- •Шановний друже!
- •Бажаємо успіху.
- •1. Geographical position
- •2. Industry and agriculture
- •3. Science
- •4. Kyiv, the capital of ukraine
- •5. The constitution of ukraine
- •6. Education
- •7. Famous people of ukraine
- •Taras Shevchenko
- •M. Drahomanov
- •M. Hrushevsky
- •Mykola Khvylyovy
- •Lina Kostenko
- •Stanislav Lyudkevich
- •9. We are ukrainians
- •10. Protection of nature
- •1. Geographical position
- •2. Climate
- •Vegetables овочі
- •3. Industry and agriculture
- •4. Political system
- •5. London
- •In keeping with відповідно до
- •Trafalgar Square
- •Victory перемога
- •The Houses of Parliament
- •St. Paul's Cathedral
- •The British Museum
- •Westminster Abbey
- •Downing Street, No 10
- •In front of попереду
- •The Tower of London
- •Piccadilly Circus
- •Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum
- •Hyde Park
- •8. What can you tell about the Reading Room in the British Museum?
- •7. Britain's prominent people
- •Independently самостійно
- •Isaac Newton
- •Charles Dickens
- •Christopher Wren
- •Robert Burns
- •J. Reynolds
- •8. Education
- •9. Higher education
- •London University
- •Oxford University
- •10. British holidays and traditions
- •New Year's Day
- •Remembrance Day
- •English
- •1. Geographical position
- •2. Population
- •Inhabitant мешканець
- •3. Cities
- •4. System of government
- •5. National economy
- •6. Washington d.C.
- •In honour of на честь
- •7. Some facts from the history of the usa
- •8. Holidays celebrated in the united states
- •9. Education
- •Institution of higher learning вищий навчальний заклад
- •10. The environment protection
- •Industrial dumping of wastes звалище промислових відходів
- •Brief outline
- •Vague lines "білі плями"
- •1. The state academy of light industry of ukraine
- •2. My future speciality
- •3. Engineer and technological progress
- •Implementation здійснення, реалізація
- •In spite of незважаючи на
- •4. Automation
- •Increased capacity підвищена потужність
- •Introduction of programme control technique застосування методу програмованого контролю
- •Integral part невід'ємна частина
- •5. Electronics
- •Industrial application промислове застосування
- •6. Computers
- •Integrated circuit chip кристал інтегральної схеми
- •Input/output interface chip кристал інтерфейсу вводу/виводу
- •Industrial control system система промислового управління
- •7. My speciality (economist-engineer)
- •8. Management
- •9. The science of chemistry
- •10. Polymeric materials
- •11. Textile fibres
- •12. Processes in leather manufacture
- •13. Processes in making footwear
- •14. We shall work in clothing manufacture
- •15. The principles of knitting and knitted fabrics
- •16. Hand knitting and knitting machines
3. Science
New words and word-combinations to be remembered:
developed science розвинена наука
research дослідження
discovery відкриття
to revive відроджувати
heritage спадщина
Ukraine is a country of developed science. The Kyiv National University named after Taras Shevchenko is one of the most important scientific and research centres of the country. Kyiv-Mohyla Academy which was founded in the seventeenth century and was a highly developed cultural centre in ancient times now are becoming the leading educational establishment in training highly-qualified specialists for our country.
The National Academy of Science of Ukraine with its research institutes numbers many outstanding scientists and research workers famous for their important discoveries.
Ukraine was one of the founding members of UNO which testifies to the recognition of the Ukrainian people's great contribution to the defeat of nazism in World War II and to the international prestige of Ukraine.
Answer the following questions:
Ukraine has an advanced science, culture and art, hasn't it?
What testifies to the international prestige of Ukraine?
4. Kyiv, the capital of ukraine
New words and word-combinations to be remembered:
to give one's feeling створити відчуття
according to відповідно до
to call (name) after називати (іменем)
various crafts різноманітні ремесла
wide-spread розповсюджений
liberation war визвольна війна
in honour of на честь
ancient старовинний
to create створювати
to be founded бути заснованим
objects вироби
rich and varied дорогі й різноманітні
measuring instruments вимірювальні прилади
consumer goods товари широкого вжитку
as well as також
artificial штучний
decorative and applied art декоративне і прикладне мистецтво
Kyiv of to-day is the political, economic, scientific, industrial and cultural centre of Ukraine. It is the capital of Ukraine and the seat of the Cabinet of Ministers and the Verkhovna Rada. The population of Kyiv is more than 3 million.
