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1. Geographical position

New words and word-combinations to be remembered:

to consist of складатись

to be separated (from) відокремлюватись (від)

to be washed by омиватися

mountain гора

to occupy займати

to be rich in бути багатим на

The British Isles consist of two large islands, Great Britain and Ireland. There are also more than 5,000 smaller islands around the coasts of the two main islands. The British Isles are separated from the European Continent by the North Sea and the English Channel. The western coast of Great Britain is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea. Great Britain consists of four parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. There are no high mountains in Great Britain. In the north the Cheviots (the Cheviot Hills) separate England from Scotland. In the centre of England is a range of lulls called the Pennines, known as the backbone of England. The Cumbrian moun­tains occupy the greater part of Wales and the Highlands of Scotland are the tallest of the British mountains. Ben Nevis, the tallest peak is only 1,343 m. high and Snowdon is 1,085 m. high. The longest and the deepest rivers are the Severn, the Thames, the Tyne, the Trent and the Clyde. There are many lakes in Great Britain, especially in the mountains. The Lake District is the most beautiful corner of England. Loch Lomond, Loch Ness in Scotland are the largest ones. There are no great forests in the country. Historically, the most famous forest is Sherwood Forest in the east of England. It was the home of Robin Hood.

Great Britain is rich in coal, iron, copper, lead, zinc, salt, china-clay, granite. British coal is of high quality. In the annual production of coal Great Britain occupies the 3rd place in the world.

Answer the following questions:

1. What kind of country is the United Kingdom?

2. What is the population of the country?

3. What is the area of the country?

4. Where is Great Britain situated?

5. What islands do the British Isles consist of?

6. By what are the British Isles separated from the European continent?

7. What parts does Great Britain consist of?

8. What mountains are there in Great Britain?

9. What can you tell about the rivers and lakes of the country?

10. What mineral resources is Great Britain rich in?

11. What are the main nationalities of the country?

2. Climate

New words and word-combinations to be remembered:

to surround оточувати

to influence впливати

mild м'який

to vary змінюватись

due (to), thanks (to) дякуючи

low temperature низька температура

average середній

lack нестача

to freeze замерзати

dry сухий

to hinder шкодити

Vegetables овочі

The British Isles are surrounded by the ocean which influences the climate of the country. It is mild thanks to the warm water of Gulf Stream. Western districts have a high rainfall because of winds and the mountains and eastern parts of the country are much drier. Strong frosts are rare. Due to the Gulf Stream the January temperature is higher and the July temperature is lower than in any other country of the same latitude. The average temperature in winter is about 5 degrees above zero and 15-17 degrees in summer. The rivers are not frozen throughout the year. The mild and damp climate of the British Isles is very good for agriculture, especially for vegetables-farming, sheep and cattle-farming, but the lack of sunshine hinders the cultivation of grain crops.

Answer the following questions:

  1. What is the climate of Great Britain?

  2. What influences the climate of the country?

  3. What is the average temperature in winter and in summer?

  4. Are the rivers frozen in winter?

  5. Why do western districts have a high rainfall?

  6. What hinders the cultivation of grain crops?