- •Сборник учебно-методических материалов по английскому языку (Базовый курс)
- •Содержание:
- •Module 1: Meeting people. Introducing.
- •1. A) Complete the personal introduction form.
- •2. Describe someone in your group or a famous person. Other students must guess the person.
- •4. Correct the mistakes.
- •6. Filling forms.
- •Vixen loans & capital
- •Module 2: Man and his family.
- •I. Meet Jenifer.
- •II. Parents.
- •III. Her brother.
- •IV. Relatives
- •V. A typical family.
- •VI. Grandparents.
- •VII. Child care.
- •In groups discuss the following and give the reasons.
- •5. Correct the mistakes.
- •6. Choose the correct verb form.
- •Module 3: Travelling.
- •2. Look at these phrases and divide them into things a customer would probably say and things a travel agent would probably say. See if you can finish the phrases with suitable words.
- •I’d like to book…
- •I’m afraid that’s not available, but you could…
- •I was wondering if…?
- •2. What are your travel essentials? Why?
- •3. The extracts below are from guidebooks for Iceland and Zimbabwe. Read the extracts and match them to the countries.
- •4. Imagine you’re going to one of these countries. How many things have you got already and what would you have to buy?
- •5. There are lots of compound nouns in the texts, like sleeping bag. How
- •Vocabulary booster: things you take on holiday
- •1. A) Look at the advertisements for three dream holidays. Which places do you visit on each holiday?
- •In pairs. Put the dialogue in the right order . Check the tapescript 3-1.
- •2. Where do you go first when you travel by plane? Put these places in the correct order. Write 1-5 on the left.
- •3. Listen to the conversations. Where are they? Write the letter next to the correct place on the right in ex.2.(tapescript 3-2)
- •4. Travel information
- •Imagine you are in a hot sunny country on holiday. Write a postcard to a friend. Mention five of the things in ex 2.
- •In the town – в городе
- •1. In groups. Choose one of these trips. What sort of bag would you take and what would you pack? Why? Tell the class about your plans for the traveling.
- •2. A) Complete the story about a holiday incident.
- •3. Work in pairs or small groups.
- •In some cities all cars are banned from the centre. Do you think this is a good or a bad thing? Why?
- •8. Read this conversation in the hotel and put the lines in the correct order.
- •9. Ben is going to take his driving test soon. Complete the conversation with the correct form of have to or can.
- •10. Put the verbs in the box into the correct category.
- •1. Work in groups.
- •Imagine that you are cooking a meal for twenty. Your friend offers his help. Prepare vegetables, set the table, do the washing-up, open the wine.
- •1. Put the words in the box in the correct place in the table. Write the singular and plural form for the countable nouns.
- •2. Put the following words under the correct heading in the box below. Translate the words into Russian.
- •3.Using the clues below, complete the words in the word grid 1-8 and find the Mystery word.
- •4.Tick the correct sentence:
- •5. Match the questions with the answers:
- •6. Put the lines of dialogues in order:
- •7.Read parts of Anna and Liz’s conversation with the waitress and complete it with the given phrases below.
- •8. Rewrite the following sentences using the construction there is/
- •Text c Presents and souvenirs in British shops. Read the text and answer the following questions:
- •1. Make the purchase word grid. Give clues for your words. The example bellow may help you:
- •2. Imagine that you have lost your luggage with all your clothes. You have enough money to buy only twelve items of clothing. Make a list of the clothes you would buy and the colours.
- •2. Where do you buy these things?
- •3. Where would you hear these sentences?
- •5. Tick the correct sentence:
- •6. Put the dialogue in the correct order:
- •Module 6: Health
- •Diseases
- •Mini projects
- •1. Give Russian equivalents to the following:
- •2. Medical terms
- •3. At the chemist
- •4. Read the text. Translate the words and phrases in brackets.
- •Module 7: Free time activities.
- •1) You discuss with your friend the way to spend your weekend. Having different opinions on the matter, it takes you rather long to work out a common plan
- •2. Make reports on:
- •1 Insert prepositions or adverbs:
- •2 Arrange the following into groups of words and word combinations close in meaning:
- •3 Fit the following sentences into situations. Paraphrase them wherever possible. Translate into Russian.
- •4 Use the following word combinations in sentences of your own:
- •5 Explain the difference between:
- •6 Correct whatever is wrong in the statements
- •Module 9: Education and job.
- •Vocabulary notes
- •2. Discuss in groups. Read the people’s problems. (Do you have similar problems yourself?)
- •3. Choose one of the topics given below and make a report.
- •Module 9-II. Job.
- •If you do something wrong you are: if you’ve done nothing wrong, you are:
- •Content
- •Interview 1
- •Interview 2
- •1 Discuss in groups.
