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5 курс / Пульмонология и фтизиатрия / Clinical_Manifestations_and_Assessment_of_Respiratory

38.36 Mб

arterial blood gases, abnormal, 490–491 assessment of, 504–508

respiratory distress syndrome, 539

Infantile scoliosis, 366 Infections

in asthma, 224

lymphocyte responses (sequence), 127

neonatal, chronic lung disease of infancy caused by, 564t

Infectious control measures protocols, for tuberculosis, 308 Inferior vena cava, 481

filter, for pulmonary embolism, 330

Infiltrates, presence of, 106–107

Inflammation, chronic lung disease of infancy caused by, 564t Influenza viruses A and B, 285

Infundibular stenosis, 581

Inhaled corticosteroids, cystic fibrosis, 254 Inhaled DNase (dornase alpha), usage, 252

action, mode, 253f

Inhaled hypertonic saline, usage, 253 Inhaled N-acetylcysteine, usage, 253 Inhaled nitric oxide (iNO)

acute respiratory distress syndrome, 420 congenital diaphragmatic hernia, 572 meconium aspiration syndrome, 525

persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn, 495

Inhaled tobramycin (Bethkis), 253–254 In-home portable monitoring, 467b

In-home unattended portable monitoring, 465–467 Inlet ventricular septal defect, 580

iNO, Inhaled nitric oxide

Inorganic particulate (dust) exposure, 400–401 asbestos, 400

beryllium, 400–401 coal dust, 400 irritant gases, 402 silica, 400

Inspection of chest, 23

common assessment abnormalities in, 30t–32t

common clinical manifestations observed during, 34b


accessory muscles of, 21, 41–42 decreased blood pressure during, 21 level of, 106

Inspiratory capacity (IC), 56t Inspiratory reserve volume (IRV), 56t Inspiratory stridor, 589, 592 Inspiratory time (TI), prolonged, 544

Inspiratory-to-expiratory ratio (I/E ratio), 34 Intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT), 391 Intercostal retractions, 45, 46f, 489, 530 Intermittent fever, 14

Intermittent positive pressure breathing therapy, for pediatric patient, 516b Internal oblique, 43, 44f

Interpretation, 5 errors (ABG error), 78

Interruption, 7

Interstitial edema, 528, 529f Interstitial fibrosis, 404

Interstitial lung disease (ILD), 397–414 admitting history, 410–411

alveolar-capillary unit, cross-sectional microscopic view, 398f asbestos, 400

case study, 410–413 causes, 400–402 chronic, 406–408

pathologic or structural changes, 398 corticosteroids, usage, 409

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cryptogenic organizing pneumonia (COP), 404 development, medications/illicit drugs (association), 403b diffuse, 398

discussion, 412–413 drug-induced, 401

etiology and epidemiology, 398–409 inorganic causes, 401b

inorganic particulate (dust) exposure, 400–401 irritant gases, impact, 402t

lungs, anatomic alterations, 398 management, 409–410

mechanical ventilation protocol, 410 medications and procedures, 409–410

occupational, environmental, and therapeutic exposures, 400–402 organic materials exposure, 401–402

overview, 399t

oxygen therapy protocol, 410 pathology, 405

physical examination, 411 plasmapheresis, 410

respiratory assessment and plan, 411 respiratory care treatment protocols, 410 systemic diseases, 402–404

Interstitial pneumonitis, 404

Interstitial pulmonary fibrosis, reticulonodular pattern, 407f Intracellular oxygen tension (icO2), 91

Intracranial pressure (ICP), monitoring, stroke, 448–449 Intrapleural pressure, in pulmonary edema, 313 Intrapulmonary percussive ventilation, 514b–515b Intravascular air embolism, 543

Intravenous immune globulin (IVIG), usage, 428, 437 Intraventricular catheter, 452f

Intrinsic asthma (nonallergic or nonatopic asthma), 222b Intubation risk, spinal cord injury, 444

