[Keith Allman] Oxford Handbook Of Anaesthesia

Oxford Handbook of Anaesthesia :
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targetFrame=1&S;=IDNJHKELPHJMAK00D&Book;+Content=S.sh.{06b9ee1beed594196c1cb51952d8a22153a7820e3371b262990f 54718f 2f 71eb2 Pref ace
List of abbrev iations
Chapter 1 - General considerations
Routine preoperativ e inv estigations
Premedication drugs
Prophy laxis of v enous thromboembolism
Preoperativ e optimization
When not to operate
When and how to book intensiv e care
Perioperativ e guidelines f or body piercing jewellery
Chapter 2 - Cardiov ascular disease
Heart f ailure
Hy pertension
Cardiomy opathy
Arrhy thmias
Disturbances of conduction (heart block)
Cardiac pacemakers
Valv ular heart disease
Prosthetic v alv es
Post cardiac transplant
Pericardial disease
Congenital heart disease and non-cardiac surgery
Chapter 3 - Respiratory disease
Respiratory tract inf ections and electiv e surgery
Predicting postoperativ e pulmonary complications bef ore surgery
Preoperativ e assessment of respiratory f unction
Postoperativ e care in respiratory disease
Chronic obstructiv e pulmonary disease (COPD)
Cy stic f ibrosis
Restrictiv e pulmonary disease
Sleep apnoea sy ndrome
Anaesthesia f or patients af ter lung transplantation
Chapter 4 - Endocrine and metabolic disease
Thy roid disease
Parathy roid disorders
Addison's disease
Conn's sy ndrome
Cushing's sy ndrome
Phaeochromocy toma
Carcinoid tumours
Porphy ria
The patient on steroids

Potassium and anaesthesia
Sodium and anaesthesia
Chapter 5 - Renal disease
Patients on haemodialy sis
Patients on peritoneal dialy sis
Transplanted patients
Patients with raised creatinine
Acute renal f ailure
Chapter 6 - Hepatic disease
Acute hepatic disease
Chronic hepatic disease
Anaesthetic management of the patient with liv er f ailure Postoperativ e liv er dy sf unction
Renal f ailure and the hepatorenal sy ndrome Portal hy pertension and oesophageal v arices Chapter 7 - Haematological disorders Coagulation disorders
Anticoagulation in the perioperativ e period
Thrombocy topenia
Sickle cell disease
Rare blood disorders
Hy percoagulability sy ndromes
Jehov ah's Witnesses
Chapter 8 - Bone, joint, and connectiv e tissue disorders Anky losing spondy litis
Sy stemic lupus ery thematosus
Chapter 9 - Neuromuscular disorders
Cerebrov ascular disease
Parkinson's disease
Anaesthesia in spinal cord lesions
My asthenia grav is
Dy strophia my otonica
Multiple sclerosis
Muscular dy strophy
Guillain Barré sy ndrome
Motor neurone disease (amy otrophic lateral sclerosis) Malignant hy perthermia
Chapter 10 - Psy chiatry
Tricy clic antidepressants
Selectiv e serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOI) Chapter 11 - Miscellaneous problems Anaesthesia f or the elderly
Latex allergy
Anaesthesia f or drug misusing patients
Anaesthesia and chronic alcohol abuse
Chapter 12 - Rare sy ndromes
Chapter 13 - Day case surgery

Conduct of anaesthesia
Chapter 14 - General surgery
The sick laparotomy
General principles f or laparoscopic surgery
Laparoscopic cholecy stectomy
Inguinal hernia repair
Testicular surgery
Chapter 15 - Endocrine surgery
Parathy roidectomy
Phaeochromocy toma
Chapter 16 - Vascular surgery
Regional anaesthesia and analgesia in v ascular surgical patients Aortic aneury sm repair
Emergency repair of abdominal aortic aneury sm
Thoracoabdominal aortic aneury sm repair
Carotid endarterectomy
Peripheral rev ascularization operations
Axillobif emoral by pass
Thoracoscopic sy mpathectomy
First rib resection
Varicose v ein surgery
Other v ascular procedures
Chapter 17 - Cardiac surgery
Cardiopulmonary by pass
Risk scoring
Coronary arterial by pass graf ting
Redo coronary arterial by pass graf t
Emergency coronary arterial by pass graf t (f ailed angioplasty ) Mitral stenosis
Aortic stenosis
Mitral regurgitation
Aortic regurgitation
Thoracic aortic surgery
Pulmonary thromboembolectomy
Cardiov ersion
Anaesthesia f or implantable def ibrillators
Chapter 18 - Thoracic surgery
Preanaesthetic assessment
Isolation of the lungs
Rigid bronchoscopy and stent insertion
Mediastinoscopy /mediastinotomy
Lung surgery : wedge resection, lobectomy , and pneumonectomy Thoracoscopy and v ideo-assisted thoracoscopic surgery procedures Lung v olume reduction surgery and bullectomy
Drainage of empy ema and decortication
Repair of bronchopleural f istula
Pleurectomy /pleurodesis
Chest injury

