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Одесса ЛАТСТАР 2000

Настоящее учебное пособие предназначено для изучения англий­ского языка в области судовой электроэнергетики.

Предназначено для студентов старших курсов энергетических фа­культетов морских учебных заведений, а также для судовых механиков и электромехаников.


проф. Радченко А.П., зав. кафедрой основ судовой элек­троэнергетики ОГМА;

доц. Григорян Н.Р., зав. кафедрой экспериментальной и прикладной фонетики английского языка факультета романо-германской филологии ОГУ им. И.И.Мечникова.

Рекомендовано в качестве учебного пособия Ученым советом ОГМА.


Настоящее учебное пособие имеет своей целью обучение специ­альному английскому морскому языку в области электротехники и предназначено как для студентов старших курсов энергетических фа­культетов высших мореходных учебных заведений, так и для судовых электромехаников и механиков, желающих усовершенствовать свои зна­ния л области профессионального морского английского языка.

Учебное пособие состоит из десяти разделов, в каждом из которых I 4 тематически объединенных текста, сопровождаемых словарем и вопросами. В конце раздела помещены упражнения, способствующие укреплению новой лексики, использованию ее в другом контексте, раз­ит то навыков говорения, а также повторению различных грамматических структур. Следует отметить, что тексты расположены в порядке нарастания уровня сложности, поэтому желательно прорабатывать пособие от начала до конца.

Наряду с текстуальным материалом в пособии находится приложения котором представлены изображения основных электрических приборов и инструментов, с которыми часто сталкиваются электромехани­ки и механики в своей работе, а также их названия на английском и русском языках.

Англо-русский словарь, представленный в конце пособия, содер­жит в себе не только электротехнические термины, но и словосочетания, употребляемые с ними. Сопровождение технических терминов транс­крипцией облегчает самостоятельную работу с пособием.

Ли горы считают своим долгом выразить искреннюю благодарность всем преподавателям кафедры английского языка № 2 ОГМА, особенно доцентам Богомолову О.С. и Никулиной E.JI. за проявленный интерес к работе и се поддержку. Также выражаем признательность профессорам МЛ Скрипнику В.Н. и Радченко А.II. за профессиональную помощь.


This book is intended to be used either by senior engineering cadets of higher maritime educational institutions or by individual students - sailing seamen - who have already completed their course of study and received qual­ification certificate but have difficulties in using "professional marine English" and need to improve it.

The textbook incorporates ten units, each of them being organized as a thematic entity and dealing with this or that aspect of marine electricity and electrical power engineering. The units are ordered according to level of dif­ficulty, so the book is advisable to be worked through from beginning to end. It is started with introducing some simple facts from the history of electricity and, what is most essential, basic notions of electricity, such as "electromagnetism", "kinds of currents and their properties", "standard electrical units", "basic electrical measuring instruments" etc. Units 2-6 provide material for studying principal items of electrical equipment on board ship: its construc­tional features, purpose, application and most widespread types. Unit 7 gives a detailed description of a shipboard electric power plant as a whole and as an aggregate of components. This unit also concentrates on shipboard elec­trical circuits: their types, main functions, apparatuses and wiring accesso­ries. Units 8,9 cover the problems of electric shock hazard protection, oper­ation and maintenance of marine electrical equipment and types of repair this equipment is subjected to. Unit 10 provides coverage of troubleshooting pro­cedures: those of electrical components, D.C. motors, and three-phase motors. They are based upon fault finding charts that will probably be most useful for work­ing marine engineers.

We have given such a detailed description of the thematic contents of the units to show that the textbook is a kind of original experience system­atizing the facts exceptionally referring to marine electrical systems, mecha­nisms, devices and their operation and maintenance on board ship.

Each unit consists of a number of texts directly followed by a termi­nological vocabulary The latter does not only include words of different parts of speech (nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs) but also word combinations and whole phrases showing various ways of collocability that English technical terms are revealing. We find it very important to present collocations of ter­minological words since students have particular difficulties in using correct structures of "technical English" in their speech.

The vocabulary is usually followed by a list of questions intended for two purposes. The first one is to check how well the texts have been under­stood and how good the student is at making up independent correct English statements. The second one is connected with necessary development of skills and habits of annotating and reviewing the studied material.

