- •Сборник учебно-методических материалов по английскому языку (Базовый курс)
- •Содержание:
- •Module 1: Meeting people. Introducing.
- •1. A) Complete the personal introduction form.
- •2. Describe someone in your group or a famous person. Other students must guess the person.
- •4. Correct the mistakes.
- •6. Filling forms.
- •Vixen loans & capital
- •Module 2: Man and his family.
- •I. Meet Jenifer.
- •II. Parents.
- •III. Her brother.
- •IV. Relatives
- •V. A typical family.
- •VI. Grandparents.
- •VII. Child care.
- •In groups discuss the following and give the reasons.
- •5. Correct the mistakes.
- •6. Choose the correct verb form.
- •Module 3: Travelling.
- •2. Look at these phrases and divide them into things a customer would probably say and things a travel agent would probably say. See if you can finish the phrases with suitable words.
- •I’d like to book…
- •I’m afraid that’s not available, but you could…
- •I was wondering if…?
- •2. What are your travel essentials? Why?
- •3. The extracts below are from guidebooks for Iceland and Zimbabwe. Read the extracts and match them to the countries.
- •4. Imagine you’re going to one of these countries. How many things have you got already and what would you have to buy?
- •5. There are lots of compound nouns in the texts, like sleeping bag. How
- •Vocabulary booster: things you take on holiday
- •1. A) Look at the advertisements for three dream holidays. Which places do you visit on each holiday?
- •In pairs. Put the dialogue in the right order . Check the tapescript 3-1.
- •2. Where do you go first when you travel by plane? Put these places in the correct order. Write 1-5 on the left.
- •3. Listen to the conversations. Where are they? Write the letter next to the correct place on the right in ex.2.(tapescript 3-2)
- •4. Travel information
- •Imagine you are in a hot sunny country on holiday. Write a postcard to a friend. Mention five of the things in ex 2.
- •In the town – в городе
- •1. In groups. Choose one of these trips. What sort of bag would you take and what would you pack? Why? Tell the class about your plans for the traveling.
- •2. A) Complete the story about a holiday incident.
- •3. Work in pairs or small groups.
- •In some cities all cars are banned from the centre. Do you think this is a good or a bad thing? Why?
- •8. Read this conversation in the hotel and put the lines in the correct order.
- •9. Ben is going to take his driving test soon. Complete the conversation with the correct form of have to or can.
- •10. Put the verbs in the box into the correct category.
- •1. Work in groups.
- •Imagine that you are cooking a meal for twenty. Your friend offers his help. Prepare vegetables, set the table, do the washing-up, open the wine.
- •1. Put the words in the box in the correct place in the table. Write the singular and plural form for the countable nouns.
- •2. Put the following words under the correct heading in the box below. Translate the words into Russian.
- •3.Using the clues below, complete the words in the word grid 1-8 and find the Mystery word.
- •4.Tick the correct sentence:
- •5. Match the questions with the answers:
- •6. Put the lines of dialogues in order:
- •7.Read parts of Anna and Liz’s conversation with the waitress and complete it with the given phrases below.
- •8. Rewrite the following sentences using the construction there is/
- •Text c Presents and souvenirs in British shops. Read the text and answer the following questions:
- •1. Make the purchase word grid. Give clues for your words. The example bellow may help you:
- •2. Imagine that you have lost your luggage with all your clothes. You have enough money to buy only twelve items of clothing. Make a list of the clothes you would buy and the colours.
- •2. Where do you buy these things?
- •3. Where would you hear these sentences?
- •5. Tick the correct sentence:
- •6. Put the dialogue in the correct order:
- •Module 6: Health
- •Diseases
- •Mini projects
- •1. Give Russian equivalents to the following:
- •2. Medical terms
- •3. At the chemist
- •4. Read the text. Translate the words and phrases in brackets.
- •Module 7: Free time activities.
- •1) You discuss with your friend the way to spend your weekend. Having different opinions on the matter, it takes you rather long to work out a common plan
- •2. Make reports on:
- •1 Insert prepositions or adverbs:
- •2 Arrange the following into groups of words and word combinations close in meaning:
- •3 Fit the following sentences into situations. Paraphrase them wherever possible. Translate into Russian.