- •2 There are some adjectives below. Use some of them describing yourself:
- •4 Make up your Resume, using these points:
- •Interviewee. Think about these things:
- •IX Write complete sentences.
- •X Match the questions and the answers.
- •Travelling.
Text c Presents and souvenirs in British shops. Read the text and answer the following questions:
1. What presents can one find in London’s shops?
2. Why do people buy souvenirs?
London is a wonderful place to shop for presents. As well as an impressive array of original ceramics, jewellery, perfume and glassware, there is exotic merchandise from around the world, including jewellery from India and Africa, stationary from Europe and kitchenware from France and Italy. The elegant, Regency-period Burlington Arcade is a popular shopping destination selling high-quality gifts, clothes, art and crafts, many of which are made in the UK.
The shops at big museums, such as the Victoria and Albert, the Natural History and the Science Museum often have unusual and original items to take home as mementos of your visit, while Contemporary Applied Arts, Thomas Neal’s shopping complex and the market in Covent Garden Piazza all sell a good range of British pottery, jewellery, knitwear and other crafts. If you want to buy all your presents under one roof, you can go to Liberty, where beautiful stock from all over the globe fills every department.
Jewellery shops in London range from the extremely traditional to the tiny shops. Butler and Wilson has some of the most eye-catching costume jewellery in town, while next door Electrum keeps less bold but equally innovative pieces.
Mulberry Company stocks classically English luggage, as well as accessories such as belts, purses and wallets, and Janet Fitch sells a wide range of bags, belts, jewellery, hats and other essential accessories.
Many British perfumeries use recipes that are hundreds of years old. Floris and Penhaligon’s, for example, still manufactures the same flower-based scents and toiletries for men and women that they sold in the 19th century. Other manufacturers have a more contemporary approach to their wares; for example, the Body Shop.
exotic merchandise экзотические товары
kitchenware кухонная посуда
destination место назначения, цель
as a memento of your visit как память о вашем посещении
pottery керамика, гончарные изделия
knitwear трикотаж, трикотажные изделия
eye-catching привлекательный, останавливающий внимание
costume jewellery декоративная бижутерия, недорогие украшения
scent аромат
Dialogue 1 What you spend your money on.
Read an interview with Tanya and David. They are talking about what they spend their money on.
Interviewer: What do you spend your money on when you have it, Tanya?
Tanya : Oh, holidays. I don’t spend anything for month. I just save and save,
then, when I have enough, I go off for a week or two or longer- so-
mewhere I’ve never been before or just somewhere warm to relax.
And when I’m not on holiday I spend money on books.
Interviewer: Travel books?
Tanya: Yes, well, all kinds of books, really.
Interviewer: David, what about you?
David: Well, I’m a student, as you know, so I haven’t got much money,
unfortunately. What I have goes on music- CDs, mostly.
Interviewer: What kind of music?
David: Everything- classical, jazz, pop. I also like going to pop concerts,
but they cost a lot, so, you know ‘cos the tickets are so expensive.
I also love clothes so if there is a sale, I buy casual thins- jeans,
shirts, jackets-that sort of thing.
Interviewer: What kind of souvenirs do you bring back from your travels, Tanya?
Tanya: I usually buy something for the house or garden- you know, wooden
parrots, big plant pots for my garden, small rugs. But it can be very
difficult to bring souvenirs back. I once sat on a fifteen hour flight with an enormous plant pot on my knee- so big I couldn’t see over the top. Then at the airport I put it down for a second and somebody fell over it and broke it!
Interviewer: Oh no!
Tanya: I wasn’t very pleased! I also love jewellery, so- for example in
South America I bought lots of earrings and big necklaces.
Interviewer: And you, David?
David: Well, music of course and also whatever’s cheap- clothes in the States are cheap, for example. I collect T-shirts.
Interviewer: Really? How many have you got?
David: Oh, I’ve got about forty of them from all over the world. But you have to be careful- I remember one holiday I spent a long time deciding which T-shirt to buy and when I got back home they had exactly the same one in our local shop!
unfortunately к сожалению
casual things вещи для повседневной носки
necklace ожерелье, колье
local shop местный магазин
Dialogue2 In a clothes shop.
Listen to the conversation( tapescript 5-1)
Tanya comes to a clothes shop. She is looking for a suit. Read her conversation with a shop assistant and a cashier.
Shop assistant: Hello, can I help you?
Tanya: Yes, have you got this suit in a size 12?
Shop assistant: In blue?
Tanya: Yes, in blue.
Shop assistant: I’ll just have a look. Yes, here you are.
Tanya: Could I try it on, please?
Shop assistant: Of course. The fitting rooms are over there.
Tanya: Thank you.
Shop assistant: Any good?
