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XIV. Прочитайте и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление Participle I в разных функциях.

1. When constructingthe railway, it is cheaper to use local materials. 2. Peoplelivingnear airports suffer from the noise of powerful jet airlinerstaking off and landing. 3. We spent an hour or two,talkingto our friends. 4.Having seenthe green light, we crossed the street. 5. Freight trainsconsistingof more than 80 cars are hauled by 2 locomotives. 6. Waiting for the train arrival, I looked through the magazines lying on the table. 7. Having received the telegram she immediately left for Glasgow. 8. At the stop we saw a lot of people waiting for the bus. 9. The leading role of the railway transport in Russia is explained by the specific territorial, climatic and geographical conditions. 10. Ships are equipped with radar sets helping them to orient at sea. 11. A new road connecting the plant with the railway station is being built now. 12. They stopped their experiments having obtained the necessary results. 13. The main disadvantages of steel sleepers are their high price and the noise caused by trains passing over them. 14. Having left our suitcases in the Left-Luggage Room we went to have a snack. 15. The workers were moving from car to car, carefully inspecting them. 16. The road joining the two villages is very narrow. 17. The bright flowers growing along the railroad track attracted the attention of all the passengers. 18. In 1840 the USA had 2,800 miles of railroad tracks consisting mainly of short lines. 19. The trains operating on the underground lines are provided with low voltage direct current. 20. While waiting for the ship to leave, I met an old friend of mine.

XV. Прочитайте и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление Participle II в разных функциях.

1.The TV set boughta few days ago has broken down. 2.When translated, the article will be typed. 3. Thereceivedinformation was very interesting. 4. Pieces ofbrokenglass wereseeneverywhere. 5. The equipmentproducedby our plant is of high quality. 6. This powerful machine is operated by one person. 7. There are several types of rails used on our railways now, such as R 60, R 75. 8. When upgraded, the track will be used for high-speed traffic. 9. In Japan the communication between some islands is provided through underwater tubes laid on the sea bottom. 10. The first metals used by primitive men were gold, silver and copper. 11. We were informed of the test runs carried on the new line. 12. A lot of scientists invited to the conference refused to take part in it. 13. Before opened, the railway lines are carefully inspected and tested. 14. When thoroughly tested, ballastless track will probably find wide application not only in tunnels. 15. The sign of the London Underground is a red circle crossed with a blue stripe. 16. The first bus developed by Shillibear appeared in London in 1861. 17. The telephone lines broken in the last night’s storm are being repaired now. 18. The motor coaches are supplied with electric motors placed under the floor of the coach. 19. The wagons with insulated walls, roofs and floors are known as the refrigerator cars. 20. A new electronic instrument will calculate how far one can drive on the fuel left in the tank.

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