
англ контр
.pdfМ и ни сте р ство ср е д не г о и о бщ е г о о бр азо вани я Ро сси йско й Ф е д е р ац ии
Ф а куль т ет ро м а но герм а нско й ф ило ло гии
К а ф едр а а н гли й с кого язы ка
гум а н и т а р н ы х ф а культ ет ов
К о нтр о л ьная р аб о та п о англ ийско м у я з ыку
Д л я студ е нто в I кур са ф |
а кул ьте та ж ур на л истики |
(за о чно е |
о тд е л е ние ) |
С о ста в ите л и:
Е .Н . Ш ам ае ва Т .Н . С те пкина
Во р о не ж

К о нтр о льные р або ты со ставле ны в со о тве тстви и с тр е бо вани ями , пр е д ъявляе мыми к ур о вню по д го то вки выпускни ко в не языко вых факульте то в вузо в.
По заве р ше ни и кур са о буче ни я студ е нты д о лж ны уме ть:
- чи татьсо сло вар е м те ксты (стр ано ве д че ско г о , о бщ е научно г о со д е р ж ани я, а такж е те мати че ски связанные с пр о фе сси е й студ е нта;)
- чи татьбе з сло вар я те ксты стр ано ве д че ско г о и о бщ е научно г о со д е р ж ани я с ц е лью и звле че ни я о бщ е й и нфо р мац и и ;
- уме тьучаство ватьв бе се д е на те мы, касающ и е ся по все д не вно й ж и зни , уче бы и буд ущ е й пр о фе сси о нально й д е яте льно сти , со блюд атьпр ави ла р е че во г о эти ке та;
- уме тьвыр ажатьсво и мысли, и спо льзуя пр авила английско й г р аммати ки и усво е нный во кабуляр ;
- по лучи тьпр е д ставле ни е о культур ных тр ад и ц и ях (о бщ ая и пр о фе ссио нальная культур а) и пр ави лах р е че во г о эти ке та в стр анах
и зучае мо г о |
языка. |
Выпо лне ни е и о фо р мле ни е ко нтр о льных зад ани й д о лжно пр о во д и тся |
сле д ующ и м о бр азо м: |
1. |
Пи сьме нные ко нтр о льные р або ты сле д уе твыпо лнятьв о тд е льно й |
те тр ад и . На е е о бло ж ке студ е нтд о лже н напи сатьсво ю фами ли ю, |
но ме р ко нтр о льно й р або ты и названи е уче бни ка (-о в), по |
2. |
ко то р о му (-ым) о н зани мае тся. |
К о нтр о льные р або ты над о писатьаккур атно и че тко , о ставляя |
по ля д ля заме чани й и ме то д и че ски х указани й р е ц е нзе нта. |
3. |
Выпо лне нные р або ты не о бх о д и мо напр авлятьд ля пр о ве р ки и |
р е ц е нзи р о вани я в уни ве р си те т, стр о г о со блюд ая устано вле нные |
ср о ки . |
У д ален о : изуче ни я
Control work I
I.Read the following words and expresions.
quality - каче ство
genuine - по д ли нный, и сти нный, насто ящ и й; genuine interest и скр е нни й
и нте р е с |
famous знаме ни тый |
humble -скр о мный |
issue - |
1. спо р ный во пр о с, |
пр е д ме т о бсуж д е ни я; |
2. выпуск, |
и зд ани е , |
но ме р , |
экзе мпляр (г а зеты , ж |
ур н а л а |
и т.п.) |
to inquire - спр аши вать, узнавать; inquiring mind пытли вый ум |
humility - скр о мно сть |
obviously - явно , ясно , о че ви д но |
qualification |
- |
квали фи кац и я, |
по д г о то вле нно сть; |
educational |
qualifications- зд. пр о фе сси о нальная по д г о то вка |
educated о бр азо ванный; р азви то й; educated mind- р азви то й ум; |
educated |
taste -р азви то й вкус |
plain - 1. ясный; явный, о че ви д ный; 2. пр о сто й, не замысло ватый |
the qualities |
that |
go to make a |
good journalist |
– каче ства, |
ко то р ые |
не о бх о д и мы, что бы статьх о р о ши м ж ур нали сто м |
paramount in |
the |
make-of a |
journalist is… - зд . |
о сно вным каче ство м |
ж ур нали ста являе тся |
a bit of a nuisance – зд . Они вас не мно г о р азд р ажают |
you prefer not to have anything more to do with them than is necessary – вы пр е д по чи тае те не име тьс ни ми д е ла бо льше , че м это не о бх о д и мо
hand in hand – р ука о б р уку, вме сте с
should go the qualities of sympathy – (р ука о б р уку) с и нте р е со м к люд ям д о лжно ид ти со чувстви е к ни м. Обр атный по р яд о к сло в упо тр е бле н зд е сьд ля
уси ле ни я выр ази те льно сти . |
a haste ill- |
informed |
judgement– о пр о ме тчи во е , не о бд уманно е |
суж д е ни е , |
о сно ванно е |
на не д о стато чно й и нфо р мац и и . |
last, but certainly not least – по сле д не е , но , ко не чно , не ме не е важно е |
that does not mean that he goes around like a Sunday School teacher! – это |
не |
значи т, что о н д о лже н ве сти се бя как учи те льц е р ко вно й шко лы! |
but it does mean... - |
Но это |
значи т... . |
Глаг о л to |
do упо тр е бляе тся |
в |
утве р д и те льно м пр е д ло ж е ни и |
с и нфи ни ти во м смысло во г о |
г лаг о ла д ля |
