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Bibliography of Papers from Selected Cryptographic Forums

S.M. Matyas, Key processing with control vectors, 3 (1991), 113–136.

U. Maurer,

Conditionally-perfect secrecy and a provably-secure randomized cipher, 5 (1992), 53–66.

U. Maurer,

A universal statistical test for random bit generators, 5 (1992), 89–105.

U. Maurer,

Fast generation of prime numbers and secure public-key cryptographic parameters, 8 (1995),


U. Maurer, J.L. Massey, Local randomness in pseudorandom sequences, 4 (1991), 135–149. U. Maurer, J.L. Massey, Cascade ciphers: The importance of being first, 6 (1993), 55–61. K.S. McCurley, A key distribution system equivalent to factoring, 1 (1988), 95–105.

W. Meier, O. Staffelbach, Fast correlation attacks on certain stream ciphers, 1 (1989), 159–176.

W. Meier, O. Staffelbach, Correlation properties of combiners with memory in stream ciphers, 5 (1992), 67–86.

A. Menezes, S. Vanstone, Elliptic curve cryptosystems and their implementation, 6 (1993), 209–224. R.C. Merkle, A fast software one-way hash function, 3 (1990), 43–58.

S. Micali, C.P. Schnorr, Efficient, perfect polynomial random number generators, 3 (1991), 157–172. C. Mitchell, Enumerating Boolean functions of cryptographic significance, 2 (1990), 155–170.

S. Murphy, The cryptanalysis of FEAL-4 with 20 chosen plaintexts, 2 (1990), 145–154.

S. Murphy, K. Paterson, P. Wild, A weak cipher that generates the symmetric group, 7 (1994), 61–65. M. Naor, Bit commitment using pseudorandomness, 4 (1991), 151–158.

H. Niederreiter, A combinatorial approach to probabilistic results on the linear-complexity profile of random sequences, 2 (1990), 105–112.

K. Nishimura, M. Sibuya, Probability to meet in the middle, 2 (1990), 13–22.

K.Nyberg, L.R. Knudsen, Provable security against a differential attack, 8 (1995), 27–37.

L.O’Connor, An analysis of a class of algorithms for S-box construction, 7 (1994), 133–151.

L.O’Connor, On the distribution of characteristics in bijective mappings, 8 (1995), 67–86.

L.O’Connor, A. Klapper, Algebraic nonlinearity and its applications to cryptography, 7 (1994), 213–227.

G. Orton, L. Peppard, S. Tavares, A design of a fast pipelined modular multiplier based on a diminishedradix algorithm, 6 (1993), 183–208.

J. Pastor, òQófôNõ3ö"÷–aõN÷?øcryptographicö applicationù ú to mail processing, 3 (1991), 137–146. D. Pei, Information-theoretic bounds for authentication codes and block designs, 8 (1995), 177–188. S.J. Phillips, N.C. Phillips, Strongly ideal secret sharing schemes, 5 (1992), 185–191.

F. Piper, M. Walker, Linear ciphers and spreads, 1 (1989), 185–188.

M. Qu, S.A. Vanstone, Factorizations in the elementary abelian º-group and their cryptographic significance, 7 (1994), 201–212.

U. Rosenbaum, A lower bound on authentication after having observed a sequence of messages, 6 (1993), 135–156.

A. Russell, Necessary and sufficient conditions for collision-free hashing, 8 (1995), 87–99.

R. Scheidler, J.A. Buchmann, H.C. Williams, A key-exchange protocol using real quadratic fields, 7 (1994), 171–199.

C.P. Schnorr, Efficient signature generation by smart cards, 4 (1991), 161–174.

A.W. Schrift, A. Shamir, Universal tests for nonuniform distributions, 6 (1993), 119–133.

G.J. Simmons, A cartesian product construction for unconditionally secure authentication codes that permit

arbitration, 2 (1990), 77–104.

G.J. Simmons,

Proof of soundness (integrity) of cryptographic protocols, 7 (1994), 69–77.

D.R. Stinson,

A construction for authentication/secrecy codes from certain combinatorial designs, 1

(1988), 119–127.

D.R. Stinson,

Some constructions and bounds for authentication codes, 1 (1988), 37–51.

D.R. Stinson,

The combinatorics of authentication and secrecy codes, 2 (1990), 23–49.

D.R. Stinson, J.L. Massey, An infinite class of counterexamples to a conjecture concerning nonlinear resilient functions, 8 (1995), 167–173.

S.-H. Teng, Functional inversion and communication complexity, 7 (1994), 153–170. M. Tompa, H. Woll, How to share a secret with cheaters, 1 (1988), 133–138.

S.A. Vanstone, R.J. Zuccherato, Short RSA keys and their generation, 8 (1995), 101–114. M. Walker, Information-theoretic bounds for authentication schemes, 2 (1990), 131–143.

Y.-X. Yang, B. Guo, Further enumerating boolean functions of cryptographic significance, 8 (1995), 115– 122.

®c 1997 by CRC Press, Inc. — See accompanying notice at front of chapter.

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