Invasive aspergillosis, 291 Invasive candidiasis, 291

Invasive cardiovascular monitoring assessments, 97–99 Invasive hemodynamic monitoring assessments, 93 Invasive mechanical ventilation, 165, 209

IPF, Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis Ipratropium bromide, usage, 252 Irritant gases, 402

impact, 402t

Irritant reflex, 40 Isolette, 497b Isoniazid, 308

prophylactic use of, 308

Ivacaftor (Kalydeco), usage, 253


Jargon, 7

Jugular venous distention, 48, 49f

Juvenile scoliosis, 366

Juxtapulmonary-capillary receptors, 41


Killer lymphocytes, 127

Klebsiella, 284

Klebsiella pneumoniae (Friedländer bacillus), 284 Kyphoscoliosis, 365–375

admitting history, 372

airway clearance therapy protocol, 371 arterial blood gases, 368b

cardiopulmonary clinical manifestations associated with, 368–369 case study, 372–375

discussion, 374–375

etiology and epidemiology of, 366 heart rate, increased, 368

hemodynamic indices, 369b laboratory findings in, 369

laboratory tests and procedures, clinical data, 368 lungs

anatomic alterations, 365–366, 366f expansion therapy protocol, 371

oxygen therapy protocol, 371 oxygenation indices, 368b patient bedside, clinical data, 368

physical examination, 368, 372–373 pulmonary function test findings, 368b radiologic findings in, 369, 369f respiratory assessment and plan, 373

respiratory care treatment protocols for, 371 respiratory rate, increased (tachypnea), 368 vital signs of, 368

Kyphosis, 365, 367


Lactic acid, 89

Lactic acidosis (metabolic acidosis), 77–78

ABG changes, 78t

LAM, Lymphangioleiomyomatosis Lamina propria, 50, 51f

Large cell carcinoma, 378–379 illustration, 379, 379f

Laryngeal mask airway, 510t–511t Laryngoscope blade, 510t–511t Laryngospasm, wet drowning and, 600 Laryngotracheobronchitis (LTB), 590

admitting history, 596

anteroposterior neck radiograph, 593, 593f arterial blood gases, 592b

cardiopulmonary clinical manifestations associated with, 592–593 case study, 596

discussion, 596

etiology and epidemiology of, 590 history and physical findings of, 591t

laboratory tests and procedures, clinical data, 592 lateral neck radiograph, 593

management of, 594–596 oxygenation indices, 592b patient bedside, clinical data, 592 physical examination, 592, 596

respiratory assessment and plan, 596 respiratory rate, increased (tachypnea), 592 scoring system, 595t

upper airway, anatomic alterations, 589, 589f vital signs, 592

Laser-assisted uvulopalatoplasty, 471 Late fibrotic phase, 401

Late-onset asthma, 219 Lateral chest radiograph, 105f

Lateral decubitus radiograph, 103 Lateral flail chest, pendelluft, 341f Lateral radiograph, 102

Lateral umbilical ligaments, 482 Leading questions, 7

Leaky alveoli, 607

Lecithin-to-sphingomyelin ratio (L/S ratio), 537 Left lower lobe bronchiectasis, 266f

Left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), 312 Left ventricular stroke work index (LVSWI), 99 Left-sided heart failure, 358

versus right-sided, 330, 333b

Legal document, 179

Legionella pneumophila, 283 Legionnaire's disease, 283 Length of stay (LOS), 131

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Lesion, 103 Leukocytosis, 125

Leukotriene receptor antagonists (LTRA), for asthma, 231–232 Level of consciousness (LOC), in infant and pediatric patient, 506 Ligamentum arteriosum, 483, 577b

Ligamentum teres, 482 Ligamentum venosum, 482

Lightheadedness, in pulmonary embolism, 326 Limb-girdle muscular dystrophies, 446t, 447 LIP, Lymphocytic interstitial pneumonia Lipoid pneumonitis, 292

Lobectomy, 391

Long-acting beta2-agonists, for asthma, 231–232 Loop diuretics, for pulmonary edema, 314

