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slot insulation

изоляции пазов

cone micanite insulation

миканитовая изоляция конуса

assembling on a shaft by a pressed fit

сборка с напрессовкой на вал

turning on a lathe

проточка на токарном станке

armature bandage

бандаж якоря

static balance

статическая балансировка



galvanic coating

гальваническое покрытие

grinding brushes on a commutator

притирка щеток по коллектору



end ring

замыкающее кольцо


  1. Where is capital repair of electric machines basically carried out?

  2. What are the procedures of capital repair of windings?

  3. what are the procedures of capital repair of a commutator?

  4. What are other procedures?

  5. What is the principal difference between capital repair of a D.C. ma­chine and that of an a.c. machine?

  6. What damages in a cage motor are corrected?

  7. How are generator exciters in an a.c. machine repaired?


1. Think of English equivalents for suggested Russian words and word combinations and complete the sentences:

                1. (срок службы и надежность) of electrical

equipment largely depend on its (грамотная

техническая эксплуатация).

                  1. . (пробный пуск) is usually performed

(в режиме холостого хода).

                    1. The ____________ (вахтенный персонал) should observe the

generator drive condition and J

(колебания частоты и напряжения) while working with (валогенераторы).

                    1. Once the motor doesn't reach the

(необходимая частота), or consumes a (большой

ток), or tends to overspeed, it should be immediately stopped.

  1. . (техническое обслуживание

электрических машин) ensures (исправная

работа) of shipboard electrical equipment and stability of its (эксплуатационные характеристики).

    1. Electrical maintenance is guided by a

(план-график технического


    1. The (состояние узлов и деталей) is

assessed on the strength of the following data.

    1. In order to keep electric machines in

(рабочее состояние) (профилактическое

обслуживание) is provided.

    1. The electric drives involved in maintenance while the ship is run­ning are those of (грузоподъемные

механизмы) which possess a ________ (резерв).

    1. The (ослабевшие крепления) are tightened,

the (щетки) are replaced, the (ще­точный аппарат) is adjusted, the (со­противление изоляции) is measured.

      1. . (мелкий ремонт) not pertaining to

(перемотка и перепропитка) of

windings, is carried out by a ship's crew.

        1. The procedure of ________ (дефектация) results in making up

a detailed (ремонтная ведомость).

        1. The lists of materials, _____ (запасные и

комплектующие части), (установочные изде­

лия) needed for repairs are also included in the repair request form.

        1. The procedure includes (продоражи-

вание и шлифовка коллектора) as well as

(продувка и промывка подшипников).

        1. Any repair starts with (разборка и чистка


        1. Any repair finishes with ___

(сборка, испытание машины на стенде, проверка в работе).

        1. Capital repair also incorporates _(вос-

становление гальванических покрытий) on the parts.

        1. The maintenance staff must substitute the (бан­дажи якоря) and perform (статическая


        1. Damages in a (электродвигатель

с короткозамкнутым ротором) - those of its (стерж­ни) and (замыкающие кольца) - are rectified as well.

        1. After assembling a machine the workman must grind its brushes on the commutator and check the (зазоры).

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