The first view of Kyiv with its modern buildings and broad streets immediately gives you a feeling of a big city. Kyiv of to-day, picturesquely set on the banks of the Dnieper, is one of the largest capitals in the world.
One half of Kyiv's area is occupied by parks and gardens. In the Park of Immortal Glory there is the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
Kyiv is an ancient city. According to the legend, once there were three brothers: Kiy, Shchek, Khoriv and their sister Lybid'. They settled on the hills above the Dnieper and founded a city on one of the hills and called it Kyiv after the elder brother. In the centre of the city you can see the remains of the Golden Gate which is about a thousand years old. Once it was the main entrance to the city. At that time Kyiv was the capital of the feudal state of Kyiv Rus', a large and powerful state with highly developed culture and various crafts widely known throughout Europe. Decorative and applied art was most wide-spread in Kyiv Rus'.
The prosperous years of Kyiv Rus' changed to years of discord and wars. Ancient temples were ruined by Tatar-Mongol invaders. For nearly three centuries the Ukrainian people fought against foreign invaders.
In the centre of St. Sophia's Square there is a Monument to B.Khmelnitsky, the outstanding statesman and military leader who headed the Ukrainian people in their liberation war against the Poles. The most famous among monumental structures of Kyiv is St. Sophia's Cathedral. Prince Volodymyr's son, Yaroslav the Wise laid the foundation of St. Sophia's Cathedral in honour of the victory over the Pechenihs in 1037. At that time Kyiv played an important part in the development of written language, literature, painting, architecture. Yaroslav the Wise strengthened the international importance of Kyiv Rus' through dynastic unions. As a European power Kyiv Rus' reached the highest point of its fame under his rule.
A monument to Prince Volodymyr, unveiled in 1853 on Volodymyr Hill is a reminder of christianization. Present-day Kyiv is unthinkable without its Vydubytsky Monastery, the Church of St. Cyril (1150), Si Andrew's Church (1753), etc.
The architectural ensemble, Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, was created over a period of nine century. The Pechersk Monastery of the Caves was founded according to chronicles by the monk Antony in 1051. The Pechersk Lavra became an important cultural centre of Old Rus'. Among museums of Lavra there is a Museum of Ukrainian Folk Decorative Art which comprises more than 50,000 exhibits. There are rugs and carpets, eighteenth and nineteenth century fabrics and embroidery, wood carvings, objects of art, glass, porcelain, etc.
One can visit the State Museum of Ukrainian Art which was opened in 1899. The large collections of paintings, drawings and sculptures embrace all periods of the development of Ukrainian fine arts.
The Museum of Folk Architecture and Ethnography was opened in 1976 and its repository contains nearly 50,000 ethnographic exhibits such as folk costumes, embroidered towels, carpets, articles of ceramic, metal, wood and glass ware, musical instruments, paintings, farm implements, etc.
Kyiv cultural life is rich and varied. There are many other museums in Kyiv: the State Historical Museum, the T. Shevchenko Museum, the State Museum of Western and Eastern Art, etc.
Kyiv is a city of theatres. The T. Shevchenko National Opera and Ballet Theatre, the Ivan Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre, the Lesya Ukrainka Drama Theatre, the "Ukraina" Palace and other theatres are greatly appreciated by Kyivites and guests from other cities and countries.
The city has a well-developed industry: complex automatic lathes, excavators, sea and river ships, motorcycles, electrical measuring instruments, planes, chemicals, textiles and various kinds of consumer goods are produced there.
Answer the following questions:
Has Kyiv always been the capital of Ukraine?
Who founded Kyiv?
How old is the Golden Gate?
What ancient monuments and memorials are there in Kyiv?
Who headed the liberation war of the Ukrainian people in 1848- 54?
How long did the Ukrainian people fight against foreign invaders?
In honour of what event was St. Sophia's Cathedral founded?
Whom was Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra founded by?
What museums are there in Kyiv?
What theatres are there in Kyiv?
Kyiv is an industrial centre, isn't it?