- •4 Use the following word combinations in sentences of your own:
- •5 Explain the difference between:
- •6 Correct whatever is wrong in the statements
- •Module 9: Education and job.
- •Vocabulary notes
- •2. Discuss in groups. Read the people’s problems. (Do you have similar problems yourself?)
- •3. Choose one of the topics given below and make a report.
- •Module 9-II. Job.
- •If you do something wrong you are: if you’ve done nothing wrong, you are:
- •Content
- •Interview 1
- •Interview 2
- •1 Discuss in groups.
- •2 There are some adjectives below. Use some of them describing yourself:
- •4 Make up your Resume, using these points:
- •Interviewee. Think about these things:
- •IX Write complete sentences.
- •X Match the questions and the answers.
- •Travelling.
1) You discuss with your friend the way to spend your weekend. Having different opinions on the matter, it takes you rather long to work out a common plan
Guide words
What do you say to (going on a boat trip, etc*)?
I don't feel like *•* (going there) Мне не хочется
It looks like rain*
1 think we are in for a beautiful day*
It's a go then Идет! Ладно!
2) On your way from the cinema you meet a friend who wants to know your opinion of the film*
Guide words
What's the film about?
What do you think of it?
I like every minute of it*
to stand it to the end
to walk out
3) You discuss with a friend your favorite actors (film stars). As your tastes differ greatly у try to justify your preference*
Guide words
To play a part with conviction and passion.
Не is a man of marvelous physique*
to overact sometimes
Few can equal him (her).
4) Imagine you are a schoolboy and go to the cinema Instead of attending classes at school Near the booking office you run into your teacher who is very surprised to meet you there Invent some witty excuse.
Guide words
Why, you here too?
Well, the matter is
to be closely connected with the curriculum
5) Standing in a long queue at the booking office, you are nervous as the tickets are said to be running short. Suddenly you see a young fellow trying to jump the queue and take him to task. He puts himself right with you.
Guide words
Why make a fuss about it? Зачем волноваться об этом?
to be at the end of one’s patience терять терпение
How dare you?
You are going too far* Бы забываетесь.
to miss one’ s turn
6) Your amateur group is to give a few concerts in the country* Join In the discussion of the program for the concerts*
Guide words
folk dancing
ecitation художественное чтение
folk Instruments orchestra
solo singing
7) You want to book two good seats for the first night at the Drama Theatre. The cashier offers you several tickets which you reject for different reasons. At last you get the tickets you wanted .
Guide words
the best seats in the house
in the stalls (1)
in the boxes (2)
in the pit (3)
in the gallery (4)
8) You are late and the usher does not want to let you in. Your explanations produce no effect on him .Try to make him change his mind.
Guide words
It is not my fault. Это не моя вина.
a long queue at the cloak room
There was no indication of the starting time
(The ticket doesn’t say ...)
9) After the recital of a well-known pianist (violinist) you meet your friend who is a great lover of music* You scold him for having missed the concert. He gives his reasons*
10) Write a composition about a performance that impressed you most.
Test yourself 7
1 Put questions to the following sentences:
After the newsreel they saw a short.
No, the American films do not show how most people in the United States really live.
The show will begin at seven o'clock.
2 Translate into English:
Что вы смотрели вчера в кино?
В каком кинотеатре шла эта картина?
Как вам понравилась игра актеров?
Игра актеров мне понравилась, но музыка нет.
3 Put in the prepositions or adverbs:
He went...- the cinema.
Now he is... the theatre.
They arrived... the theatre... seven o'clock... time... the newsreel.
If you are fond... music you should go... the opera house.
The performances start... about eight.
4 Add to each of the following sentences another sentence spoken by a different person, who reacts to the phrase (use either/neither)
I haven't seen the new film yet.
She didn't enjoy the play at all.
I have no ticket for this performance.
The costumes are not good.
We couldn't get good seats.
5 Answer the following
What theatre would you recommend?-
How do you spend your free time?
Do you go in for sports
What team are you supporting?
What sort of pictures do you prefer?
