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Scala for the Impatient

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Chapter 9

Files and Regular Expressions


You can also redirect input from a URL:

"grep Scala" #< new URL("http://horstmann.com/index.html") !

You can combine processes with p #&& q (execute q if p was successful) and p #|| q (execute q if p was unsuccessful). But frankly, Scala is better at control flow than the shell, so why not implement the control flow in Scala?

NOTE: The process library uses the familiar shell operators | > >> < && ||, but it prefixes them with a # so that they all have the same precedence.

If you need to run a process in a different directory, or with different environment variables, construct the ProcessBuilder with the apply method of the Process object. Supply the command, the starting directory, and a sequence of (name, value) pairs for environment settings.

val p = Process(cmd, new File(dirName), ("LANG", "en_US"))

Then execute it with the ! operator:

"echo 42" #| p !

9.10 Regular Expressions

When you process input, you often want to use regular expressions to analyze it. The scala.util.matching.Regex class makes this simple. To construct a Regex object, use the r method of the String class:

val numPattern = "[0-9]+".r

If the regular expression contains backslashes or quotation marks, then it is a good idea to use the “raw” string syntax, """...""". For example:

val wsnumwsPattern = """\s+[0-9]+\s+""".r

// A bit easier to read than "\\s+[0-9]+\\s+".r

The findAllIn method returns an iterator through all matches. You can use it in a for loop:

for (matchString <- numPattern.findAllIn("99 bottles, 98 bottles")) process matchString

or turn the iterator into an array:

val matches = numPattern.findAllIn("99 bottles, 98 bottles").toArray // Array(99, 98)

To find the first match anywhere in a string, use findFirstIn. You get an Option[String]. (See Chapter 14 for the Option class.)

Exercises 109

val m1 = wsnumwsPattern.findFirstIn("99 bottles, 98 bottles") // Some(" 98 ")

To check whether the beginning of a string matches, use findPrefixOf:

numPattern.findPrefixOf("99 bottles, 98 bottles") // Some(99)

wsnumwsPattern.findPrefixOf("99 bottles, 98 bottles") // None

You can replace the first match, or all matches:

numPattern.replaceFirstIn("99 bottles, 98 bottles", "XX")

//"XX bottles, 98 bottles" numPattern.replaceAllIn("99 bottles, 98 bottles", "XX")

//"XX bottles, XX bottles"

9.11Regular Expression Groups

Groups are useful to get subexpressions of regular expressions. Add parentheses around the subexpressions that you want to extract, for example:

val numitemPattern = "([0-9]+) ([a-z]+)".r

To match the groups, use the regular expression object as an “extractor” (see Chapter 14), like this:

val numitemPattern(num, item) = "99 bottles" // Sets num to "99", item to "bottles"

If you want to extract groups from multiple matches, use a for statement like this:

for (numitemPattern(num, item) <- numitemPattern.findAllIn("99 bottles, 98 bottles")) process num and item


1.Write a Scala code snippet that reverses the lines in a file (making the last line the first one, and so on).

2.Write a Scala program that reads a file with tabs, replaces each tab with spaces so that tab stops are at n-column boundaries, and writes the result to the same file.

3.Write a Scala code snippet that reads a file and prints all words with more than 12 characters to the console. Extra credit if you can do this in a single line.

110Chapter 9 Files and Regular Expressions

4.Write a Scala program that reads a text file containing only floating-point numbers. Print the sum, average, maximum, and minimum of the numbers in the file.

5.Write a Scala program that writes the powers of 2 and their reciprocals to a file, with the exponent ranging from 0 to 20. Line up the columns:



4 0.25

... ...

6.Make a regular expression searching for quoted strings "like this, maybe with \" or \\" in a Java or C++ program. Write a Scala program that prints out all such strings in a source file.

7.Write a Scala program that reads a text file and prints all tokens in the file that are not floating-point numbers. Use a regular expression.

8.Write a Scala program that prints the src attributes of all img tags of a web page. Use regular expressions and groups.

9.Write a Scala program that counts how many files with .class extension are in a given directory and its subdirectories.

10.Expand the example with the serializable Person class that stores a collection of friends. Construct a few Person objects, make some of them friends of another, and then save an Array[Person] to a file. Read the array back in and verify that the friend relations are intact.

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