Контрольная работа №2
Выберите правильную форму глагола. Переведите текст устно.
In the 70s and 80s, most managers (1) expected / have expected to continue working until retirement at sixty or sixty-five. But now, the situation (2) changed / is changing. Since the beginning of the 90s, many managers in their forties and fifties (3) lost / have lost their jobs.
Sometimes the reason for making managers redundant is a company buy-out or restructuring. Also, the recession of the late 1980s and early 1990s (4) caused / has caused many redundancies. But it is also true that fixed-term contracts (5) becomes / are becoming more popular, and many companies (6) prefer / are preferring younger managers.
The result is that large numbers of unemployed managers (7) are still looking / still look for work now. And, for those who are over fifty years old, it’s not certain that they (8) are finding / will find full-time employment again.
What can a manager (9) does / do in this situation? One important lesson is that every manager must be ready for change. You know that you (10) go / are going to the office tomorrow morning, but you can’t be certain that your job (11) will exist / is existing a year from now.
2. На основании информации о двух менеджерах экспортного отдела компании Biofoods International завершите предложения, данные ниже. Переведите предложения на русский язык письменно.
1. RENATE … in 1969. 2. … from 1989 to 1995. 3. In 1996 …. 4. Since 1998 …. 5. … since February 2000. 6. PIERRE … in 1955. 7. From 1976 to 1982 …. 8. After this … from 1982 to 1990.
9. In 1990 … Biofoods. 10. … head of Export Sales in Basle since 1994.
Biofoods International, HQ, Basle, Switzerland Export department staff for the current year
Renate b. 1969, Karlsruhe, Germany; 1989-1995 Economics and Computing, Univ. Munich; 1996 joined Biofoods as computor operator; 1998 trainee manager; February 2000 responsible for Southern Europe.
Pierre b. 1955, Amience, France; 1976-1982 electrical engineering Univ. Nates; 1983-1990 General Electronics San Diego, USA; 1990 joined Biofoods France; head of Export Sales in Basle since 1994 |
3. Поставьте глаголы в нужную форму Present Simple или Present Continuous.Переведите текст устно.
I work for a publishing company. This week isn’t a typical one for me. Usually, the first thing (1) I … (do) when (2) I … (get) to the office in the morning is to go through my mail and any messages.
Then (3) I … (plan) what I’m going to do each day. This week (4) I … (not have) time to do any of that, because at the moment (5) I … (work) on a book that has to be finished by the end of the week.
(6) Books … (take) a long time to produce and (7) you … (often think) that there is plenty of time left. Then suddenly (8) you … (find) that it all has to be done in a few days! So this week (9) I … (work) extremely hard. (10) I … (not like) weeks like this one!
4. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужную форму Present Simple, Present Continuous, Future Simple, Future Continuous, Future Perfect или Future Perfect Continuous. Переведите предложения на русский язык письменно.
1. Will you be able to find out when the first plane to Paris … (leave)? 2. Tomorrow, I … (ask) the boss for a rise and that’s definite! 3. By the time I retire, I … (work) here for 10,000 working days. 4. She … (fly) to Spain on Tuesday to meet our clients in Seville. 5. I … (put) the documents in the post to you first thing tomorrow. 6. Please, don’t disturb me for the next half hour, I … (phone) Tokyo. 7. Excuse me, Mr. Grey, when … you … (write) to our Chinese clients? 8. While you … (be) in Stockholm, … you … (see)Mr. Olsson? 9. Don’t worry, I’m sure the spare parts … (arrive) soon.
5. Поставьте глаголы в нужную форму Past Simple или Present Perfect. Переведите текст устно.
In a meeting held last Monday, the Marketing Department proposed that the company should change its advertising strategy. It (1) … (be) the policy in the past to use TV as the main medium for advertising our products.
However, in the last year, there (2) … (be) a number of changes. The cost of TV advertising (3) … (rise) considerably since the beginning of last year. For example, whereas a one-minute prime-time slot (4) … (cost) $500,000 last year, it now costs $750,000. In addition, the results of our TV advertising campaign last year (5) … (be) very disappointing. Market research, which we (6) … (conduct) between October and December last year, (7) … (show) only a slight increase in sales following the campaign. On the other hand, sales resulting from our radio advertising campaign (8) … (increase) substantially since last October. This is probably because we (9) … (target) a younger audience through our radio campaign by linking advertising to pop music programmes.
What is more, the cost of radio advertising (10) … (not, increase) as much as TV advertising over the last year. Our conclusion is that TV advertising should be cut in favour of greater emphasis on radio.
6. Поставьте данные предложения в страдательный залог. Начинайте свои предложения как показано. Переведите оба предложения на русский язык письменно.