6 Make up connected sentences with the following words and expressions:
To show somebody to the seat; to enjoy oneself; to reserve a seat; opera-house; to stage; box-office; performance; stalls; conductor; scenery; to be on; attendant.
Module 8: Modern means of communication.
Составитель Идиатуллин А. В.
1. Text A. A telephone conversation.
Text B. Some modern means of communication.
2. Short telephone dialogue.
3. Grammar: tenses reviewing, consolidating of the previous modules material.
4. Vocabulary: telephone words/verbs, computer terms, SMS language, other means of communication.
5. Projects: discussing a film, a concert programme, how to spend a weekend; describing a performance that impressed you most; making reports on the topics given.
Text A. A Telephone conversation
Is there anything more difficult than to speak in a foreign language over the telephone? Even if you make yourself understood, the chances are that you will not understand the person at the other end of the line. When you know what he is saying, the difficulty is to answer him immediately before he becomes impatient and hangs up.
Robert wanted to call Virginia; so when he didn't find her number in his telephone book, he dialed Information.
VOICE. Information.
ROBERT. Will you please give me the telephone number ofMr. С. Е. Miller at 431 Clark Street.
V. Just a moment, please... The number is 8974. R. 8—9—7—4? Thank you very much.
Robert then dialed 8974, but a constant buzz indicated that the line was busy. He waited a few minutes and dialed again.
V. Hello.
R. Hello. Is this Mr. Miller's residence?
V. No, it isn't.
R. Isn't this 8974?
V. No, you have the wrong number. This is 8975.
R. I'm sorry, I made a mistake.
Robert hung up the receiver. After a minute, he picked it up and tried again, being very careful to dial the right number this time.
V. Mr. Miller's residence.
R. Td like to speak with Virginia White if she is there.
V. I'm sorry, but she isn't here right now. Who is calling,
R. This is Robert Anderson speaking. Will Virginia be back soon?
V. Yes, probably about five o'clock. Do you want to leave her a message?
R. Well, just tell her that I called, please.
V. Wait a moment. I think she is coming in now. Hold the wire.
R. All right, I will wait VIRGINIA. Hello!
R. Virginia?
V. Speaking.
R. Vir, this is Bob.
V. Oh, hello, Bob, how are you?
R. Just fine, thanks. And you?
V. Very well. It's nice to hear your voice.
R. Virginia, are you going to be busy tomorrow night?
V. Well, I planned to study my English.
R. How about' a date for a movie? There is a good picture at the Columbia this week. We'll go early, and then you can study afterwards.
V. All right, Bob, I'd like to go. Thanks a lot.
R. Then I will call for you a little before seven.
V. O.-K-, I'll be ready.
R. Good-bye, Virginia, I'll be seeing you.
V. So long. Bob, and thanks for calling
Short telephone dialogues
1. SECRETARY. Foreign Department is here.
VOICE. Will you, please» put me through to Mr* A.
S. Hold on, please.
V. I will, thank you.
S. Are you there?
V. Yes.
S. Sorry, no reply.
V. Thanks.
S. Thank you.
2 SECRETARY. Mr. B's secretary speaking.
VOICE. I'd like to speak to Mr. B. if he is available.
S. Just a minute. Hold the wire, please.
V Thank you. I'll wait.
S. I'm sorry. Mr. B. seems to be out at the moment.
V. I see. May I call you back in a few minutes? Will he be there?
S.I hope so.
V. Thank you. Good-bye. IS. Good-bye. Thank you.
3 OPERATOR. Russian Embassy.
VOICE. Can you put me in touch with the Cultural Attaché, please? I don't know his extension number.
O. I'm sorry. The number is engaged.
V.. Keep me on the line, please. I'm calling from the public phone.
O . Don't hang up then. I'll put you through as soon as the number is available.
V. Thank you very much.
O. Thank you. {In a few moments) Are you still there? "
O. You are through. Go ahead, please.
4 SECRETARY, Mr. Kerth's office.
VOICE. This is Mr. С from the London University speaking.Can I get in touch with Mr. Kerth, please?
S. Hold the line, please. I'll see if he is in.
V Thank you.