LOS, Length of stay Lou Gehrig disease, 444

Low inspired oxygen concentrations, for chronic lung disease of infancy, 566t Low tidal volume ventilation (LTVV), usage, 420

Lower airway obstruction, in pediatric patient, 508b Low-molecular-weight heparin, for pulmonary embolism, 324 LTB, Laryngotracheobronchitis

LTVV, Low tidal volume ventilation Lung abscess, 279–299, 292f

anaerobic gram-negative bacilli, 293b anaerobic gram-positive cocci, 293b causes, 293b

cross-sectional view, 292f definition of, 292

early stages, 292 flash burn, 293

Lung cancer, 376–396 admission, 395

admitting history, 393–394 arterial blood gases, 386b bronchogenic carcinoma, 377 bronchoscopy findings, 389

cardiopulmonary clinical manifestations associated with, 386–389 case study, 393–396

characteristics, 378t chemotherapy, usage, 378

chest radiograph, 386–389, 387f–388f cigarette smoking, 377

computed tomography/positron emission tomography (CT/PET) scan, 390f diagnosis, 380–385

tests, 380t–381t discussion, 395–396

etiology and epidemiology, 377–380 findings, chest radiograph, 387f hemodynamic indices, 386b

laboratory tests and procedures, clinical data, 386 lungs, anatomic alterations, 377

management, 391–393 oxygenation indices, 386b patient bedside, clinical data, 386 physical examination, 386, 394

positron emission tomography (PET) scan

axial views, 389f–390f coronal views, 388f sagittal views, 389f

pulmonary function test findings, 386 radiation therapy, usage, 378 radiologic findings, 386–389 respiratory assessment and plan, 394

respiratory rate, increased (tachypnea), 386 risk factors, 377–378

screening, 380–385 tests, 380t–381t

small cell lung cancer, 393 stage grouping, 382

tumor, node, metastasis (TNM) subsets, 383t–385t tumor, node, metastasis (TNM)

classification system, 382t–383t

staging system, 382t–383t types, 378, 378f

vital signs, 386

Lung compliance, effect of, on the ventilatory pattern and dyspnea, 37, 37f–38f Lung expansion therapy protocol, 136, 142, 142f–143f

acute respiratory distress syndrome, 420 bronchiectasis, 269

cystic fibrosis, 252 flail chest, 340

Guillain-Barré syndrome, 428 kyphoscoliosis, 371 myasthenia gravis, 438

for newborn, 498b

for pediatric patient, 516b

pleural effusion and empyema, 362 pneumonia, 297

pneumothorax, 353 postoperative atelectasis, 277 pulmonary air leak syndrome, 546 pulmonary edema, 317–318 pulmonary embolism, 330

respiratory distress syndrome, 538 small cell lung cancer, 393

smoke inhalation and thermal injuries, 614 transient tachypnea of the newborn, 532


acute interstitial fibrosis, 404 biopsy, 114, 122

open-lung, 122 transbronchial lung, 122

borders and fissures of, 22–23, 23f clinical scenarios, 142–145, 156 compression, 113

expiration, posteroanterior chest radiograph, 103f full inspiration, posteroanterior chest radiograph, 102 growth and development of, 192

honeycomb lung, 404

hypoxic vasoconstriction of, 90 imaginary lines in, 22 inspection of, 23

“markings,” increased, 203f palpation of, 23–24, 24f parenchyma, 106–107 pathophysiologic mechanisms of, 142 percussion of, 24–25, 25f

protective strategies, 176, 176b scleroderma, appearance, 403 systematic examination of, 21–27 tissue markings, 106–107 topography of, 22–23

transplantation, chest radiograph and, 204f volumes and capacities of, 55–58, 56t window CT scan, 108

close-up of, 108f

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Lungs, anatomic alterations, 142–145, 156 acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), 415–416 asthma, 220–221

atelectasis, 273 bronchiectasis, 259–260 chronic bronchitis, 189, 190f

chronic lung disease of infancy, 559–562 common, 140–152

congenital diaphragmatic hernia, 569–570 cystic fibrosis, 243–244

drowning, 599–600 emphysema, 189–191, 191f flail chest, 339, 340f fungal diseases, 288