The texts, the vocabulary and the questions may be considered one part of the unit. The other is a complex of various exercises. Some of them may be qualified as tests since they are used to check how well the student has grasped the meaning of the suggested texts. They are the exercises that 1) require a definite answer to a question given as a characteristic descrip­tion of a mechanism, a phenomenon, a property, a technological process, an engineering procedure etc., 2) suggest a choice of the correct answer from a few proposed variants. But there are also exercises for revision since the book is intended for students who have already finished the so-called "com­mon course of English". They are exercises practicing grammar phenomena especially used in structural patterns of "technical English". Very often they provide "mixed" practice bringing together grammar points that are easily confused by Russian and Ukrainian native speakers.

"The technique" we have applied in making grammar exercises is widely represented in both foreign and home textbooks of English. The stu­dents are invited 1) to open the brackets giving the correct grammar form, 2) to compose one sentence from two organizing it correctly, 3) to make up state­ments or questions from the suggested words, 4) to choose one of the words from the box leaving it in its original form or transforming it into the form which the given sentence requires, 5) to find English equivalents to the sug­gested Russian ones, 6) to translate from Russian into English etc.

There is one Appendix in the textbook. It gives a number of pictures organized in accordance with three themes closely associated with electrical work. They are "Electric Tools", "Wiring Accessories" and "Lighting Fittings". We find it necessary for engineers and electricians to know what the things they work with and operate by are called in English. So, we have provided the pictures with both English and Russian words and word combinations cor­responding the images.

Finally, there is an English-Russian glossary at the back of the book. It includes terms denoting electromechanical materials, electric machines of both direct and alternating current, electric power plants and circuits, power systems, electric drives, measuring instruments as well as devices, arrange­ments and fittings associated with light engineering. The word-nucleus (the one which dominates in meaning in a word combination) is frequently ac­companied by its stable subordinates in order to show in what way the former and these latter are collocated in "the English language of engineering".

We would like to thank all the staff at the English Department of Odes­sa State Maritime Academy, especially Associate Professors O.S. Bogomolov and E.L. Nikoulina, for their interest and encouragement. We are also grate­ful to Professors V.N. Skripnick and A.P. Radchenko for their help.

Unit 1. Nature of electricity


It was known since the ancient Greeks that when a piece of amber or glass is rubbed with silk or fur, it achieves the power of attracting light objects. Later on, this phenomenon was studied and the word 'electric' (after Greek "electron" - "amber") was put in use.

During the 18-19th centuries many discoveries about the nature of electricity were made: Charles Coulomb investigated the forces between tin charged objects; Benjamin Franklin invented the lighting rod, etc.

There was developed the idea that there are two kinds of electricity, which were called resinous electricity, and that opposite kinds of electricity attract one another, whereas similar kinds repel one another.

The study of electricity may be divided into three classes (or branches):

  • magnetism;

  • electrostatics;

  • electrodynamics.

Magnetism is the property of the molecules of iron and other cer­tain substances due to which they store energy in a field because of the arranged movement of the electrons in their atoms.

Electrostatics is the study of electricity at rest, or static electrici­ty. Examples of this type of electricity are charges on condenser plates. Rubbing glass with silk produces static electricity.

Electrodynamics is the study of electricity in motion, or dyna­mic electricity. The electricity which flows through wires for light and power purposes is a good example of the latter type of electricity.



янтарь, смола


тереть, натирать



power of attracting

способность притягивать

phenomenon (phenomena)

явление (явления)







charge (charged)

заряд (заряженный)



lightning rod

светящаяся палочка








вещество, материя



at rest

в покое

in motion

в движении

charges on condenser plates

заряды на пластинах конденсатора

for light and power purposes

для освещения и питания силовых установок


  1. Under what conditions can amber or glass attract light objects?

  2. What discoveries about the nature of electricity were made during the 18-19th centuries?

  3. What happens to the opposite kinds of electricity?

  4. What happens to the similar kinds of electricity?

  5. What classes can the study of electricity be divided into?

  6. What is magnetism?

  7. What helps the molecules of iron to store energy in a field?

  8. What is electrostatics?

  9. What are the examples of static electricity?

  10. What is electrodynamics?

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