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The Colour of Oil

It's common knowledge that people in and outside oil industry used to call oil "black gold". It's true and it's not difficult to prove it.

Energy is a big business, and oil is a major part of that business. To be more exact, oil accounts for 40 per cent of all the world's energy. The world lives on oil. Oil is fundamental for the stability of the industrialized world. Oil is known to be the foundation for the plastics and petrochemical industries. It is a major component of the farming industry as well. Practically speaking, oil industry is the major sector of economy. It affects all shades of life and industry.

Michael J. Economides from the University of Houston, Doctor Honoris Causa (почетный профессор) of Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas thinks oil to be of various colours. And in his opinion the colour of oil depends on many factors.

"Oil is black because it is a mixture of so many compounds with so much variation in physical properties that all light is absorbed".

"The colour of oil is green, and even if money throughout the world has all the colours of the rainbow, it is the dollar colour (greenback) both literally and figuratively that has defined the value of oil".

"Red is the colour of oil—as red as the blood of the millions who died in two great world wars and many other conflicts of the 20th century".

Ex. 14 Prove the saying that «oil is black gold».

Words to the text «oil business»

1. upstream n поисково-разведочные и нефтепромысловые

работы (первичные отрасли нефт. хозяйства)

2. midstream л транспортировка, хранение углелеводородов

и переработка газа (вторичные отрасли нефт. хозяйства)

38 Petroleum Engineering

Unit 2

  1. downstreams

  2. explore v

exploration n syn. prospecting

5. Store V

storage n

6. Process V

processing n

  1. origin n originate v

  2. bury v

9. layer и

syn. stratum (pi. bed


11. rock n

source rock reservoir rock

переработка нефти, маркетинг и реализация разведывать

Geologists explore the Arctic regions, разведка (геол.), исследование the exploration of the ocean depths хранить

It's easy to store any information in a computer. 1) хранилище, 2) хранение

  1. Vegetables are kept in a cold storage.

  2. Refrigerators are used for the storage of food. 1) обрабатывать 2) перерабатывать

  1. The data were processed by the computer.

  2. Certain raw materials are processed with chemicals before they can be used.

1) обработка 2) переработка

  1. data processing

  1. There are several methods of gas processing, происхождение

The word "geology" is of Latin origin, происходить, возникать

When did this tradition originate? 1) захоронить, 2) погружать, закапывать

1) Isaac Newton, the outstanding British scientist, is buried in Westminster Abbey in London.

слой, пласт


the bottom layer the ozone layer

The formation is composed of a number of sand layers. 1) ил, 2) буровой раствор

  1. Mud settles on the river bottom.

  1. The drilling mud is used to clean the well, порода

Rocks consist of minerals, материнская порода порода-коллектор

Petroleum Engineering


Unit 2

cap rock sedimentary rock

  1. oil hunter n

  2. oil (gas) pool и syn. oil accumulation

oil deposit

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