Guillain-Barré syndrome, 424–425 interstitial lung disease (ILD), 398 kyphoscoliosis, 365–366, 366f lung cancer, 377

meconium aspiration syndrome, 521–522 myasthenia gravis, 432–433

pleural effusion and empyema, 356, 357f pneumonia, 280

pneumothorax, 346, 347f

pulmonary air leak syndrome, 542–543 pulmonary edema, 311–312, 312f pulmonary embolism, 321, 321f respiratory distress syndrome, 534–535 respiratory syncytial virus infection, 550 smoke inhalation, 607–608

thermal injuries, 607

transient tachypnea of the newborn, 528 tuberculosis, 301–303

Lungs, fungal disease anatomic alterations, 288 cross-sectional view, 288f opportunistic pathogens, 290 primary pathogens, 288–290

LVEF, Left ventricular ejection fraction LVSWI, Left ventricular stroke work index Lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM), 405 Lymphangitic carcinomatosis, 313

Lymphatic insufficiency, in pulmonary edema, 313 Lymphocytes, 127

categories of, 127 killer lymphocytes, 127

response, sequence, 127

Lymphocytic interstitial pneumonia (LIP), 404 Lymphokine, 127

Lymphomatoid granulomatosis, 405


MAC, Mycobacterium avium complex Macrophages, 127

Macrosomia, 528–529

Magnetic resonance angiography, for pulmonary embolism, 324 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 112

anatomy of mediastinum on, 113f for pulmonary embolism, 324 studies, 109–111

Malignant mesothelioma, 359

Malignant pleural effusions, exudative pleural effusion and, 359 Malignant tumors, 377

Mallampati classification, 463f score, 463

Mannitol, inhaled, indirect challenge test to, 66 Mantoux tuberculin skin test, 304, 304f

MAS, Meconium aspiration syndrome

Mask continuous positive airway pressure, for pulmonary edema, 317–318 Massive hemoptysis, 51

Maximum expiratory pressure (MEP), 65 myasthenia gravis, 437

Maximum inspiratory pressure (MIP), 65, 168 measurement, 428

myasthenia gravis, 437

Maximum voluntary ventilation (MVV), 61, 61f, 63t–64t MDRSA, Multiple drug–resistant S. aureus

Mean pulmonary artery pressure (PA), 99 Mechanical ventilation, 163–174

chronic lung disease of infancy caused by, 564t discontinuation, 168–172, 172f–173f

clinical indicators for, 175t invasive, 165, 209 noninvasive, 165–168, 165b

standard criteria for, 163–164, 164t

supplied with graphics package, display of patient on, 174f and ventilator weaning, 499b–500b, 519b–520b

Mechanical ventilation protocol, 145, 165–168, 169f–171f acute respiratory distress syndrome, 420, 421f

asthma, 239 bronchiectasis, 269

chronic bronchitis and emphysema, 209 chronic lung disease of infancy, 565 cystic fibrosis, 253

flail chest, 340 Guillain-Barré syndrome, 429 interstitial lung disease, 410 myasthenia gravis, 438

pleural effusion and empyema, 362 pneumothorax, 353

postoperative atelectasis, 277 pulmonary air leak syndrome, 546 pulmonary edema, 318 respiratory distress syndrome, 538

smoke inhalation and thermal injuries, 614 transient tachypnea of the newborn, 532 tuberculosis, 308

