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Long Formula

The chemistry professor asked his students: “Anyone knows the formula for water?”

“Sure. That’s easy,” said one student.

“What is it?”

“H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O.”

“What, what?” reasked the professor.

“H to O,” explained the chemistry expert.


H to O = H2O (игра слов, основанная на одинаковом звучании предлога to и числительного two).

Урок 10 petroleum refining

Грамматика: 1. Пассивный залог.

2. Бессоюзное присоединение придаточных предложений.

Текст: Petroleum Refining

1. Прочтите вслух следующие слова:

[ ] – similar, brick, mixture, residual, consist

[ ] – pipe, divide, hydrocarbon, height, alkali

[ ] – heat, steam, repeat

[ ] – head, heavy, petrol, kerosene, several, collect, condense

[ ] – vapour, casing, obtain, retain, main

[ ] – column, accomplish, product, horizontal, bottom

[ ] – boil, point, coil

[ ] – petroleum, process

[ ] – coarse, according, store

[ ] – operation, separation, distillation

2. Прочтите следующие слова, обращая внимание на ударение:

operate [ ], orifice [ ], facilitate [ ], volatile [ ], gradually [ ], continuous [ ], impurity [ ], commercial [ ], technique [ ], process [ ] – to process [ ], separate [ ] – to separate [ ], atmosphere [ ] – atmospheric [ ], purify [ ] – purification [ ], product [ ] – to produce [ ].

3. Запомните следующие слова и словосочетания:

casing-head gases [ ] – попутные газы

refine [ ] – перерабатывать, очищать

obtain [ ] – получать

accomplish [ ] – осуществлять

continuously operating plant – установка непрерывного действия

installation [ ] – устройство, оборудование; установка

pipe still [ ] – трубчатая печь (куб); трубчатое перегонное устройство

fractionating column [ ] – ректификационная колонна

cut [ ] – фракция, погон

fire brick – огнеупорный кирпич

coil pipe [ ] – трубчатый змеевик

heat exchanger [ ] – теплообменник

vapour [ ] – пар

partition [ перегородка] –

orifice [ ] – отверстие

bubble plate [ ] – колпачковая тарелка

heat [ ] – нагревать

cool [ ] – охлаждать

gradually [ ] – постепенно

volatile [ ] – летучий

issue [ ] – выходить

feed (fed, fed) – подавать (сырье)

trickle [ ] – течь тонкой струйкой

drip – капать

bottom [ ] – дно

facilitate [ ] – облегчать, содействовать, способствовать

retain [ ] – удерживать

impurity [ ] – примесь

evaporation [ ] – испарение, улетучивание

make for – способствовать, содействовать

by means of – посредством

sulphuric acid [ ] – серная кислота

alkali [ ] – щелочь

heavy residue [ ] – тяжелый остаток

vacuum unit [ ] – вакуумная установка

4. Подберите из правой колонки правильный перевод английских словосочетаний:

  1. is quickly heated

  2. the pipe still is lined with fire brick

  3. 40 m in height

  4. the industrial distillation is accomplished

  5. for dividing petroleum into cuts

  6. petroleum is pumped continuously

  7. the less volatile hydrocarbons

  8. issue from the column

  9. several horizontal partitions

  10. rises upwards

  11. aid the cooling and condensation

  12. the vapour is gradually cooled

  13. passes through the orifices

  14. atmospheric and vacuum distillation

  15. to remove impurities

  16. give up their heat

  17. the undistillable heavy residue

  18. after purification

1) промышленная перегонка осуществляется

2) для разделения нефти на фракции

3) трубчатая печь выложена огнеупорным кирпичом

  1. нефть непрерывно подается

  2. быстро нагревается

  3. высотой 40 м

  4. несколько горизонтальных перегородок

  5. поднимается вверх

  6. проходит через отверстия

  7. пар постепенно охлаждается

  8. менее летучие углеводороды

  9. выходят из колонны

  10. способствуют охлаждению и конденсации

  11. отдают свое тепло

  12. для удаления примесей

  13. после очистки

  14. неперегоняемый тяжелый остаток

  15. атмосферно-вакуумная перегонка

5. определите значение интернациональных слов:

separation, industrial, distillation, individual, product, mixture, cylindrical, structure, horizontal, condensation, collect, commercial, process, atmospheric, vacuum, complex, form, technique.

6. Определите по суффиксам, какой частью речи являются следующие слова, и переведите их на русский язык:

separate – separation – separately; refine – refining – refiner; industry – industrial – industrialize; continue – continuous – continuously; distill – distillate – distillation – distillable – undistillable; heat – superheat – heating – preheating – heater; quick – quickly; horizon – horizontal; move – movement; boil – boiling – boiler; produce – production – producer; cool – cooling – cooler; vapour – evaporate – evaporation – evaporator; commerce – commercial; sulphur – sulphuric; purify – purification; vary – various.