S. Mr. Kerth is engaged on another line, unfortunately. Will you hold on a little longer or call back later?
V. I'd rather leave a message, if I may.
S. Certainly.
V. Just tell him to phone me as soon, as he is free, it's rather I urgent.
S. Where can he reach you?
V. Tell him to ring me up at nine-double-one-two.
S. Yes, sir.
V. Thanks a lot, good-bye.
Make use of the vocabulary in describing the procedure of getting a call through from:
An ordinary call phone; an automatic phone (a dial phone); an extension phone connected with a hand operated switchboard; an extension phone connected with an automatic switchboard; a public dial (call) place in a telephone booth,
Text B Some modern means of communication
Telegraph |
Telegraph services use both wire line and wireless media for transmissions. Soon after the introduction of the telegraph in 1844, telegraph wires spanned the country. Telegraph companies maintained a system of wires and offices located in numerous cities. A message sent by telegraph was called a telegram. Telegrams were printed on paper and delivered to the receiving party by the telegraph company. With the invention of the radio in the early 1900s, telegraph signals could also be sent by radio waves. Wireless telegraphy made it practical for oceangoing ships as well as aircraft to stay in constant contact with land-based stations.
Telephone |
The telephone network also uses both wire line and wireless methods to deliver voice communications between people, and data communications between computers and people or other computers. The part of the telephone network that currently serves individual residences and many businesses operates in an analog mode and relays electronic signals that are continuous, like the human voice. Digital transmission is now used in some sections of the telephone network that send large amounts of calls over long distances. The telephone network is stable and reliable, because it uses its own wire system that is powered by low-voltage direct current from the telephone company
Hand-Held Radio Transceivers |
Police, fire, and other emergency organizations, as well as the military, have used two-way wireless radio communication since the 1930s. Early vehicle-based radios were large, heavy units. After the invention of the transistor in 1948, radios shrank in size to small hand-held radio transceivers, which civil authorities now use to communicate with each other directly. Public two-way radios with several frequency options are widely available as well. Usually limited in range to a few miles, these units are great aids for such mobile professionals as construction workers, film crews, event planners, and security personnel. Simpler two-way radios, called walkie-talkies, have been popular children’s toys for years.
Cellular Radio Telephones |
Cellular radio telephones, or cell phones, combine their portable radio capability with the wired, or wire line, telephone network to provide mobile users with access to the rest of the public telephone system used by non-mobile callers.
Satellite Communications |
Satellite communications services connect users directly to the telephone network from almost anywhere in the world. Special telephones are available to consumers that communicate directly with communications satellites orbiting the earth. The satellites transmit these signals to ground stations that are connected to the telephone system. These satellite services, while more expensive than cellular or other wireless services, give users access to the telephone network in areas of the world where no telephone service exists.
Computers |
Among the modern mean s of communication a special place is given to computers. When Charles Babbage, a professor of Mathematics at Cambridge University, invented the first calculating machine in 1812 he couldn’t imagine the situation we find ourselves in today. Nearly everything we do in the world is helped, or even controlled by computers, the complicated descendants of his simple machine. Computers are used more and more often in the world today, for the simple reason that they are far more efficient than human beings. They have much better memories and they can store much information. No man alive can do 500000 sums in one second, but a computer can. In fact, computers can do many of the things we do, but faster and better. They can predict weather, and ever play chess, write poetry or compose music.
E-mail, in computer science, is an abbreviation of the term electronic mail, method of transmitting data or text files from one computer to another over an internet, intranet, or the Internet. E-mail enables computer users to send messages and data quickly through a local area network or beyond through a nationwide or worldwide communication network. E-mail messages sent outside of an internet are addressed according to the following convention: The first part of the address contains the user’s name, followed by the symbol @ (pronounced as at or monkey), the domain name, the institution’s or organization’s name, and finally the country name. A typical e-mail address might be sally@abc.com. In 1995 alone, e-mail users sent approximately 25 billion messages.