1. The corporation’s sales and service organization covers the country. – The country …. 2. We enclose payment together with our order. – Payment …. 3. The customer will receive the delivery on Friday. – The delivery …. 4. They had notified him before the invoice arrived. – He …. 5. FCS are only marketing their new dental equipment in Europe. – FCE’s new dental equipment …. 6. They have enlarged the premises since my last visit. – The premises …. 7. According to a recent report the group is making similar investments in other parts of the world. – Similar investments …. 8. The clerk finally found the notes under the filing cabinet. – The notes …. 9. We will produce the components at our French factory. – The components …. 10. We will reduce costs if we use less paper. – The costs ….
7. Поставьте данные предложения в действительный залог. Начинайте свои предложения как показано. Переведите оба предложения на русский язык письменно.
1. The first fax machines were installed in 1988. – The firm …. 2. Further modifications will be made to this service to other customers. – The suppliers …. 3. The systems are easily operated by ordinary office staff. – Ordinary office staff …. 4. The new software can be mastered easily in a couple of days. – You …. 5. Increased productivity has been achieved by using better trained staff. – Using better trained staff …. 6. The invoices are now sent out a week earlier. – The department …. 7. Better results can only be achieved if you work harder. – You …. 8. The new note-taking method will be introduced in our office. – We …. 9. He wasn’t warned about the dangers of not co-operating with the personnel manager. – I …. 10. All relevant information about the meeting was supplied in advance. – The organizers ….
8. Выберите перевод, соответствующий каждому предложению.
1. When the manager returned, we were discussing our new project. 2. When the manager returned, we had already discussed our new project. 3. When the manager returned, we had to discuss our new project. 4. When the manager returned, we could discuss our new project. 5. When the manager returned, we had been discussing our new project for three hours. 6. When the manager returned, the new project had been discussed already. 7. When the manager returned, the new project was being discussed. 8. When the manager returned, we discussed the new project.
А. Когда менеджер вернулся, мы уже обсудили наш новый проект. Б. Когда менеджер вернулся, обсуждался новый проект. В. Когда менеджер вернулся, мы смогли обсудить наш новый проект. Г. Когда менеджер вернулся, мы обсуждали наш новый проект. Д. Когда менеджер вернулся, мы обсудили наш новый проект. Е. Когда менеджер вернулся, нам пришлось обсудить наш новый проект. Ж. Когда менеджер вернулся, мы обсуждали наш новый проект уже три часа. З. Когда менеджер вернулся, новый проект уже был обсужден.
9. Составьте предложение из слов, данных в скобках, опираясь на русский перевод.
1. Мы будем торговать с одной из английских фирм. (an/ business/shall/we/English/with/do/firm.) 2. Нет (не был). Он был в командировке. (no/he/was/away/on/wasn't he/business.) 3. Мы обычно выезжаем раз в две недели. (away/usually/we/a/go/once/ fortnight.) 4. М-р Джоунз купил новый персональный компьютер два дня назад. (Mr./days/new/personal/two/bought/Jones/computer/a/ ago.) 5. Он работает? (does/he/work.) 6. Я знаю м-ра Джоунза уже десять лет. (Jones/Mr./I/have/known/for/a/decade.) 7. Как долго вы работаете в Москве? (been/you/long/in/how/working/have/Moscow.) 8. Контракт не был подписан. (the/not/was/contract/signed.) 9. В следующем году будут построены другие новые дома. (new/will/next/ built/other/houses/be/year.) 10. Эти выражения благодарности обычно применяются американцами. (expressions/usually/used/are/these /gratitude/of/by/Americans.) 11. Письмо было отправлено вчера вечером. (last/was/letter/the/posted/night.) 12. Он пишет письмо своему боссу. (is/to/a/letter/his/he/writing/boss.) 13. Я (уже) закончу свою работу к 4 часам дня завтра. (my/ work/ 4/finished /have/p.m. /shall / I/by/tomorrow.) 14. Они отгрузят товары к концу этого года. (will /the/this/they/have/end/ the/shipped/of /by/goods/year.) 15. Вели ли вы переговоры с компанией «Континентл Компьютерз» на этой неделе? (talks/computers/ continental/you/this/with/have/had/week.) 16. Я написал деловое письмо к 5 часам вечера вчера. (had /by/ p.m./5 /business/letter/written/ I/the/yesterday.) 17. Должен ли м-р Джоунз выехать из Москвы сегодня вечером? (does/leave /have/to/ Moscow/Jones/Mr./tonight.) 18. Он должен сделать это сейчас. (has /he / it/to/do/now.) 19. Можете ли вы перевести это деловое письмо? (business/can/you/this/translate /letter.) 20. М-ру Джоунзу не нужно ехать туда так скоро. (Mr./there/ needn't/go/Jones/so/soon.) 21. Мне приходится туда сейчас идти. (go/ I/have/there/to/now.) 22. Вам не нужно было печатать это письмо на машинке. (to/this /have/ didn't / you/type/letter.) 23. В нашей стране наблюдается растущий интерес к совместным предприятиям. (Growing/this/ in/is/ interest/joint /a/in / there/ventures/country.)
10. Дополните предложения, вставив в них модальные глаголы, данные ниже, в нужной форме. Переведите предложения на русский язык письменно.