Other thoracic procedures
Chapter 19 - Neurosurgery
Cerebral blood f low (CBF)
Measuring intracranial pressure (ICP)
General principles of anaesthesia in the presence of raised ICP
Ventriculoperitoneal shunt
Ev acuation of intracranial haematoma
Posterior f ossa surgery
Vascular lesions
Complications of aneury smal subarachnoid haemorrhage
Anaesthesia f or v ascular lesions
Venous air embolism
Perioperativ e management of sev ere head injury
Brainstem death
Further reading
Chapter 20 - Trauma surgery
The secondary surv ey
Chest injuries
Abdominal injuries
Pelv ic f ractures
Spinal injuries
Limb injuries
Analgesia f or the injured patient
The multiply injured patientcommon! problems
Anaesthesia f or major trauma
Anaesthetic considerations f or cerv ical spine f racture
Anaesthesia f or repair of cerv ical spine f racture
Anaesthetic considerations f or limb f ractures
Anaesthesia f or limb f ractures
Compartment sy ndrome
Anaesthesia f or f emoral neck f racture
Chapter 21 - Orthopaedic surgery
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targetFrame=1&S;=IDNJHKJOBAIOAK00D&Book;+Content=S.sh.{06b9ee1beed594196c1cb51952d8a22153a7820e3371b262990f 54718f 2f 71eb2f Cement hy potension
Regional anaesthesia
Total hip replacement
Rev ision of total hip replacement
Total knee replacement
Arthroscopic lower limb procedures
Ankle surgery
Foot surgery
Spinal surgery
Shoulder surgery
Total shoulder replacement
Other shoulder operations
Hand surgery
Anaesthesia f or hand surgery
Chapter 22 - Ear, nose, and throat surgery
Airway management

Preoperativ e airway obstruction
Obstructiv e sleep apnoea and ENT surgery Throat packs
Nasal v asoconstrictors
Laser surgery of the upper airway
Grommet insertion
Tonsillectomy /adenoidectomy !child
My ringoplasty
Stapedectomy /ty mpanoplasty
Nasal cav ity surgery
Microlary ngoscopy
Lary ngectomy
Radical neck dissection
Other ENT procedures
Chapter 23 - Oral/maxillof acial surgery Surgical extraction of impacted/buried teeth Maxillary /mandibular osteotomy
Fractures of the zy gomatic complex
Mandibular f ractures
Anaesthesia f or dentistry
Anaesthesia f or simple dental extractions Sedation f or dentistry
Chapter 24 - Ophthalmic surgery
Oculomedullary ref lexes
General anaesthesia v ersus local anaesthesia Local anaesthesia f or intraocular surgery Ocular block techniques
General anaesthesia f or ophthalmic surgery
Cataract extraction and Intraocular Lens (IOL) Implant Strabismus surgery
Vitreoretinal surgery
Dacrocy storhinostomy
Penetrating ey e injury
Other opthalmic procedures
Chapter 25 - Plastic surgery
Long operations
Breast reduction
Breast augmentation
Correction of prominent ears
Facelif t (rhy tidectomy )
Free f lap surgery
Skin graf ting
Burns-early management
Other plastic surgical procedures
Chapter 26 - Gy naecological surgery
Minor gy naecological procedures
Laparoscopy /laparoscopic sterilization Transcerv ical resection of endothelium (TCRE) Abdominal hy sterectomy