World Wide Web (WWW) |
World Wide Web (WWW) is a computer-based network of information resources that a user can move through by using links from one document to another. The information on the World Wide Web is spread over computers all over the world. The World Wide Web is often referred to simply as "the Web." The Web has become a very popular resource since it first became possible to view images and other multimedia on the Internet, a worldwide network of computers, in 1993. The Web offers a place where companies, institutions, and individuals can display information about their products, research, or their lives. Anyone with access to a computer connected to the Web can view most of that information. Museums, libraries, government agencies, and schools make the Web a valuable learning and research tool by posting data and research. The Web also carries information in a wide spectrum of formats. Users can read text, view pictures, listen to sounds, and even explore interactive virtual environments on the Web.
Read the text and answer the following questions
What do telegraph services use for transmissions?
How was called a message sent by telegraph?
What is digital transmission and where it is used?
Who has used two-way wireless radio communication since the 1930s?
Who invented the first calculating machine in 1812?
Get ready to speak on the following problems using the information from the text?
What is the difference between wire and wireless communication?
What can you say about wireless devices?
What is WWW?
What does e-mail address consist of?
Can you give an example of e-mail and say it in English?
Compulsory vocabulary
Available adj— имеющийся в наличии; тот, который можно достать, получить, иметь book v — зд. Заказывать busy adj — занятый, несвободный; see engaged; ant, free, clear buzz n — гудок, сигнал (жужжащий) call n — звонок по телефону, вызов; е. g. Was there any call for me? Мне никто не звонил? general call — общий вызов local call — местный вызов по телефону long distance call — . междугородный вызов personal call — вызов определенного лица toll call — англ. пригородный вызов trunk call — англ. междугородный вызов answer the call — ответить на звонок; see answer the telephone cradle n — рычаг (на который кладут трубку); see hook, lever off v — разъединять; see disconnect dial v — набирать dial a number — набрать номер dial (dialing) tone — гудок, сигнал, указывающий на.то, что можно набирать номер disconnect v — разъединять; syn. disengage; see cut off drop v — бросать, опускать engaged adj — занятый, несвободный; see busy; ant. free, clear; see line exchange n — зд. телефонная станция, подстанция АТС Trunk Exchange — англ. междугородная; see Long Distance extension n 7— добавочный (номер); see number free adj — свободный, незанятый; see clear; ant. busy, engaged get v
smb a call — позвонить кому-либо put a call through — позвонить 1 или соединить; e. g. I had a call to put through. Мне нужно было позвонить. I had the call put through very quickly. Меня соединили очень быстро. call v — 1) (call up) — звонить к.-л. по телефону; е. g. Who shall I say is calling? А как сказать, кто говорит (просит)?; see telephone, ring (up) call back — позвонить еще раз; позвонить в ответ на звонок 2) звать call to the telephone — позвать к телефону clear adj — свободный, незанятый; see free; ant. busy, engaged connect v — соединять; see to put through; ant. disconnect connection n — зд. связь,; е. g. The connection was very baJ (we had a very bad connection). reach (at)— зд. найти, застать (no такому-то телефону)', see get receiver n — зд. телефонная трубка; ADC (advice of duration and charge) call- звонок по телефону, после которого оператор совершает звонок вам и сообщает о длительности вашего разговора и его стоимости reverse charge\ collect call \transferred-charge calls - разговор по телефону, за который платит тот, кому звонят telephone number- телефонный номер call-box- телефон автомат telephone booth- телефон автомат operator- оператор inside line- внутренняя линия outside line- городской телефон extension- дополнительный телефон home phone- домашний телефон reduced rate- звонок по льготному тарифу to call- звонить по телефону to phone-звонить по телефону
