- •Шановний друже!
- •Бажаємо успіху.
- •1. Geographical position
- •2. Industry and agriculture
- •3. Science
- •4. Kyiv, the capital of ukraine
- •5. The constitution of ukraine
- •6. Education
- •7. Famous people of ukraine
- •Taras Shevchenko
- •M. Drahomanov
- •M. Hrushevsky
- •Mykola Khvylyovy
- •Lina Kostenko
- •Stanislav Lyudkevich
- •9. We are ukrainians
- •10. Protection of nature
- •1. Geographical position
- •2. Climate
- •Vegetables овочі
- •3. Industry and agriculture
- •4. Political system
- •5. London
- •In keeping with відповідно до
- •Trafalgar Square
- •Victory перемога
- •The Houses of Parliament
- •St. Paul's Cathedral
- •The British Museum
- •Westminster Abbey
- •Downing Street, No 10
- •In front of попереду
- •The Tower of London
- •Piccadilly Circus
- •Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum
- •Hyde Park
- •8. What can you tell about the Reading Room in the British Museum?
- •7. Britain's prominent people
- •Independently самостійно
- •Isaac Newton
- •Charles Dickens
- •Christopher Wren
- •Robert Burns
- •J. Reynolds
- •8. Education
- •9. Higher education
- •London University
- •Oxford University
- •10. British holidays and traditions
- •New Year's Day
- •Remembrance Day
- •English
- •1. Geographical position
- •2. Population
- •Inhabitant мешканець
- •3. Cities
- •4. System of government
- •5. National economy
- •6. Washington d.C.
- •In honour of на честь
- •7. Some facts from the history of the usa
- •8. Holidays celebrated in the united states
- •9. Education
- •Institution of higher learning вищий навчальний заклад
- •10. The environment protection
- •Industrial dumping of wastes звалище промислових відходів
- •Brief outline
- •Vague lines "білі плями"
- •1. The state academy of light industry of ukraine
- •2. My future speciality
- •3. Engineer and technological progress
- •Implementation здійснення, реалізація
- •In spite of незважаючи на
- •4. Automation
- •Increased capacity підвищена потужність
- •Introduction of programme control technique застосування методу програмованого контролю
- •Integral part невід'ємна частина
- •5. Electronics
- •Industrial application промислове застосування
- •6. Computers
- •Integrated circuit chip кристал інтегральної схеми
- •Input/output interface chip кристал інтерфейсу вводу/виводу
- •Industrial control system система промислового управління
- •7. My speciality (economist-engineer)
- •8. Management
- •9. The science of chemistry
- •10. Polymeric materials
- •11. Textile fibres
- •12. Processes in leather manufacture
- •13. Processes in making footwear
- •14. We shall work in clothing manufacture
- •15. The principles of knitting and knitted fabrics
- •16. Hand knitting and knitting machines
2. My future speciality
New words and word-combinations to be remembered:
technological equipment технологічне устаткування
automated control systems автоматичні системи управління
industrial electronics промислова електроніка
electrical engineering електротехніка
engineering техніка, машинобудування
mechanical engineering машинобудування
machine-tool manufacture верстатобудування
instrument-making приладобудування
output виробництво
measuring and control instruments вимірювальні прилади
Strange of materials опір матеріалів
strength of materials опір матеріалів
machine parts деталі машин
installation устаткування, обладнання
apparatus прилад, інструмент
device прилад, пристрій
design bureau конструкторське бюро
term paper курсовий проект
graduation thesis дипломна робота
research work науково-дослідна робота
theoretical investigation теоретичне дослідження
skilled досвідчений, кваліфікований
I study at the department of the technological equipment and automated control systems. The students of our department are specializing in mechanics, automation of technological processes and automated control systems, industrial electronics, electrical engineering. Mechanical engineering is called a key industry due to its importance to all sectors of the national economy including mechanization, automation, chemical engineering, etc. Engineering is a complex consisting of inter-linked industries.
Machine-tool manufacture is the material and technical base of engineering. Mechanical engineering is rapidly changing. Instrument-making plays an increasingly important part. This branch of engineering produces automation equipment, quality control devices, computers, etc.
The development of automation is closely linked with progress in instrument-making and the output of up-to-date measuring and control instruments and devices. As future engineers we get a thorough knowledge of physics, mathematics, technical drawing, electrical engineering, strength of materials and machine parts, automation and automated control systems, computing, etc.
We are taught by a highly-qualified staff of professors and teachers. Our practical training and laboratory works are done in the laboratories equipped with modem installations, apparatuses and devices. Theoretical training is combined with scientific work at the scientific centres and students', design bureaus. As a rule, students write their term papers and graduation theses on the problems connected with their scientific work. They operate experimental and industrial installations, conduct research work, read scientific literature which deals with their speciality. It is also combined with practical training at the advanced enterprises. All these help to turn a student into a highly-skilled engineer, ready for independent work.
Answer the following questions:
Why is industrial engineering so important?
What is the material and technical foundation of engineering?
Is imtmment-making an important branch of engineering? What is the development of automation closely linked with?
What sciences and special subjects are of great importance in training future engineers?
What is the importance of scientific work in training future engineers?
Is practical training important for educating future specialists?
Are you engaged in research work?
Speak on mechanics using the following word-combinations:
Speciality — mechanics:
— to be much interested in;
— to choose as speciality;
— to be trained at higher schools;
— to be a part of engineering and machine-building;
— to be linked with other branches of industries: machine-tool and instmment manufacturing, production mechanization, automation equipment, quality control devices, output of measuring and control instruments;
— to be a good specialist must know fundamentals and speciality forming subjects;
— training, to be done at the laboratories, scientific centres, shops plants and different enterprises;
— the results, to be implemented in the term papers and graduation theses.