уси ле ни я выр ази те льно сти |
a pretty clever chap - |
о че нь умный пар е нь. Сло во |
"pretty" |
зд е сь и ме е т |
значе ни е «о че нь, в значи те льно й сте пе ни » . |
to be able to write |
fairly |
clearly in |
whatever |
language |
it |
is |
he |
hopes to write in - уме тьпи сатьд о стато чно |
ясно , на како м бы языке |
о н ни |
со би р ался пи сать |
seem rather better balanced - каж утся наи бо ле е по д х о д ящ и ми |
as it were - так сказать
many a man - мно г и е (кн иж н ы й стил ь)
to make a mark in journalism - д о сти чьуспе х а в ж ур нали сти ке
II.Read the text and answer the questions.
Answer the following questions about the text:
1.What quality is the most important in the make-up of a future journalist?
2.What kind of people should a journalist be interested in?
3.What other qualities are essential for a future journalist?
4.Why is it necessary for a future journalist to have sympathy for other people?
5.Why aren't people usually fond of a person who is a show-off and thinks that he knows everything?
6.Why does the author think that a journalist needs humility?
7.How should a journalist write?
8.Is it good if a journalist uses very long sentences? Why?
9.Is it better for a future journalist to be good at several subjects than to be brilliant at just one? Why?
10.What kind of life does a journalist usually lead? 11.What kind of conclusion does the author come to?
12.Do you agree with the author's conclusion? Give your reasons.
1. "What makes a good journalist?
Many things. Even journalists will disagree on the order of importance of the qualities that go to make a good journalist. But they are all agreed that paramount in the make-up of a journalist is a deep and genuine interest in people - good people, bad people (who often make good news!), famous people, humble people, rich people, poor people, old people, young people, Black people, White people - people of every type - everywhere.
2. A person who has not this interest in other people will never make a good journalist. So if you are not very interested in other people and think that most people are a bit of a nuisance and you prefer not to have anything more to do with them than is necessary, journalism is not for you.
Hand in hand with this interest in people, should go the qualities of sympathy (so that you can see the other side of an issue even if you disagree with the person who holds it), open-mindedness (so that you do not make a hasty ill-informed judgement) and an inquiring mind (so that you can really get to the bottom of the thing you are asking about). Last, but certainly not least, the journalist needs to have humility. That does not mean that he goes around like a Sunday School teacher! But it does mean that the man who thinks he is a pretty clever chap and does not mind the world knowing about it, will never make a good journalist. The journalist - certainly the reporter - spends most of his day talking or listening to
other people, and none of us is very fond of the man who is a show-off, who thinks he knows it all.
So these are the basic qualities for a journalist, but the required qualifications are very different things.
3.Let us look at the qualifications a journalist needs. Obviously he must be well enough educated to be able to write fairly clearly in whatever language it is he hopes to work in. The best journalists write simple, plain, direct English, generally preferring short words to long ones.
4.What about the rest of the educational qualifications for a journalist? Often it is the pupil who was fairly good at five or six subjects, and not brilliant at just one, who makes the best journalist. These sort of people seem rather better balanced, as it were, for the sort of life a journalist leads - often with a nose in half a dozen things in one day - than the specialist, who was so interested in, say, biology, that he never took much interest in history, geography, literature and other subjects.
5.But of course, nobody can say exactly what the best qualifications for a career in journalism are. They will vary enormously, according to the individual. There are plenty of highly successful journalists who were generally at the bottom of the class when they were at school, while many a man with a university degree has failed to make any mark in journalism.