7. Запомните:

В придаточных предложениях в английском языке, вводимых союзными словами who, which, that (который), союзное слово может опускаться, если оно не является подлежащим придаточного предложения. При переводе этих предложений на русский язык следует восстановить пропущенное слово:

The book you gave me was very interesting. = The book that you gave me was very interesting. – Книга, которую ты дал мне, была очень интересная.

Если союзное слово имеет перед собой предлог, то в случае бессоюзного подчинения, предлог ставится в конце придаточного определительного предложения.

I invited he girl I work with. = I invited the girl with whom I work. – Я пригласил девушку, с которой я работаю.

The book you told me about is on the table. = The book about which you told me is on the table. – Книга, о которой ты говорил мне, лежит на столе.

Союзные слова не опускаются, если они являются подлежащим придаточного определительного предложения.

The book which (that) is on the table is very interesting. – Книга, которая лежит на столе, очень интересная.

Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на бессоюзное присоединение придаточных определительных предложений.

1. Lubricants differ in properties depending upon the hydrocarbons they contain. 2. By processes similar to those we considered earlier the residual oil vapour is fractionated in the column into cuts. 3. Any mineral a metal can be obtained from is called an ore. 4. We find rock beneath the soil the surface of the earth is covered with. 5. The process oxygen takes part in is known as oxidation. 6. Some polymers the scientists discovered possess remarkable properties.

8. Задайте вопросы к следующим предложением, заменив подчеркнутые слова вопросительными (What, Where, When, How, etc.):

1. The liquid part of the petroleum passing downwards through the bubble plates forms residual oil. 2. Superheated steam is supplied at the bottom of the column. 3. The processes of evaporation and condensation repeated on plate after plate make for the better fractionation of the petroleum. 4. As they pass through heat exchangers, the cuts give up their heat to petroleum about to enter the pipe still. 5. The cuts are then purified by means of sulphuric acid and alkali. 6. Cuts, after purification, yield various lubricants. 7. The atmospheric unit serves to distill petroleum.

  1. Найдите придаточные определительные предложения. Переведите на русский язык.

1. The problem he has chosen for his report is very acute. 2. All other problems we discussed at the meeting are also of great importance. 3. Many people I work with are my friends. 4. Here is the house I live in. 5. The method he is insisting upon is reliable. 6. Now Peter lives in the house he has built of wood. 7. The facts he referred to were very interesting. 8. The story he has told you is a product of his imagination. 9. “Tommy” is an archaic British slang term people referred to army rations. 10. It was a clerical error he had to rectify. 11. The money her mother had left her was not enough to take her through the winter.

  1. Запомните некоторые особенности перевода страдательного залога:

  1. В английских предложениях типа I was given the book действие глагола to give в страдательном залоге направлено одновременно на подлежащее I и на прямое дополнение the book. В русском языке аналогичная мысль выражается через неопределенно-личное предложение типа «Мне дали книгу». Подлежащее английского предложения переводится на русский язык косвенным дополнением.

  2. Сказуемое в страдательном залоге может быть выражено глаголом с примыкающим к нему предлогом типа to look at, to send for и т.д. В этом случае в русском языке используется также форма неопределенно-личного предложения. При переводе предлог ставится в начале предложения.

The doctor was sent for. - За доктором послали.

The picture was long looked at and often asked about. – На картину подолгу смотрели и часто о ней спрашивали.

Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на перевод английского подлежащего:

1. Workers are paid twice a month. 2. We were told that he had invented a new device. 3. The substance can be purified by means of sulphuric acid. 4. Children are taught at school. 5. He was ordered to go there. 6. He will be given a topic for his report. 7. The man was shown the way. 8. They are being shown a new film. 9. We have just been told the news. 10. I was given a ticket to the exhibition. 11. He will be granted a credit. 12. This problem was not spoken about. 13. Paper is written or printed on. 14. This problem will be dealt in a number of articles. 15. The game is being watched with great interest. 16. His report was followed by a discussion. 17. Care must be taken to lower the temperature.

  1. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на то, какими способами можно передать английский страдательный залог в русском языке:

1. The method was developed last year. 2. The plant has been put into operation this year. 3. The problem will be solved immediately. 4. The chief engineer was invited to the meeting by the workers. 5. This article must be written in time. 6. This work is to be done well. 7. The problem is being discussed by the scientists. 8. A great number of new goods are produced at our plant every year. 9. It is expected that we shall test the new plant next month. 10. It was known that they would come to the meeting. 11. The students will be asked by the teacher.

  1. Трансформируйте предложения в активную форму:

1. The meeting was attended by all the workers. 2. The letter will be answered by the secretary. 3. Gold is not affected by moisture. 4. The rate of a reaction is influenced by many factors. 5. At the station we were joined by our friends. 6. Our group will be joined by some new persons. 7. The concert was enjoyed by us. 8. The plant has been visited by many schoolchildren. 9. He is being asked about the accident by the police. 10. He was not shown the way by the passer-by. 11. Attention has been called to this phenomenon by many scientists.

  1. Прочтите и переведите текст: