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immediately told him that his "buddy" had poisoned me. To my surprise he denied any knowledge of the man who called himself "Jeff" but said that he had called to alert me that "They are going to use the HAARP again next week!" I told him I really wasn't interested but he insisted on telling me that friends in the "company" had passed this information to him. In the end, because I wanted to abide by my wife's suggestion, he just said, "Well, remember what I have just told you."

I didn't tell my wife about the phone call but one morning she seemed very excited and pulled me to the television. "Wow. Look. Big water!" The earthquake in Indonesia had caused a huge Tsunami that had killed thousands in Thailand and Sri Lanka. As I would later learn, my two friends living along the coast were among the victims.

"Well, remember what I have just told you."

We live in strange times. The Sun is erratic. We have witnessed the

events known as “911” which many people believe was planned by America to promote their wars, the puzzling re-election of an obviously incompetent, an ex-Nazi being elected Pope of the Catholic Church, massive unemployment and poverty while oil companies announce increased profits of as much as 500 percent. It's all surreal. Evil is in control!

Someone has finally realized that the Ark of the Covenant (the "Box of El") is buried in Mareb, Yemen. The American military has just stated that Yemen is the next war front and they have decided to call the tribal people, who

don't associate with anyone, Al Quaeda. Anyone who has been to Yemen knows how foolish this is ... but then not many people have been there.

The Ark is needed by the Israelis to complete their Third Temple. Many Fundamental Christians also believe that the Ark is necessary to restore this temple for the Second Coming of Jesus, the Messiah. Today, Yemen is patrolled by US drones, especially around Marib, where the Ark is buried.

And so it continues.

© 2010 Gary Vey

edited by Juan von Trillion, June 2010