boot- начальная загрузка; загрузочный CD-ROM drive- дисковод компакт диска CD-RW drive- устройство записи CD cooler- вентилятор («кулер») CPU (central processing unit)- процессор CRT (cathode ray tube) monitor- монитор с электронно-лучевой трубкой DDR (double data rate) module- модуль памяти diskette- дискета driver- драйвер DVD-ROM drive- дисковод DVD дисков DVD-RW drive- устройство записи DVD floppy disk- гибкий диск hard disk- жёсткий диск hardware- аппаратное обеспечение («железо») IT (informational technology)- информационные технологии IT specialist – специалист в области информационных технологий keyboard- клавиатура LCD (liquid crystal display) monitor- жидкокристаллический монитор load- загрузка main board / motherboard – материнская плата mouse- мышь on-line- сетевой, интерактивный portal-портал; странница Интернета, использующаяся как начальная, с которой удобно начинать поиск в сети reload- перезагрузка site- сайт, ресурс интернета, имеющий свой уникальный адрес (URL) software- программное обеспечение («софт») to load- загружать (программу) to reload- перезагружать URL (Universal Resource Locator)- универсальный указатель ресурса в интернете, его адрес web page- страница сайта |
antivirus protection- антивирусная защита browser- браузер, программа для просмотра интернет-ресурсов e-mail – электронная почта hacker – хакер installation- установка, инсталляция laptop- ноутбук, портативный компьютер notebook- портативный компьютер operation system- операционная система pocket PC – карманный персональный компьютер (КПК) printer- принтер provider- провайдер (организация, обеспечивающая доступ в интернет) scanner- сканнер server- сервер, как правило мощная компьютерная станция, соединённая с другими компьютерами в постоянном режиме setup- установка, установочный to browse- просматривать (в интернете) to chat- общаться через интернет («чатиться») to click- щёлкать («кликать» мышью) to disable- блокировать выполнение программы to download- загружать, скачивать из Интернета to enable- запускать, разрешать выполнение программы to goggle – искать в Интернете (по названию популярной поисковой системы “Goggle”) to hack- совершать хакерскую атаку to hang- зависать Web surfing – путешествие по интернету, часто произвольное, без определённой цели WWW(World Wide Web) – обычно используется в значении «интернет», но на самом деле это лишь одна из его служб, наряду с FTP(протокол передачи и приёма файлов), электронной почтой и т.д. spam (spice ham – ветчина со специями) – навязчивые электронные рассылки, распространяемы с рекламной целью |
means of communication embraces devices transmit to contact to access information to communicate remote areas a sender recipient convert electronic signals wires waves. destination the device understandable data entertainment. variety of ways broadcasts copper wire fiber-optic cable maintain Wireless telegraphy network residences digital transmission large amounts stable reliable Wireless сommunications transmitters temporary communications communicating in remote locations short-range communication hand-held radios stay in contact radio frequencies emergency organizations military limited in range shortwave radio band Cellular radio telephones cell phones satellites
средства связи охватывать устройства передавать войти в контакт доступ к информации связаться отдаленные области отправитель получатель конвертировать (преобразовать) электронные сигналы провода волны. предназначение устройство понятный данные развлечение. разнообразие путей радиопередачи медный провод оптический волокном кабель поддержать(обслужить) беспроволочная телеграфия сеть места жительства цифровая передача большие количества устойчивый надежный радио связь передатчики временные коммуникации связь в отдаленных местах связь короткого диапазона переносные радио пребывание в контакте частоты радио чрезвычайные организации военный ограниченный диапазон радио сотовый радио телефон сотовый телефон спутники
Standard phrases
Have you the code for London, please? - Сообщите телефонный код Лондона, пожалуйста
Have you the country code for the USA, please? - Сообщите код США, пожалуйста
I’d like to make a reverse charge call to Italy, please? - Я бы хотел позвонить в Италию с оплатой разговора моим собеседником
I’d like to make an ADC call to Italy, please? - Я хотел бы позвонить в Италию с уведомлением меня о продолжительности и стоимости разговора
I would like to order a call to… for 6 p.m. - Я бы хотел заказать разговор с… на 18.00
How much does one minute cost? - Сколько стоит одна минута разговора?
The number I want to call is…- Номер, по которому я хочу позвонить…
I would like to cancel my order- Я хотел бы отменить заказ на телефонный разговор
May I use your phone? - Можно я воспользуюсь вашим телефоном?
May I speak to…? - Можно к телефону…?
This is…- Это говорит…
Please speak more loudly- Пожалуйста, говорите громче
Please hang up and phone again- Пожалуйста, положите трубку и позвоните ещё раз
I’ll call back later- Я перезвоню позже
Hello, who is speaking, please? - Здравствуйте, с кем я говорю?
