- •Сборник учебно-методических материалов по английскому языку (Базовый курс)
- •Содержание:
- •Module 1: Meeting people. Introducing.
- •1. A) Complete the personal introduction form.
- •2. Describe someone in your group or a famous person. Other students must guess the person.
- •4. Correct the mistakes.
- •6. Filling forms.
- •Vixen loans & capital
- •Module 2: Man and his family.
- •I. Meet Jenifer.
- •II. Parents.
- •III. Her brother.
- •IV. Relatives
- •V. A typical family.
- •VI. Grandparents.
- •VII. Child care.
- •In groups discuss the following and give the reasons.
- •5. Correct the mistakes.
- •6. Choose the correct verb form.
- •Module 3: Travelling.
- •2. Look at these phrases and divide them into things a customer would probably say and things a travel agent would probably say. See if you can finish the phrases with suitable words.
- •I’d like to book…
- •I’m afraid that’s not available, but you could…
- •I was wondering if…?
- •2. What are your travel essentials? Why?
- •3. The extracts below are from guidebooks for Iceland and Zimbabwe. Read the extracts and match them to the countries.
- •4. Imagine you’re going to one of these countries. How many things have you got already and what would you have to buy?
- •5. There are lots of compound nouns in the texts, like sleeping bag. How
- •Vocabulary booster: things you take on holiday
- •1. A) Look at the advertisements for three dream holidays. Which places do you visit on each holiday?
- •In pairs. Put the dialogue in the right order . Check the tapescript 3-1.
- •2. Where do you go first when you travel by plane? Put these places in the correct order. Write 1-5 on the left.
- •3. Listen to the conversations. Where are they? Write the letter next to the correct place on the right in ex.2.(tapescript 3-2)
- •4. Travel information
- •Imagine you are in a hot sunny country on holiday. Write a postcard to a friend. Mention five of the things in ex 2.
- •In the town – в городе
- •1. In groups. Choose one of these trips. What sort of bag would you take and what would you pack? Why? Tell the class about your plans for the traveling.
- •2. A) Complete the story about a holiday incident.
- •3. Work in pairs or small groups.
- •In some cities all cars are banned from the centre. Do you think this is a good or a bad thing? Why?
- •8. Read this conversation in the hotel and put the lines in the correct order.
- •9. Ben is going to take his driving test soon. Complete the conversation with the correct form of have to or can.
- •10. Put the verbs in the box into the correct category.
- •1. Work in groups.
- •Imagine that you are cooking a meal for twenty. Your friend offers his help. Prepare vegetables, set the table, do the washing-up, open the wine.
- •1. Put the words in the box in the correct place in the table. Write the singular and plural form for the countable nouns.
- •2. Put the following words under the correct heading in the box below. Translate the words into Russian.
- •3.Using the clues below, complete the words in the word grid 1-8 and find the Mystery word.
- •4.Tick the correct sentence:
- •5. Match the questions with the answers:
- •6. Put the lines of dialogues in order:
- •7.Read parts of Anna and Liz’s conversation with the waitress and complete it with the given phrases below.
- •8. Rewrite the following sentences using the construction there is/
- •Text c Presents and souvenirs in British shops. Read the text and answer the following questions:
- •1. Make the purchase word grid. Give clues for your words. The example bellow may help you:
- •2. Imagine that you have lost your luggage with all your clothes. You have enough money to buy only twelve items of clothing. Make a list of the clothes you would buy and the colours.
- •2. Where do you buy these things?
- •3. Where would you hear these sentences?
- •5. Tick the correct sentence:
- •6. Put the dialogue in the correct order:
- •Module 6: Health
- •Diseases
- •Mini projects
- •1. Give Russian equivalents to the following:
- •2. Medical terms
- •3. At the chemist
- •4. Read the text. Translate the words and phrases in brackets.
- •Module 7: Free time activities.
