.doc15) 1) Grain is the product obtained by man by growing cereals. 2) These are two crops differing in the structure of the roots. 3) Some soils are rich in all kinds of food required by plants. 4) The grain crops requiring cool conditions for their best growth are wheat, barley, oat and rye. 5) Crop production can be raised by cultivating new land or by increasing crop yields. 6) We know many environmental factors influencing the growth of farm crops. 7) Corn, sorghum ,rice and millets are the crops adapted to conditions of short day.
16)1.Wheat is wieldy grown throughout the world. 2. Grain can be used in feeding livestock. 3. Cotton and flax are the most valuable fibre crops used for many purposes. 4Most of the root crops are used in human food. 5. Cereals are harvesting by machines. 6. Unlike the cereals potato produces seed the second year.