Speaking! - Я слушаю (Говорите!)
You must have the wrong number- Вы, должно быть, ошиблись номером
I’m calling from… - Я звоню из…
Hold on, please – Не вешайте трубку, пожалуйста
Could you call back later? - Вы не могли бы перезвонить позже?
Could I speak to…, please? - Я мог поговорить с…?
Is that 063554? - Это номер …?
Could you ask him to ring me, please? - Вы не могли бы передать ему, чтобы он позвонил мне?
I’m sorry, I’m afraid I’ve got the wrong number. - Извините, боюсь, я ошибся
Just a minute, I’ll tell him - Минутку. Я позову его
I’m afraid he isn’t here at the moment. Can I take a message? - Боюсь, его сейчас здесь нет. Могу я передать ему что-нибудь?
The line is busy- Линия занята
My number is
0 = (oh) – не произносится “zero”
53 = five three – не произносится “fifty three”
55 = double five
555 = five double five
2) Write 5 SMS using given abbreviations |
RU OK? - Are you OK? - Ты в порядке?
Y NY? - Yes and you? - Да, а ты?
OK CU2DAY? - OK. See you today? - Я в норме. Сегодня встречаемся?
NO 2MORO WER? - No. Tomorrow. Where? - Нет, давай завтра. Но где?
J'S. CUL8TR - At John's. See you later. - У Джона. Увидимся позже.
LUV B - Love John.. - Люблю тебя. Твой John.
F2T? - Free to talk? - Ты можешь общаться сейчас?
N. WER RU? - No. Where are you? - Нет, а ты где?
WK. NU? - At work. And you? - На работе. А ты?
HM. CU L8TR? - At home. See you later? - Я дома. Ну что, позже увидимся?
Y. WEN? - Yes. When? - Да, а во сколько?
7. TA4N. CU - At 7 o'clock. That's all for now. See you. - Давай в семь. Все, пока. До встречи.
OK. B4N. - OK. Bye for now. - Ну, договорились. Пока.
BTW - by the way - кстати
IMO - in my opinion - по моему мнению
TTFN - ta ta for now [bye for now] - Ну все, пока.
U- you – ты \ вы
4- for – для
ASL? (age, sex, location)- возраст, пол, место нахождения (вопрос задаётся при знакомстве через SMS или Интернет)
to start the computer- включать компьютер
to swich off the computer- выключать компьютер
to boot the computer- загружать компьютер (имеется ввиду начальная загрузка)
to reboot the computer- перезагружать компьютер
to install the program - устанавливать программу
to reinstall the program – переустанавливать программу
to save the file- сохранить файл
to delete the file- стереть файл
to upgrade the computer- модернизировать компьютер
to back up data – резервировать данные
to make internet connection- создавать подключение к интернету
to connect joystick- подключать джойстик
to attach the cable- присоединять кабель
to insert the disk- вставлять диск
to remove disk- удалить диск
exit without saving – выход без сохранения (данных)
to format hard disk- форматировать жёсткий диск (стирать все данные на нём)
to type password- печатать пароль
to play computer games on-line- играть в компьютерные игры в сети, в режиме реального времени
to confirm the password- подтвердить пароль (т.е. повторно печатать в специальном окне)
to press the key- нажимать на клавишу
to scan disk- сканировать диск (например, для поиска вирусов)
data lose – потеря данных
system hang – зависание системы
Read the following situations. Discuss the problems in pairs/ groups. Dramatize them.
1 Your sister tells you that your friend has phoned you several times while you were out and left a message for you to call him back immediately upon your arrival home. You try to get in touch with him, but unsuccessfully. You are very much upset. Your sister comforts you.
2 Somebody wants your father on the phone in his absence* You try to find out whether you might be helpful and suggest some ways of getting in touch with him*
3 You see a little girl crying at the public phone as she can't get in touch with her mother's office. It turns out she can't use the public phone. You explain to her how to use it.
4 You put through a trunk call to Moscow, At last you are connected, but the number of your friend’s home phone appears to have changed. You ask the call-office operator for advice and follow her recommendations.