Meconium, 521 staining, 523

Meconium aspiration syndrome (MAS), 494, 521–527 admitting history, 525–526

arterial blood gases, 523b

cardiopulmonary clinical manifestations associated with, 523–524 case study, 525–526

chest assessment findings, 523 chest radiograph, 524

infant, 524f discussion, 526

etiology and epidemiology, 522, 522f

laboratory tests and procedures, clinical data, 523 lungs, anatomic alterations, 521–522 management of, 525

obstruction, 522f oxygenation indices, 524b

patient bedside, clinical data, 523 physical examination, 523, 525–526 pneumothorax, left-sided, 524f pulmonary air leak syndrome, 544 pulmonary function test findings, 523b radiologic findings, 524

respiratory assessment and plan, 526 respiratory rate, increased (tachypnea), 523 vital signs, 523

Meconium ileus, 251

Meconium-stained amniotic fluid (MSAF), 494, 522 Mediastinal window (CT scan), 108 Mediastinoscopy, 121, 122f

Mediastinum, 106 Medium crackles, 28t–29t Mendelson syndrome, 286

MEP, Maximum expiratory pressure Mesothelioma, malignant, 359

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Metabolic acid-base abnormalities, 77–78 Metabolic acid-base disturbances, 70b, 77 Metabolic acidosis, 70, 77–78

ABG changes, 78t acute, 77–78 causes of, 77b hyperchloremic, 78

lactic acidosis, 77–78

respiratory acidosis, combination, 72

Metabolic alkalosis, 77

ABG changes, 77t causes of, 77b

MetaNeb, 514b–515b Metered dose inhaler

with spacer, 510t–511t, 517b–519b

with valved holding chamber or spacer, 517b–519b

Methacholine, inhaled, airway responsiveness to, 66 Microbiome, asthma and, 224

Midaxillary line, 22 Midclavicular line, 22 Midsternal line, 22

Mild hypoxemia, 21, 88–89 Miliary tuberculosis, 307f

Miller Fisher syndrome (MFS), 425t Milwaukee brace, 369–370, 370f MIP, Maximum inspiratory pressure Mist tent, 513b–514b

Mixed sleep apnea, 462

Mixed venous blood (), 84

Mixed venous oxygen saturation (), 86 increase and decrease, factors, 87b

MM alpha1-antitrypsin phenotype, 192 mMRC, Modified Medical Research Council Moderate hypoxemia, 88–89

Modified Glasgow Coma Score, 506, 506t Modified Medical Research Council (mMRC)

dyspnea scale, 194t questionnaire, 36, 36t

MODS, Multiorgan dysfunction syndrome Monocytes, 127

Moraxella catarrhalis, 284

Morphine sulfate, for pulmonary edema, 314 Mouthpiece ventilation, 454

sample, 455b

MRI, Magnetic resonance imaging Mucociliary escalator, 50, 50f

Mucous accumulation, airway obstruction, combination, 433 Mucous blanket, 48–50, 50f

Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis, 303 Multiorgan dysfunction syndrome (MODS), 608 Multiple drug–resistant S. aureus (MDRSA), 283 Muscle biopsy, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, 445

Muscle-specific receptor tyrosine kinase (MuSK), 433 Muscular dystrophies

Becker muscular dystrophy, 446t clinical presentation, 445–447 diagnosis, 447

Duchenne muscular dystrophy, 445–446, 446t Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy, 446t, 447 etiology and epidemiology, 445–447 facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy, 446t, 447 limb-girdle muscular dystrophies, 446t, 447 management, 447–448

myotonic dystrophy, 446–447, 446t oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy, 446t

Muscular ventricular septal defect, 580 Mutation analysis, 247

MVV, Maximum voluntary ventilation Myasthenia gravis, 432–440

acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, impact, 437 admitting history, 438

airway clearance therapy protocol, 438 alveolar consolidation, 433

anticholinesterase inhibitors, effectiveness, 437 arterial blood gases, 436b

atelectasis, 433

cardiopulmonary clinical manifestations associated with, 436 case study, 438–440

chest assessment findings, 436 chest radiograph, 436

clinical classifications, 435, 435t clinical presentation, 434 diagnosis, 434–435

tests (bedside diagnostic tests), 434–435 differential diagnosis, 435

discussion, 439–440

edrophonium test (Tensilon test), 434 electrodiagnostic studies, 435 electromyography, usage, 438 etiology and epidemiology, 433–434 gastric contents, aspiration, 439