Tanya: I think it’s a bit tight. Do you think I could try on a bigger one?
Shop assistant: Yes, I’ll see if we’ve got a 14. …
Shop assistant: Better?
Tanya: Yes, I’ll take it.
Shop assistant: Great, O.K., if you could take it to the cash desk.
Cashier: How would you like to pay?
Tanya: Cash, please.
Cashier: That’ll be 15.99, then
Tanya: There you are.
Cashier: 16, 17, 18, 19,20. Thanks. Your receipt’s in the bag. Good bye.
Tanya: Thanks very much. Bye.
a clothes shop магазин одежды
to try on примерять
fitting room примерочная
tight плотно прилегающий, тесный
cash desk касса
receipt чек
Dialogue 3. Taking something back.
A: Good afternoon, how can I help you?
B: I’d like a refund on this sweater, please. It’s not really big enough.
A: Do you have your receipt?
B: Yes, here you are.
A: Do you have your credit card? We need it to refund your account.
B: Certainly, here it is.
A: Could you sign here? Thank you very much, goodbye.
Work in pairs/groups.
a) Role-play the situations given in the dialogues.
b) Discuss what things you spend your money on every day, every week, once a month, once a year.
Compulsory vocabulary.
At the department store. В универсаме.
Please, show me something… Пожалуйста, покажите мне что-нибудь…
…a bit less expensive. …чуть подешевле.
…a bit better. …получше.
…with another design. …с другим рисунком.
…in a different colour. …другого цвета.
…in a different style. …с другим фасоном (в другом стиле)
I will (not) take that. Я возьму это(не возьму).
That is (not) what I wanted. Это то(не то), что я хотел.
May I try it on? Я могу это примерить?
Where is the fitting room? Где примерочная?
What size is this? Какой это размер?
This is too… Это слишком…
…long (short). …длинное (короткое).
…big (small). …большое (маленькое).
…expensive. …дорого.
Can you recommend anything? Вы можете порекомендовать что-нибудь?
Can you give me a discount (guarantee)? Вы можете сделать скидку (даете га-
This price suits me. Цена меня устраивает.
Here you are. Вот, пожалуйста.
At the grocery store. В продовольственном магазине.
I would like… Я бы хотел…
…a loaf of bread. …буханку хлеба.
Please, weight out one kilo of… Пожалуйста, взвесьте один килограмм…
Please give me… Пожалуйста, дайте мне…
…a packet of… …пачку…
..two hundred grams of… …двести грамм…
A bottle (a box) of …, please. Бутылку ( коробку)…,пожалуйста.
I would like to make an order for Я бы хотел сделать заказ на завтра.
tomorrow, please.
Types of shops Виды магазинов
clothes shop магазин одежды
hosiery трикотажный магазин
millinery магазин дамских шляп
haberdashery галантерейный магазин
newsstand газетный киоск
bookshop книжный магазин
manufactured goods shop промтоварный магазин
grocery store продовольственный магазин
greengrocery зеленная и фруктовая лавка
fruiterer’s фруктовый магазин
florist’s цветочный магазин
fishmonger’s рыбный магазин
poulterer’s магазин домашней птицы и дичи
milkshop (dairy) молочный магазин
baker’s shop хлебный магазин
a cake shop; confectionery кондитерский магазин
the butcher’s мясная лавка
stationer’s магазин канцелярских товаров
jeweller’s ювелирный магазин
department store универсам
market рынок
shopping centre торговый центр
store магазин
supermarket универсам
chain-stores однотипные розничные магазины
одной фирмы
Staff and customers Персонал и покупатели
shopkeeper владелец магазина
store manager менеджер магазина
Shop assistant продавец
customer, shopper покупатель
Clothes Одежда
shirt рубашка
trousers брюки
jeans джинсы
jacket куртка
tracksuit теплый спортивный костюм
T-shirt футболка
tie галстук
sweater свитер
skirt юбка
blouse блузка
suit костюм
sack suit пиджачный костюм
two-piece suit (three-piece suit) женский костюм из 2-х (3-х) предметов
raincoat плащ
coat пальто
Footwear Обувь
shoes туфли
walking boots прогулочные туфли
boots ботинки
trainers кроссовки
sandals сандалии
high boots сапоги
Money words /verbs Деньги
to buy покупать
cash point machine банкомат
payment платеж
receipt чек на покупку
refund возврат денег за покупку
to pay платить
bank банк
bank note банкнота
currency валюта
change мелочь, сдача
coin монета
to cash a cheque получить деньги по чеку
to get change for money разменивать деньги
credit card кредитная карточка
wallet бумажник
purse кошелек
to spend money тратить деньги
to cost стоить
to shop in cash (by credit card) оплачивать наличными (кредитной карточкой)