- •1) You discuss with your friend the way to spend your weekend. Having different opinions on the matter, it takes you rather long to work out a common plan
- •2. Make reports on:
- •1 Insert prepositions or adverbs:
- •2 Arrange the following into groups of words and word combinations close in meaning:
- •3 Fit the following sentences into situations. Paraphrase them wherever possible. Translate into Russian.
- •4 Use the following word combinations in sentences of your own:
- •5 Explain the difference between:
- •6 Correct whatever is wrong in the statements
- •Module 9: Education and job.
- •Vocabulary notes
- •2. Discuss in groups. Read the people’s problems. (Do you have similar problems yourself?)
- •3. Choose one of the topics given below and make a report.
- •Module 9-II. Job.
- •If you do something wrong you are: if you’ve done nothing wrong, you are:
- •Content
- •Interview 1
- •Interview 2
- •1 Discuss in groups.
- •2 There are some adjectives below. Use some of them describing yourself:
- •4 Make up your Resume, using these points:
- •Interviewee. Think about these things:
- •IX Write complete sentences.
- •X Match the questions and the answers.
- •Travelling.
5. Correct the mistakes.
1 The car is belonging to my father.
2 She is speaks English.
3 He go shopping twice a week.
4 The film starts now.
5 After I am eating breakfast, I get dressed.
6 She lives not in London.
7 Where you work?
8 She is not understanding the problem.
9 Do you like chocolate. – Yes, I like.
10 Why you no get a job?
6. Choose the correct verb form.
1 A Do you eat/ Are you eating meat?
B No, I’m a vegetarian, but I eat/ I’m eating fish.
2 A How do you do/ are you doing?
B Pleased to meet you.
3 A How do you do/ are you doing?
B Not very well, this exercise is difficult.
4 A Where do you live/ are you living?
B In a bed and breakfast at the moment.
5 A What do you have/ are you having for breakfast?
B Usually just coffee.
6 A What do you want/ are you wanting for breakfast?
B Nothing, I’m in a hurry.
7 A What do you do/ are you doing?
B I’m an engineer.
8 A What do you do/ are you doing?
B Not much, just watching TV.
9 A Does it rain/ Is it raining?
B Yes, take an umbrella.
10 A Does it snow/ Is it snowing much here?
B Only in winter.
Module 3: Travelling.
Составитель A. И. Кириллова
1. Text A. The least successful traveller
Text B. Where the tourists dare
2. Dialogue I Asking for travel information.
Dialogue II. At the customs.
Dialogue III. Booking a hotel room.
3. Grammar:
4. Vocabulary: Planning a holiday, packing your bags, transport (train/ air/ sea/ car), customs, hotel services, in town, holiday incidents.
5. Projects: discussing travel essentials, planning a dream holiday (group discussions), writing a story “The last holiday incident”(real or imaginary), making a report “Transport in my country”.
“If you look like your passport photo,
in all probability you need the journey”
Earl Wilson, 1961
Planning your holiday.
1. Look at the holiday adverts and decide where you want to go. You can go on more than one trip. Look at these phrases. Can you remember how to continue?
I’d like…
I prefer…
Yes. But this one is more…than
I’d rather…
I don’t mind…
It looks…
We could…
Three Days in Paris See the Louvre, the Eiffel Tower and the Champs Elysee on this wonderful once-in-a-lifetime sightseeing tour to the capital of France. Two nights in a hotel with half board and a trip on the Eurostar are included in the price. £ 200 per person. |
Hollywood Visit Hollywood in the spring! See where all the stars live, and walk on a real movie lot. See the making of a film and have dinner at some of the restaurants that the stars go. For three days live the life of a successful actress on the boulevards where Robert DeNiro walks and works. £ 500 per person. |
Spend a week on a barge in Amsterdam. Amsterdam has a great nightlife and some of the best restaurants and cafes in the world. Just £300. |
Four days in a cottage in the heart of the British countryside. See old English villages, sip tea in a café and experience the peace of country life. Five nights in a bed and breakfast just £250. |