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The Bank of Japan appointed new governors in March 2003, and it has increased the growth of the money supply and tried to depreciate the yen by purchasing international reserves, but it is too early to say if deflation has ended.

An alternative policy is to let prices and wages fall over time (deflation), allowing a real depreciation of Japanese products.

This alternative policy would allow low output and employment to gradually rise as prices, wages and the value of Japanese products slowly fall.

*Slides are prepared in accordance to the chapters structure of: International Economics: Theory and policy/ Krugman, Paul R. Obstfeld, Maurice © Pearson Addison-Wesley. And are supposed to be used by MIEPM students as additional material to the book.

Ершов Дмитрий Евгеньевич Сучков Дмитрий Владимирович Артюшина Екатерина Валерьевна

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Макроэкономика в системе открытых национальных рынков.

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