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Car parts23112023

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  1. Parts of a car. Next to each letter in the pictures below, write the name of the car-part it illustrates from the following list.

number plate bonnet seat belt headlights boot steering wheel headrest windscreen wheel accelerator windscreen wipers

clutch dashboard exhaust pipe tyre (tire)

brake bumper aerial (antenna) gear rear-view mirror engine

  1. boot

  2. aerial (antenna)

  3. windscreen

  4. bonnet

  5. bumper

  6. number plate

  7. headlights

  8. tyre (tire)

  9. engine

  10. windscreen wipers

  11. wheel

  12. exhaust pipe

  13. gear

  14. rear-view mirror

  15. dashboard

  16. steering wheel

  17. seat belt

  18. accelerator

  19. headrest

  20. brake

  21. clutch

  1. Put each of the following words or phrases in its correct place in the sentences below.

rear petrol tank vehicle

fuel consumption body performance indicate

  1. The amount of petrol a car uses is called the fuel consumption. The petrol goes in the petrol tank.

  2. The way a car behaves (speed, brakes, acceleration etc.) is called the car's performance.

  3. We can talk about the back of a vehicle (car, bus, lorry etc.), but more often we use the word rear.

  4. The outside surface of the car, made of metal or fibreglass, is called the body.

  5. Make sure you indicate before turning left or right.

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