Vaginal hy sterectomy
Ectopic pregnancy
Other gy naecological procedures
Chapter 27 - Urology and renal surgery
Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) TURP sy ndrome
Transurethral resection of bladder tumour
Open (retropubic) prostatectomy
Radical prostatectomy
Cy stectomy
Percutaneous stone remov al
Extracorporeal shock wav e lithotripsy
Renal transplant
Other urological procedures
Further reading
Chapter 28 - Liv er transplantation and liv er resection Liv er transplantation
Hepatic resection
Chapter 29 - Laser surgery
Saf ety aspects
Examples of medical lasers
Chapter 30 - CT and MRI imaging
Anaesthesia f or computed tomography (CT) Anaesthesia f or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Chapter 31 - Electroconv ulsiv e therapy Anaesthesia f or ECT
Chapter 32 - Military anaesthesia Anaesthetic techniqueinhalational! anaesthesia
Anaesthetic techniquetotal! intrav enous anaesthesia Chapter 33 - The critically ill patient
Anaesthesia f or the septic patient
Transf erring the critically ill
Chapter 34 - Obstetric anaesthesia and analgesia Analgesia f or labour
Epidural analgesia f or labour
Combined spinal/epidural analgesia f or labour Complications of epidural analgesia
Dural puncture
Anaesthesia f or caesarean section
Epidural anaesthesia f or caesarean section
Spinal anaesthesia f or caesarean section
Combined spinal/epidural anaesthesia f or caesarean section Inadequate anaesthesia
General anaesthesia f or caesarean section
Antacid prophy laxis
Postoperativ e analgesia
Retained placenta
Summary of dosing regimes
Neonatal resuscitation
Placenta praev ia and accreta
Massiv e obstetric haemorrhage

Pregnancy induced hy pertension, preeclampsia, and eclampsia The HELLP sy ndrome
Incidental surgery during pregnancy
Cerv ical cerclage (Shirodkar suture)
Breast f eeding and maternal drug exposure
Controv ersies in obstetric anaesthesia
Maternal resuscitation
Amniotic f luid embolism
Cardiac disease and pregnancy
Chapter 35 - Paediatric and neonatal anaesthesia Neonatal/inf ant pharmacology
Fluid balance
Anaesthetic equipment
Conduct of anaesthesia
Preoperativ e f asting
Parents in the anaesthetic room
Induction of anaesthesia
Tips f or cannulation
Airway management
Rapid sequence induction
Postoperativ e pain relief
Regional anaesthesia
Diaphragmatic hernia
Tracheo-oesophageal f istula
Patent ductus arteriosus
Py loric stenosis
Hy pospadias
Clef t lip and palate
Congenital talipes equinov arus
Femoral osteotomy
Inhaled f oreign body
Medical problems
Paediatric drug guidelines
Chapter 36 - Anaesthetic emergencies
Basic lif e support (BLS)
Adv anced lif e support (ALS)
Management of periarrest arrhy thmias
Paediatric adv anced lif e support
Sev ere hy potension in theatre
Sev ere hy pertension in theatre
Sev ere hy poxia in theatre
Sev ere lary ngospasm
Air/gas embolism

Status asthmaticus
Pulmonary oedema
Can't intubate!can't v entilate
Malignant hy perthermia
Anaphy laxis
Arterial injection
Unsuccessf ul rev ersal of neuromuscular blockade Chapter 37 - Airway assessment and management Management of the obstructed airway Management of the unexpected dif f icult airway Failed intubation
Extubation of the patient who has been dif f icult to intubate Inhalational induction
Rapid sequence induction
Awake f ibreoptic intubation
Apnoeic oxy genation
Chapter 38 - Taret-controlled inf usion
Chapter 39 - Perioperativ e antibiotic therapy
General surgery prophy laxis
Choosing antibiotics
Chapter 40 - Using muscle relaxants
Non-depolarizing agents
Neuromuscular monitoring
Chapter 41 - Blood transf usion
Indications f or blood transf usion
Blood conserv ation techniques
Massiv e blood transf usion
Chapter 42 - Postoperativ e nausea and v omiting Risk f actors
Drugs and dosages
Chapter 43 - Perioperativ e arrhy thmias
Narrow complex rhy thms
Broad complex rhy thms
Conduction abnormalities/heart block
Chapter 44 - Inoculation injuris
Chapter 45 - Nerv e injuries
Chapter 46 - Anaphy laxis f ollow-up
Chapter 47 - Death on the table
Chapter 48 - Dealing with a complaint
Chapter 49 - Acute pain
Analgesic drug therapy
Routes of analgesic deliv ery
Monitoring patients on regular opioid therapy Acute pain relief in opioid-dependent patients Chapter 50 - Regional anaesthesia Anticoagulation and regional anaesthesia Nerv e identif ication
Characteristics of dif f erent local anaesthetic drugs Adjuv ant drugs and additiv es
Local anaesthetic toxicity
Head and neck blocks
Upper limb blocks
Lower limb blocks

Trunk blocks
Central neuraxial blocks