- •Шановний друже!
- •Бажаємо успіху.
- •1. Geographical position
- •2. Industry and agriculture
- •3. Science
- •4. Kyiv, the capital of ukraine
- •5. The constitution of ukraine
- •6. Education
- •7. Famous people of ukraine
- •Taras Shevchenko
- •M. Drahomanov
- •M. Hrushevsky
- •Mykola Khvylyovy
- •Lina Kostenko
- •Stanislav Lyudkevich
- •9. We are ukrainians
- •10. Protection of nature
- •1. Geographical position
- •2. Climate
- •Vegetables овочі
- •3. Industry and agriculture
- •4. Political system
- •5. London
- •In keeping with відповідно до
- •Trafalgar Square
- •Victory перемога
- •The Houses of Parliament
- •St. Paul's Cathedral
- •The British Museum
- •Westminster Abbey
- •Downing Street, No 10
- •In front of попереду
- •The Tower of London
- •Piccadilly Circus
- •Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum
- •Hyde Park
- •8. What can you tell about the Reading Room in the British Museum?
- •7. Britain's prominent people
- •Independently самостійно
- •Isaac Newton
- •Charles Dickens
- •Christopher Wren
- •Robert Burns
- •J. Reynolds
- •8. Education
- •9. Higher education
- •London University
- •Oxford University
- •10. British holidays and traditions
- •New Year's Day
- •Remembrance Day
- •English
- •1. Geographical position
- •2. Population
- •Inhabitant мешканець
- •3. Cities
- •4. System of government
- •5. National economy
- •6. Washington d.C.
- •In honour of на честь
- •7. Some facts from the history of the usa
- •8. Holidays celebrated in the united states
- •9. Education
- •Institution of higher learning вищий навчальний заклад
- •10. The environment protection
- •Industrial dumping of wastes звалище промислових відходів
- •Brief outline
- •Vague lines "білі плями"
- •1. The state academy of light industry of ukraine
- •2. My future speciality
- •3. Engineer and technological progress
- •Implementation здійснення, реалізація
- •In spite of незважаючи на
- •4. Automation
- •Increased capacity підвищена потужність
- •Introduction of programme control technique застосування методу програмованого контролю
- •Integral part невід'ємна частина
- •5. Electronics
- •Industrial application промислове застосування
- •6. Computers
- •Integrated circuit chip кристал інтегральної схеми
- •Input/output interface chip кристал інтерфейсу вводу/виводу
- •Industrial control system система промислового управління
- •7. My speciality (economist-engineer)
- •8. Management
- •9. The science of chemistry
- •10. Polymeric materials
- •11. Textile fibres
- •12. Processes in leather manufacture
- •13. Processes in making footwear
- •14. We shall work in clothing manufacture
- •15. The principles of knitting and knitted fabrics
- •16. Hand knitting and knitting machines
3. Industry and agriculture
New words and word-combinations to be remembered:
highly-developed високорозвинений
main головний
branch галузь
fabrics тканини
to satisfy the needs задовольняти потреби
quantity кількість
gross domestic product валовий внутрішній продукт
growth зростання
demand попит
to meet the demands задовольняти потреби
produce випускати
goods and services товари і послуги
Great Britain is known to be a highly-developed industrial country. The main branches of industry are ship-building, machine-building, metal industry, chemical and textile industry. The main industrial centres are London, Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds, Glasgow, etc. The leading centres of the textile region are Liverpool and Manchester. Manchester is the chief cotton manufacturing city. Every town produces certain kinds of yarn and fabrics. Plants producing textile machinery not only satisfy the needs of British industry, but also export great quantities of machinery to other countries. Great Britain exports motor-cars, agricultural tractors, railway and motor vehicles, cotton and wollen fabrics and other things. About 1/4 of its .gross domestic product comes from the export of goods and services. The notable growth has been seen in electrical and instrument engineering, mechanical engineering, food, paper, printing and publishing. It is the world's tenth largest steel producer and a major producer of alloys used by the aerospace, electronic, petrochemical and other industries. Its chemical industry is the 3rd largest in Europe and the 5th largest in the western world. The British aerospace industry is the 3rd largest in the world. The clothing industry, one of the largest in Europe, meets about 2/3 of domestic demand, and the wollen industry is one of the world's largest.
Great Britain is the 5th largest trading nation in the world. Export of goods and services is equivalent to 1/4 of gross domestic product. Banking, finances, insurance, business services account for 14 percent of the British economy's total output. Over 3/4 of Britain's landscape is used for agriculture.
Answer the following questions:
1. What branches of industry are developed in Great Britain?
2. What is the leading branch of industry in the country?
3. What part of Britain's land is used for agriculture?
4. Political system
New words and word-combinations to be remembered:
head of state глава держави
power влада
bill законопроект
majority більшість
election вибори
to vote голосувати
to win отримати перемогу
to depend on залежати (від)
minority меншість
government уряд
to be responsible for відповідати за що-небудь
shadow тінь, тіньовий
agreement угода
to sign підписувати
The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy. The Queen is the head of state. But according to the constitution, power in the country belongs to Parliament. The monarch can only reign with the support of Parliament. The British Parliament consists of the House of Lords and the House of Commons. They meet only on symbolic occasions, such as the opening of Parliament. In reality, the House of Commons has true power. New bills are introduced and debated here. If the majority of the members are in favour of a bill it goes to the House of Lords to be debated and then to the Queen for signing.
Only then it becomes law. The House of Commons is made up of 650 elected members (MPs). They are elected by the people at a general elections. Parliamentary elections must be held every five years.
There are four political parties in Great Britain — the Conservative, the Liberal, the Labour and the Communist Parties. The political parties choose candidates in elections. The party which wins the majority of seats forms the Government. Its leader usually becomes the Prime Minister. The largest minority party becomes the Opposition. The majority party runs the country.
The Prime Minister chooses about 20 MPs from his party and they form Cabinet of Ministers. Each minister is responsible for a particular area of government. The leader of the Opposition chooses MPs too. They are responsible for opposing the government. They form the 'Shadow Cabinet', the Conservative and Liberal parties are the oldest. Since 19th century they were the only parties elected to the House of Commons. The members of the House of Lords are not elected.
Parliament in London is responsible for deciding national policy, but many public services are provided by local governments. They are responsible for organizing such services as education, libraries, police and others.
Answer the following questions:
1. What kind of country is the United Kingdom?
2. Who is the head of state?
3. What Houses does the British Parliament consist of?
4. Who has true power in the country?
5. When does a bill become law?
6. How many elected members are there in the House of Commons?
7. How many political parties are there in Great Britain?
8. Which party forms the government?
9. Who forms Cabinet of Ministers?
10. How is the "Shadow Cabinet" formed?
11. What is Parliament responsible for?
12. When are Parliamentary elections held?