Shkolnikov Andrey3231401/20001
Total622words,Activevocabulary26,Grammarstructures 4,Linkingwords15
Thetext of the monologue |
Vocabulary,GrammarStructures,Linking WordsandPhrases |
1) Theodore Dreiseronce said that themost hopeless thing in the world was totry to pinpoint a person character, everyperson was tangle of contradictions.Inother words, youcan’tidentify apersonality typebecause ofthe person ismuch more complicated. Psychologistshavedeveloped teststo determine thetypeofpersonality The personality type is determinedbymany characteristics,for example, aperson'sattitudeto theworld. |
a person'sattitude to theworld
forexampleInotherwords identify apersonalitytype
because ofdevelopedtests |
Step2.Personality Types
2.1)To begin withthere are two typesof personalities: introverts andextroverts.Describe them as those thatlook inwards or outwardsrespectively.But there are many different othercharacteristics.As a matter of fact,theyare divided into those that are inherentinone orthe other. Firstly, let’s take a look at extroverts.Extrovertsarepeoplewhotheygetalong well in society, they can bedescribed as people, who willbe a goodteam player, whoprefer to act first andthink later.As an illustrationthis type ofpersonalitycanbe described by thefollowing characteristics: adventurous,talkative,likeable,energetic,sociable. In contrastextroverts, introverts possessother traits,such ascautious, quiet,sensible,sensitive,thoughtful.Introvertscan be described like people wholackconfidence, whokeep one’s temperandwhothink andconsider beforetaking |
look inwards oroutwards
prefertoactfirstandthink later
As anillustration Incontrastsuchas |
action. 2.2) Depending on the type ofpersonality,peoplepreferdifferentjobs.For extraverts typical types of activitieswhere you need to interact with thepublic, like amanager,journalist,medic, politician. For introverts typicalactivities in which you do not interactwithpeopleand society,likeaIT- specialists,painter,writer. |
think andconsiderbeforetakingaction |
Step3.ExploringPersonality 3.1Howcantheyjudgeaperson’scharacter?
3.2.Speakaboutpersonalitytestsasaway ofmeasuringpersonality. |
to judge aperson’scharacter
take apersonalitytest
identify apersonalitytype
think andbehaveincharacter developedtestsreliabletests |
4.1)Charisma is thepossession of the main on the exceptional qualities of aperson. People, whohave charismatheyinfluence people with it. An example ofpeople with charisma is Elon Musk. Hislife shows howto succeed in gettingother people to see you as a leader. Thisexampleofhuman,whousecharismaina positive way. But so, some people useit for bad purposes. By their actions,such people can cause harm to theirfans.Listenersorreadersofsuchpeople |
For instanceinspirepeople encouragepeople to dosomething |
may not recognize bad intentions in aperson's charisma and mayblindlyfollowtheiridol. In additionto the above it is worthnoting people whose charisma is notacquired during life,but is an inbornquality. 4.2)For instancecharismatic people caninspire peopleorencourage people to dosomething. charismatic people areinherent likeable, so this peopleable todraw people. Such people may notunderstand the value of their giftandmisuse charisma. If people use charismaonly for bad purposes, then people loseconfidence in leaders who are usuallycharismatic. |
to succeed ingetting otherpeople to seeyouasaleader
but is an inbornquality
and misusecharisma |
Step5.CREATIVETHINKING Introduceyourownextraidea(s)onthetopicthathasn’t/haven’tbeenmentionedbefore. Justifyyourchoice. |
Summarisetheideasofsteps2,3,4,5. |
In concludeI think need to sayabout the necessity of personalitytypes.If all people passedpersonality type tests, they wouldunderstand how others see themfrom the outside. Everypersonality is unique. It's hard toimagine a world with exactly thesame people. Psychological tests,the study of personality types hasopened up new opportunities forthe world in human science. Also,do not forget about charisma andcharismaticpeople,withoutwhom the world would not be the wayweusedtosee it. |
Inconclude |