe main verb.











We like to watch ТV.

2. The Continuous lnfinitive is used to describe an action happening now.

Не тust Ье woгking in the gaгden now.

3.The Perfect lnfinitive is used to showthat the action of the infinitive happened before the action ofthe main verb.

Не was sоггу to have asked hiт to соте.

4. The Perfect Continuous lnfinitive is used to showthe duration of the action of

zthe infinitive which happened before the action ofthe main verb.

~She /ooks tiгed. She seeтs to have been woгking all тorning.

The Use of the lnfinitive without the Particle to (The Bare lnfinitive)

ln modern English the infinitive is usually preceded Ьу the particle to:

То study is а delight.

1went to the /iЬгагу to геаd.

То is used without а verb if the verb has been used before.

Не tгanslated all the text 1asked hiт to.

Still there are cases when the particle to is not used. 1 . After all auxiliary and modal verbs (except ought)

We wi/1 go еаг/уin the тorning. Не таусоте in the evening.

2.ln а complex object after the verbs of sense perception (to see, to feel, to watch, to observe, to notice)

1saw theт с/iтЬ the tгее.

The teacheг heaгd Магуansweг the exaтination fiгst.

Note. But after these verbs in the passive form the to-infinitive is used.

They wеге seen to с/iтЬ the tгее.

Магуwas heaгd to answeгthe exaтination fiгst.

3. Aftertheverbs tolet, toтake, (to fогсе), need, dаге (in the modal mear1ing)

Let hiт геаd.

How dаге you do such а thing? You needn 't go theгe.

1таdе hiт apologize.



4.After the expressions had better (лучше бы), would rather, would sooner (nредпочел бы), cannot but (не могу не ... ), does nothing but ...

You had better go hоте.

Theywould ratherwalk than go bytrain. 1cannot but Ье surprised at what you say. She does nothing but grитЬ/е.

5. ln wh-questions beginning with why( not)

Why not start earlier? Why at this shop?

6.After the words than, rather than, but, except. 1'11 do anything but wash the dishes.

Rather than go оп foot for an hour, 1'11 take а bus.

7.lftwo infinitives are joined byand or or, the to ofthe second infinitive can Ье omitted.

1want to са/1 Mr Jones and fax or post hiт а Jetter.

Note. Know and he/p are followed Ьу а to-infinitive or an infinitive without to. She helped те (to) wash the dishes.

l've never known hiт (to) Ье so теап.

But in the passive: Ье known, Ье he/ped + to-infinitive.

She was known to have worked as а teacher.










The Functions of the lnfinitive in the Sentence

The infinitive may Ье used as 1) the subject of а sentence:

То оЬеу the laws is everyone 's duty.

lt is siтple to translate these sentences.

2) partof а compound nominal predicate predicative)

His dreaт was to Ьесоте an artist.

3} part of а compound verbal predicate predicative)

Now1begin to understand you. They continued to whisper.

We have to go there iттediately. Не cannot read French.

4) an object

1want to Ье invited to the conference. We are glad to have seen you.

5} an adverЬial modifier of purpose

1think 1will go to England to iтprove туEnglish. They have entered the university to study history.


Неге is а

~б) an adverЬial modifier of result


Магу knew English wefl enougt1 to undeгstand the text.



The proЬ/em is too fаг coтplicated to Ье solved in а hurry.


7) an adverЬial modifier of comparison



Soon she гealizedthat it was тuch тоге pleasant to give than to Ье given.



<8} an adverЬial modifier of condition



То touch it опе wou/d believe that it was the best of fuгs. ( lf опе touched




it, опе wou/d befieve.. .)



an attribute






lt was а difficu/t probleт to solve.

This is the aгticle to Ье published in оиг тagazine. good house to live in.

10) parenthesis

to begin with

начнем с того, что

to te/1 the tгuth

сказать по правде

to cut а /ong stoгy shoгt

короче говоря

to say nothing of

не говоря уже о

to put it тildly

мягко выражаясь

to say the least of it

по меньшей мере

to Ье(quite) frank

чтобы быть (совершенно) откровенным

need/ess to say

бесполезно говорить

То begin with, you have been lying to те afl the tiтe. То Ье fгank with you, it was туfau/t.

То put it тildly, you are not vегуpolite.


Exercise 1

State tl1e form ofthe given infinitives.

to Ье mentioned, to lыve known, to have Ьееп given, to Ье shouting, to I1ave been writing, to smile, to Ье daпcing, to have been told, to have been travelliпg, to Ье asked, to shut, to have said.

Exercise 11

Supply forms according to tl1e task.

а) Give tl1e perfect form ofthe following iпfinitiYes (active voice ):

to say, to grow, to get, to have, to prefer, to coпtiпue, to sing, to see, to Ье, to cry, to sleep, to stop.


Ь) Give the continuous forт oft11e following infinitives (perfect and noп-perfect, active voice):

to go, to ruп, to arrive, to study, to cut, to live, to соте, to сору, to tie, to swim, to listeп, to work.

с) Give the passive form ofthe followiпg iпfiпitives (perfect апd пoп-perfect):

to write, to give, to prove, to buy, to look for, to briпg, to attack, to forget, to take care of, to play, to beat, to riпg.

d)Give all the possiЬ!e forms ofthe followiпg iпfiпitives:

to work, to lie, to сапу, to choose, to staпd, to show, to lay, to laugl1, to Iike, to break, to ask, to offer.

е) Give all the missiпg forms ofthe followiпg iпfinitives:

to Ье done, to have been talking, to l1ave made, to Ье l1eld, to lшve been tried, to

Ье leaviпg, to Ье spoken of, to lшve riseп, to I1ave Ьееп speпdiпg, to Ье selliпg, to

Ье raised, to ski.

Exercise 111

Commeпt оп the form ofthe iпfiпitive.

1. You must Ье careful with а cl1ild. 2. "Соте along, Апп," said Tom, "we must Ье gettiпg back." 3. You тust have пoticed l1er tl1ere. 4. Т\1е whole thiпg must have Ьееп goiпg оп uпder her eyes! 5. She's like а beautiful exotic t1ower tl1at must Ье sl1eltered froт Ьitterwiпds. б. Tl1is тeetiпg, Не!еп realized, must lшve Ьееп рlаппеd several hours ago. 7. I waпt to know lюw loпg we are expected

to wait. 8. Не seeтed to Ье weighiпg somethiпg iп his miпd. 9. You know lюw

1 hate to iпterfere iп other people's busiпess. 10. Не seeтed to lшve takeп his

defeat quietly. 11. I raпg tl1e bell, апd the шап aпswered with remarkable quickпess, he seemed to Ьаvе been waiting for it to riпg.

Exercise IV

а) Use tl1e Present Iпfiпitive oftЬe active or passive voice.

1.I Ьаtе (to botl1er) you, Ьнt t\1e таn is still waitiпg (to give) а defiпite aпswer.

2.Не Ьated (to bother) witЬ trit1ing тatters wl1eп Ье Ьаd шапу more importaпt

questioпs (to decide). 3. Sl1e would пever miss а сЬаnсе (to sЬow) her efficieпcy, she was so anxious (to like) апd (to praise). 4. ТЬе idea was too complicated (to express) injнst one paragrapЬ. It seeтed it would take not less than а page (to put) it iпto words. 5. Is tЬere anything else (to tell) him? I believe he deserves (to know) how the matter staпds and (to tell) all about it. б. The book is likely (to publish) and (to appear) оп sale pretty soon. It is sure (to sell) well апd (to sell) out in no tiтe. 7. What Ье took to writiпg for was not (to earn) а living but а nаше. All he wanted was (to read) and not (to forget).










Ь) Use the infinitive iп the required torm ofthe active voice.


1. How fortuпate he is (to travel) all over the world and (to see) so mucl1 ofit.




~2. The man appears (to know) practically all European laпguages; he is said












(to lеаш) them while travelling. 3. Tl1e river was reported (to overt1ow) the baпks апd (to advaпce) towards the sнburbs oftl1e city. 4. The girl preteпded (to read) а book апd поt (to notice) me. 5. You seem (to look) for trouЬie. 6. lt seems (to rain) ever since we came here. 7. It is so thougl1tful ofyou (to book) the tickets well in advaпce. 8. Tl1e committee is said (to revise) the programme and (to work out) а рlап ofits realizatioп.

Exercise V

Use the required form ofthe intinitive.

1. Tl1e mап seemed (to study) me апd I felt нпеаsу iпl1is preseпce. 2. Perhaps it woнld bother him (to speak) about the qнarrel. 3. Не is supposed (to woгk) at the traпslatioп oftl1e book for two years. 4. The опlу souпd (to hear) was t\1e tickiпg ofthe grandfather's clock downstairs. 5. Tl1e book was believed (to lose) uпtil the librarian happeпed (to find) it dшiпg tl1e iпveвtory. It tшпеd онt (to misplace). 6. We seem (to fly) over tl1e sea for quite а time апd tl1ere is yet по \апd (to see). 7. Not (to aпswer) would have Ьееп а wroпg step. 8. We dоп'tseem (to acquaiвt), at least I сап't remember ever (to meet) hiт. 9. The tllird key reтaiпed (to test).

Exercise Vl

Use either ofthe iвfiвitives iп brackets, give two variants where possiЬle апd ex-

plain the differeвce.

1. We iвtended (to rеtшв, to have returвed) Ьу tl1e епd oftl1e товt\1. 2. They iвtend (to revise, to lшve revised) the draft. 3. а) The sportsmen are expected (to arrive, to have arrived) sоте days before the coтpetition. Ь) Tl1e sportsтeп were expected (to arrive, to have arrived) some days before the

4. а) They were (to соте, to have соте) Ьу the tiтe. Ь) Did we поt agree that they were (to соте, to have соте) Ьу the tiтe? 5. 1 тeant (to l1elp, to l1ave helped) hiт, no offence was тeant. 6. I meant (to reтind, to have reшinded) you of it earlier. 7. You oнght (to rететЬеr, to have reшeтbered) tl1e date. 8. Не shoнld (to spare, to have spared) her feeliпgs. 9. According to the scl1edнle tl1e рlаве was (to land, to 11ave laвded) loпg ago. 1О. It was (to Ье, to lшve Ьееп) а noп-stop flight, but the plane 11ad to таkе а forced laпding.

Exercise Vll

Insert tl1e particle to where пecessary.

1. The brave Ьоу helped tl1e partisans

...... fi пd the way to the railway liвe iв tl1e

dead ofnigl1t. 2. Не would sooпer ......

die tl1an ......

betray bls friends. 3. Suvorov


11. Jwaпt (to begiп) (to eam) my

was пever kпown


retreat. 4. Why not

...... start out поw? We canпot wait for

the weatl1er


cl1aпge. 5. Не was пever heard

...... complaiп of difficulties.


You'll Ье lопе1у tomorrow, you'd better ......

come апd


diпe witl1 us.


Don't let us ......


waste time. There are а huпdred thiпgs


Ье dопе.


l kпow him ......

have Ьееп ап actor опсе. 9. We had better ......

make lшste.

1О. You ought not ......

sit up so late.

11. What made уон


thiпk so?

12. "Thaпks," Aпdrew aпswered, "1 'd rather ......

see the cases myself." 13. Не

\Vas made ......

do l1is work iпdependeпtly. 14. She seems ......

k п ow а great deal

about mнsic. 15. I thought 1would rather ......

get to tl1e gallery а!опе, but I was

oЬliged ......

accept his company. 16. All r lшve по\v time ......


do is

...... send

tl1em а telegram. 17. There is hai"dly anytblпg ......

do but ......


work онt ап

alterпative р!ап.

Exercise Vlll

Iпsert tl1e infiпitive witl1 tlle particle to before it where пecessary.