III.Look through the text and find English equivalents for the following
Russian phrases:
быть в классе ср е д и не успе вающ и х уче ни ко в; пр о фе сси о нальная по д г о то вка ж ур нали ста; пр е д по чи татько р о тки е сло ва д ли нным; сд е лать по спе шный выво д , о сно ванный на не д о стато чно й и нфо р мац и и ; стать
х о р о ши м ж ур нали сто м; каки е |
каче ства важ не е , что бы стать х о р о ши м |
ж ур нали сто м; на пр о сто м, |
ясно м, по нятно м анг ли йско м языке ; |
пр о во д и ть бо льшую часть д ня, бе се д уя с люд ьми ; зани маться массо й д е лв те че ни е о д но г о д ня; лучшая по д г о то вка д ля пр о фе сси и ж ур нали ста
IV. Translate Part 1 and Part 2 into Russian in the written form.
V.Read the following sentences and develop the ideas expressed in them by adding one or two sentences logically connected with them:
1.Many things make a good journalist.
2.Even journalists can't agree which of them are more important.
3.First of all a journalist must be interested in people of every type.
4.One who has not this interest in people will not make a good journalist.
5. A journalist should have the qualities of sympathy, open-mindedness and an inquiring mind.
6. He needs to have humility.

7.He deals with people.
8.None of us is fond of the man who is a show-off.
9.The journalist must be a well-educated man.
10.He must be able to write in clear, simple, direct language.
11.He must be interested in many subjects but not in just one.
12.Nobody can say what the best qualifications for a career in journalism are.
VI. Grammar
1.Translate the following words. What parts of speech are they? Open-
mindedness, ill-informed judgement, a show-off, required
qualifications, educational, obviusly, brilliant, vary enormously, according to the individual, generally, while
2. Translate the following verbs. Name the forms they are used in the text. will disagree –
does not mean – does not mind – took much interest – will vary –
has failed –
3.White out the sentences with modal verbs can, must, should. Translate them. How do modal verbs differ from other verbs?
4.What is the meaning of the construction there is/are? (There are plenty of highly successful journalists). Make up 5 sentences with this construction.
Control work II
I.Read the following words and expressions.
to bore - над о е д ать, наскучить; to bore to death; also to bore someone to death; he bores me stiff мне д о сме р ти над о е л; I hope you are not getting bored listening to me я над е юсь, что вам не наскучило слушатьме ня
boring - над о е д ливый, скучный; his speech is boring; boring evening; boring lecture
to excite - во збуж д ать, во лно вать; the news excited them; don't excite yourself
со х р аняйте спо ко йстви е ; to excite passions р азж и г ать стр асти ; to excite the imagination во лно ватьво о бр аже ни е ; the ideas that excited our generation ид е и ,
ко то р ые |
во лно вали |
наше |
по ко ле ни е ; to excite admiration, envy, affection; to |
excite the nerves |
exciting |
во збужд ающ ий, |
во лнующ и й; зах ватывающ ий, увле кате льный (о |
р а сска зе, |
н о во сти |
и т.п.); exciting news; exciting story; exciting incident; |
exciting book
to demand |
-тр е бо вать, |
пр е д ъявлять тр е бо вани я |
demanding |
тр е бующ и й |
бо льшо г о |
вни мани я и |
забо ты; пр е д ъявляющ и й |
тр е бо вани я; |
demanding |
work; a demanding child; a demanding editor |
to frustrate |
- р асстр аивать, ср ывать, нар ушать; to |
frustrate smb's efforts |
со р вать чьи -л. по пытки ; to frustrate smb's plans нар ушитьчьи -л. планы; to have one's hopes frustrated о бмануться в сво и х о жид аниях ; to frustrate one's opponents р азби тьсво их пр о тивнико в
frustrating пр ино сящ ий р азо чар о вани е
to reward - во знагр ажд ать, во зд аватьд о лжно е rewarding во знагр ажд ающ ий; rewarding task
II.Read the text and answer the questions.
1.How are journalists sometimes shown on the movie or television screen? Have you seen any films about journalists? Comment on them.
2.How does the Concise Oxford Dictionary define the word "journalist"?
3.Why does the author think that journalism is a hard life?
4.How does the author describe the way journalists should be able to write?
5.Who is the reporter responsible to?
6.Why is it so important for a reporter to be able to make his own decisions?
1.What sort of people are journalists? What qualities and qualifications do they possess?
If you accept the picture so often given on the movie or television screen, newspapermen are hard-bitten, rude, hat-wearing, shouting people who unravel crime mysteries, call their editor "Chief” , and seem to have unlimited expenses. Beware of that picture.
The Concise Oxford Dictionary describes a journalist as "one whose business is to edit or write for a public journal". That's all.