generalized myasthenia gravis, 432–433 history, 434

ice pack test, 434, 434f immunologic studies, 434–435 immunotherapy, usage, 437 impact, 433f

intravenous immune globulin (IVIG), usage, 437 laboratory tests and procedures, clinical data, 436 lungs

anatomic alterations, 432–433 expansion therapy protocol, 438

management, 437–438

maximum expiratory pressure (MEP), 437 maximum inspiratory pressure (MIP), 437 mechanical ventilation protocol, 438

mucous accumulation, airway obstruction (combination), 433 mycophenolate mofetil, usage, 437

ocular, 432–433

oxygen therapy protocol, 437 oxygenation indices, 436b patient bedside, clinical data, 436 physical examination, 436

plasmapheresis (plasma exchange), 437 pulmonary function test, 435

findings, 436b

pyridostigmine (Mestinon), selection, 437 radiologic findings, 436

rapid immunotherapies, 437

repetitive nerve stimulation (RNS), 435 respiratory assessment and plan, 439 respiratory care treatment protocols, 437–438 screening, 434–435

seronegative, 433 seropositive, 433

signs and symptoms, 434 thymectomy, 437

Myasthenic crisis, 433

Mycobacterium avium, 304–305 Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC), 291 Mycobacterium kansasii, 304–305 Mycobacterium tuberculosis, 120, 301, 303 Mycophenolate mofetil, usage, 437

Mycoplasma pneumoniae, 281, 284f

Myotonic dystrophy, 446–447, 446t MZ alpha1-antitrypsin phenotype, 192


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Nanostraws, 91 Narrative, assistance, 4–5

clarification in, 5 confrontation in, 5 empathy in, 5 explanation in, 5 facilitation in, 5 interpretation in, 5 reflection in, 5 silence in, 5 summary-making in, 5

Nasal cannula, 497b, 510t–511t, 513b–514b Nasal continuous positive airway pressure

for chronic lung disease of infancy, 566t via ventilator, 498b

Nasal flaring, 45, 489, 529 Nasal polyps, cystic fibrosis, 251 Nasal potential difference, 248

Nasopharyngeal airway, 510t–511t

National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), 219 National Institutes of Health (NIH), 219

Natural killer cells, 127

Navigational bronchoscopy, 122–123, 124f NCFB, Noncystic fibrosis bronchiectasis NCS, Nerve conduction studies

Near drowning, 599–605, 600f etiology and epidemiology of, 600

favorable prognostic factors in cold-water, 600t lungs, anatomic alterations, 599–600 management of, 602–603

sequence, 600b

Near wet drowning admitting history, 603 apnea, 601

arterial blood gases, 601b

cardiopulmonary clinical manifestations associated with, 601–602 case study, 603–604

discussion, 604 first responder, 602

hospital management, 602–603

laboratory tests and procedures, clinical data, 601 oxygenation indices, 601b

patient bedside, clinical data, 601 physical examination, 601, 603 pulmonary function test findings, 601b radiologic findings, 602, 602f

respiratory assessment and plan, 603–604 vital signs, 601

Nebulized hypertonic saline, usage, 555 Neck veins, distended, 48, 49f

Needle thoracentesis, pulmonary air leak syndrome, 546, 547f Negative inspiratory force (NIF), 65

Neonatal infection, chronic lung disease of infancy caused by, 564t Neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), baby (placement), 532 Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP) Guidelines, 525

Neonates, clinical manifestations, 496f Neoplasm, 377

Nephrotic syndrome, transudative pleural effusion and, 358 Nerve conduction studies (NCS), 426

Neuromuscular disease, 441–457 acute, 442t

arterial blood gases, 450b Babinski sign, 450

bi-level positive airway pressure (BPAP), 454 breath sound, diminished, 450

breath stacking, 454–455 bulbar dysfunction, 457

cardiopulmonary clinical manifestations associated with, 450 chronic, 442–451, 442t