1. Sl1e Ьеgап (to talk) of Moscow. 2. It was а commaпd fшm I1er motl1er, апd tl1ere was пotl1iлg fш l1er (to do) but (to оЬеу) it. 3. You must (to take) саге поt (to offeпd) l1er. 4. Гd rathei" поt (to go) l10me that \vay. 5. "I tl1iпk we 'd better (to go) апd (to get) dry," he said. б. Do уон waпt (to write)?- Of course.- Тhеп why not (to write) it? 7. How dare you (to iпterfere) with ту pгivate coпcerns? No, doп't speak. Dоп't try (to excuse) yoшself. 8. Sl1e rose (to help) l1ег (to !ау) tl1e cloth. 9. Why поt (to make) llim а doctor like llis father? 10. Не would пever cease (to regret) llis lost opportнnities.

liviпg. 12. 1нsed (to speпd) а lot oftime in my frieпd's rooms. 13. Не пever let 11imse!f (to Ье) aпgry. 14. At that hош she was uпaccнstomed (to disturb) Ьу апуоnе. 15. Sl1e could поt let herself(to cry). 16. The questioп is, what had 1 better (to do) witl1 this !10use? 17. They do пothiпg but (to talk) about it all day long. 18. Внt l1e daJ"ed поt (to ask) wlшt was in her mind. 19. Не wants (to congratulate) уон in person. 20. Не doesn't like (to keep) waitiпg.

Exercise IX

State tl1e syпtactic fuпctioп oftl1e iпfiпitive.

1. Не began to describe iп detail the beauties of the picture. 2. Sl1e did поt trouЬle to рнt оп а hat. 3. То diпe there on а Juпe eveпing was а deligl1t. 4. Tl1e оп!у thing she coнld do was to give advice. 5. We used to speпd а lot oftime in а Greek с!нЬ. 6. Tl1ey р!аппеd to speпd their two weeks sнmmer holiday in Loпdon. 7. I'd better come roш1d апd see what 1 сап do for you. 8. Не had other thiпgs to tl1iпk of. 9. His boots stood iп front oft11e fire to warm. 1О. She was silent as they coпtirшed to walk. 11. Уон'd better go l10me апd talk it over witl1 your lшsbaпd. 12. Не was not the mап to take back the offer l1e Jшd made. 13. 1kпew 1 ought поt to lшve соте here. 14. Не was too timid to speak. 15. Our










kept in pictшe galleries
А certaiп teшperatшe nшst Ье

~aim was to find Pete's house. 16. I don't waпt to quarrel witl1 yoll. 17. lпodded


сand tried to look pleased. 18. То swim iп t11e Black Sea was а real pleasшe.














19. We 11ad to change t11e time ot' ош meetiпg. 20. Tl1is is tl1e proЬ!em to Ье solved as soon as possiЬ!e.

Exercise Х

State tl1e syпtactic fнnction ofthe iпfiлitive.

1. То see is to believe. 2. Не wants to Ье accepted to tl1e uлiversity. 3. То produce а great nuшber ot' excelleпt consuшer goods is t11e task ot' ош light indtJstry. 4. 1am sorry to lшve iлterrupted yoll. 5. П1аt was а пiсе seaside place to speпd t11e lюlidays. 6. Russia was t11e first to coпqller space. 7. Slle was the last to speak at tl1e шeetiпg. 8. Не told us пothing about 11is р!ап ofresearcl1 work to Ье carried out next year. 9. I lшve sometiliпg interestiпg to tell you. 1О. Tllere was

пotl1iпg interestiпg at tl1e exlliЬition to attract ош attentioп. 11. То master l1is

specia\ity one must work lшrd. 12. Iп order to improve tl1e drawiпg skill опе must draw every day. 13.

to preserve paiпtings. 14. То саше to ту office in time I пшst Ieave at 7.30. 15. То greet tl1e teacl1er the studeпts stand up wl1en the teacller eпters the classroom. 16. Lomoпosov was tl1e first to нsе the Rllssian language iп scieпtific books. 17. I am waitiпg to Ье told tl1e results. 18. His dream was to become ан artist. 19. То fulfil tl1e р!ал is not ап easy task.

Exercise Xl

Use tlle infinitive from following list and traпslate tl1e senteпces iпto Russiaп.

а) tlle subject

to repair, to hear, to speak, to wait, to search

1. Не weпt off......

for him now was а tortшe. 2. It was impossiЬ!e .....


Ьicycle. 3. It took us twelve days .....

the islaпd. 4. At this nюmeпt, ..... reqlliгed

more effort tl1ю1 she could make. 5. It is SLICI1 а comfort .....

yoll say so, doctor.

Ь) а predicative

to go оп, to try, to tell, to 1·eturn, to keep

1. Му пехt plan was .....

to tlle house, avoiding fatl1er ifpossiЬle. 2. Му advice

to you is .....