2.Journalism is a hard life. It can be exciting, but it can be sometimes boring. It can be frustrating, too. It can be demanding and so make it difficult or impossible for you to do a lot of things that other people do in their spare time. It can separate you from your family for a great amount of your time; some journalists see their school-going children only at weekends. It can cut you off from a good deal of social life with your friends, and it can make it almost impossible for you to know when you will be free and what time you will have to call your own.
3.Despite this, those who are journalists can imagine few ways of life that are more rewarding, despite the drawbacks and frustrations of their profession. Most sub-editors, particularly night sub-editors, lead a hard life, shut off from personal
contact with the outside world; but many of them have been reporters and have known the thrill of meeting important people and of writing a good story - the excitement of being a journalist.
4. To be a good journalist you must have a great deal of curiosity. You must like people and be interested in what they do, you must be able to get on easy and friendly terms with men and women of all sorts, however much they may differ from each other or from you. Journalism is no place for the shy person who finds it difficult to talk to strangers. He must be able to write, not necessarily at the standard of great writers, but in a simple and lucid fashion and, above all, quickly, and in short sentences which convey concisely what is meant.
A reporter is responsible to his chief of staff. He is told to refer matters which involve decisions to the chief of staff.
5. But the chief of staff is not with him when he is reporting the proceedings of Parliament or some meeting; not with him when he is interviewing an important person; not with him when he is reporting an event involving loss of life, a bushfire or a flood. There the reporter is on his own, with nobody to turn to for advice. There he has to make his own decisions and shoulder responsibility. A good journalist is not easily rebuffed. He must have a good deal of self-reliance and push and energy and initiative. If you think you can measure up to these standards try to take up journalism as a career.
III.Give Russian equivalents for the following words and
expressions. Use them in the sentences of your own.
Possess, unravel crime mysteries, edit, sub-editor, exciting, frustrating, rewarding, drawbacks and frustrations, excitement, a great deal of curiosity, to get on easy and friendly terms with, convey concisely, involve, is on his own, make decisions, shoulder responsibility, a great deal of.
IV. Translate parts 4 and 5 in the written form.
V.Make up a list of qualities the journalist must possess.
VI. Grammar
1.Write out all irregular verbs used in the text (their three forms).
2.Name the following verb-forms. Make up your own sentences with them, (2) will be free, (3) have been, reporters have known the thrill, (4) is meant, is told, (5) is reporting, is interviewing, is not easily rebuffed.
3.Find in parts 2 and 5 the English equivalent of the modal verb must. Write out sentences with them.
4.Find in part 4 the English equivalent of the modal verb can. Write out the sentences with it.
5. Find in part 2 a sentence with an indefinite pronoun (не о пр е д е ле нно е ме сто и ме ни е ). What do you now know about the pronoun of this type? (Consult grammar reference books)
Control work III
I.Read the following words and expressions.
pluralistic society – о бщ е ство плюр али зма
contributing to mutual understanding - спо со бство ватьвзаи мо по нимани ю a wide variety of - бо льшо е р азно о бр ази е
voluntary - д о бр о во льный foundation - о бщ е ство , о р гани зац и я achieve the goal - д о сти г нутьц е ли
community - о бщ е ство , о бщ е стве нная гр уппа shareholder - акц ио не р
society at large - о бщ е ство в ц е ло м attitudes and values - взгляд ы и ц е нно сти be shaped - бытьсфо р мир о ванным external environment - вне шне е о кр уж е ни е counselor - ко нсультант, со ве тни к mediator - по ср е д ни к
reasonable - р азумный
publicly acceptable - о бщ е стве нно пр и е мле мый encompass - включать
anticipate - пр е д вид е ть issues - во пр о сы impact - вли ять
counsel - ко нсульти р о вать, д аватьсо ве ты with regard to - по о тно ше ни ю к
take into account - пр и ни матьво вни мани е ramification - р азве твле ни е
fund-raising - со зд ани е капи тала, фо нд а д е не жных ср е д ств implement - зд . пр име нять
set objectives - устанавли ватьц е ли recruit and train staff - наби р атьи о бучать пе р со нал
facilities - о бо р уд о вани е , ср е д ства, устр о йства perform - выпо лнять
opinion research - и зуче ни е о бщ е стве нно г о мне ни я
II.Read the text and answer the questions.
1.What society do we live in? 2. What does public relations (PR) contribute to? 3. What aim does it serve? 4. Can you name the institutions PR serves ? 5. What relationships does PR help to establish? 6. Is there a need for managements to understand the attitudes and values of their publics? 7. How are institutional goals shaped? 8. How does the PR practitioner act? 9. What impacts the operation and plans of the organization? 10. With regard to what questions do PR practioner