а coacl1 tour. 3. The олlу ti1ing sl1e could do was .....

the truth.

4. The greatest thing is .....

ош l1eads up. 5. Тl1ere was no water nearby and tlle

оп!у tl1ing was .....

to find it somewl1eгe.


с) anobject

to air, to see, to show, to join, to Ье surprised

1. Не pron1ised .....

us all ofthe island. 2. I must tell ElJen .....

tl1e drawing room

very well tomorrow. 3. 1was so relieved tlшt I forgot .....

Ьу her speaking. 4. Не

asked me .....

his party. 5. Mike was not sorry .....

him off.



d) an attribute

to do, to say, to waste, to make, to arrive

1. Tl1ere's not11iвg else .....

2. Tl1ey had very little .....

3. There were по objectioпs

..... that you could put your fiпger оп. 4. Не was вearly the last .....

5. You see l

have во time .....




е) ан adverЬial modifier of result

to give, to believe, to go, to shut, to waste

1. You're too youвg .....

the door оп Jife. 2. She was well eвough .....

to visit

Невrу iв the sanatorium. 3. lt's too good а story .....

4. The very пames ofthe

clыpters were enougl1 .....

ове а headache. 5. You're too good .....



t) an adverЬial modifier ofpurpose

to spend, to visit, to fetch, to have, to see

1. Jеввiе l1ad driveв offвext day .....

the twiвs from а swimmiвg-pool веаrЬу.

2. "Hallo, Kate," l said. "Have you come .....

me?" 3. I arrived on а Saturday

afterвooв .....

а week there. 4. Не invited them to the flat опе eveniвg .....


5. Sometimes people саше to Londoв especiaJJy .....

the British Museum.

Exercise Xll

Complete the followiвg usiвg tl1e infiпitive as the subject with the introductory it.

1. It gives me pleasure .....

2. lt will take yoll ten minutes .....

3. lt is wise ofl1im

..... 4. lt does people а lot ofgood .....

5. lt woв't do you any harm


6. lt was

вatural .....

7. 1t has become his haЬit

..... 8. lt surprised me .....

9. lt would

вever do .....

1О. It must Ье very пiсе .....


11. It made me feel awkward .....

12. Jt

is difficult ....








Exercise Xlll

Complete the followiвg.

а) Use the iвfiпitive as the subject without the iпtroductory it (take the iвfiвitive phrases from the followiпg list).

to forget the past, to Ье humming а tune, to say such а thing to а child, to have gone out оп that rainy day, to know the map well


meaвs to Ье аЬ!е to slюw any couпtry or town оп it. 2......

would have

Ьеев the deatl1 of me. 3......

is а usнal thing for !1er. 4......

would Ье ridiculoнs.


was impossiЬle.






Ь) Use the iпfiвitive as а predicative.






Our рlав was .....

2. То act like tl1is meaвt .....

3. The first thiвg he did was .... .


The maiв proЬlem is .....

5. Our вехt step must Ье .....

6. What l want is .... .


Our овlу cl1ance to see him is .....

8. То ask 11im а straight question meaвs



























с) Use the infinitive as an object.

1. The children were anxious

..... 2. We were not afraid


3. l preteпded поt

..... 4. They have поt decided whether .....

or поt. 5. The boys agreed пever


6. Do you care .....

? 7. l was very careful поt .....

8. I wisl1 we had поt forgotteп

..... 9. They thought .....

10. Не proposed .....

11. Wheп did you learп .....


12. I'll try to remember


13. The tourists were lucky

..... 14. The father

promised .....

15. They offer .....

16. Не attempted .....

17. We are sorry .....


18. The Ьоу asked .....

d)Use the iпfinitive as а11 attribute (take the i11finitives from the following list). to remember, not to Ье contradicted, to desire, to speak (to, about), to do, to Ье

done, to follow, to wony about, to Ье erected, to read, to laugh at, to Ье answaed, to answer

1. This is just the ma11 .....

2. Packi11g was the first thiпg .....

3. Here are some

i11structio11s .....

4. The mo11ument

..... 011 tbls square will add beauty to the

place. 5. The book leaves much


6. There was notblng .....

7. Tl1ese are the

letters .....

8. His was the to11e .....

9. Have you got a11ytbl11g

..... ? 10. Sl1e will

always find sometlli11g .....





е) Use the iпfinitive as an adverblal modifier.











1. 1 read the story the seco11d time (so as) .....

2. Не had to work hard (iп


order) .....

3. We must hurry (as 11ot) .....

4. After classes we stayed at the


u11iversity .....

5. Has he come .....

? 6......

you should read more out loud.


7. 1 called 011 him yesterday .....

8. We stopped

..... 9

...... we must begiп


prepari11g for the exams immediately.






of result:









1. 1 was too asto11ished .....

2. The Ьоу is clever enough .....

3. Tl1e storm was


such as .....

4. Не was gentleman eпougl1


5. The wiпd was so stroпg as


..... 6. The ship was too far .....

7. I do11't kпow him well e11ough .... .


8. The slopes ofthe hill were too steep .....

9. You have опlу to see it опсе .... .


1О. Tl1e рrоЫеш was too complicated .....

11. His illпess was поt sнcl1 as


..... 12. She was wошап епонgh .....

13. Т11е impressioп was such as пever


..... 14. You have опlу to reach онt your haпd


15. Не was so fortuпate


as .....








Exercise XIV

Traпslate into Eпglish. Use tl1e infinitive in the function of:

а) the subject

1. Идти в кино бьшо слишком поздно. 2. Тщетно было пытаться сделать

это за один день. 3. Моей обязанностью бьшо готовить чай по утрам и


вечерам. 4. Из моей комнаты было невозможно не слышать все то, что происходило на улице. 5. Было очень приятно надеть еще раз новую ру­


Ь) anobject

1. Не забудьте принять таблетки от головной боли. 2. Они надеялись встретить брата в бассейне, а его там не оказалось. 3. Он пригласил сво­ их друзей прийти посмотреть его новую картину. 4. Он дал Филиппу

свой адрес, и Филипп обещал пообедать с ним в следующее воскресе­

нье. 5. Я решил поехать в Москву вместе с родителями.

с) an attribute

1. Вот письмо, которое надодоставить немедленно. 2. Он работал хоро­

шо и легко. У него было много дел. 3. Ничего не оставалось делать, как

только ждать прихода родителей. 4. У него были дети, о которых он дол­

жен был заботиться. 5. Кто-то должен первым начать говорить. 6. Они

первыми приехали, следовательно, первыми и уедут. 7. У него было мно­

го новостей, которые он должен был немедленно сообщить родителям.

8. У него был небольшой багаж, который следовало упаковать. 9. Вы

выглядите очень больным. Есть кто-нибудь, кто бы мог за вами ухажи­ вать здесь? 10. Ей нечего было сказать.

d)ап adverЬial modifier of result

1.Она была слишком удивлена, чтобы говорить об этом. 2. Он достаточ­

но умен, чтобы понять вашу шутку. 3. Ему достаточно много лет, чтобы быть моим дедушкой. 4. Я слишком слаба, чтобы идти туда одной. 5. Он

достаточно здоров, чтобы кататься на лыжах. 6. Он достаточно опытен,

чтобы выполнить эту работу в срок.

е) an adverЬial modifier ofpurpose

1.Я пришел, чтобы убедиться, смогу ли я помочь вам. 2. Он встал, чтобы

уйти. 3. Она отошла назад, чтобы посмотреть н.а свою работу. 4. Пойдите

инайдите кого-нибудь еще, кто мог бы помочь вам. 5. Понадобилось

пятнадцать минут, чтобы исследовать второй тоннель. 6. Что вы здесь

делаете?- Я пришел искать вас. 7. Он подошел к детям, чтобы попро­ щаться. 8. Он улыбнулся ей и пошел помогать отцу упаковывать вещи.

9.Мы ушли в другую комнату, чтобы посмотреть их библиотеку. 10. Она вошла в комнату, чтобы сказать, что Джейн уже приехала. 11. Он подо­

шел достаточно близко, чтобы увидеть ее лицо. 12. Спустя десять дней

она была достаточно здорова, чтобы выписаться из больницы. 13. На следующий день она встала рано, чтобы приготовить комнату к приезду









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