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was forced to make a solo emergency landing, suffering injuries that left his forehead permanently scarred. He eventually became a lieutenant general in the Soviet Red Army engineering technical service and a professor at his old academy. He was awarded three Hero of Soviet Labour medals as well as the Order of Lenin.

https://www.britannica.com/biography/Sergey Vladimirovich Ilyushin


Antonov An 225 Mriya

By most metrics, the Antonov An 225 is the biggest plane in the world. The Antonov Design Bureau in Ukrainian SSR built just one of these monster cargo aircraft. Antonov designed it to carry the Buran spaceplane (the Soviet version of the space shuttle) as well as Energia rocket boosters, but the plane quickly found other airlifting work after being refurbished following the collapse of the Soviet space program.

The An 225 is the heaviest aircraft ever built, with a maximum takeoff weight of 710 tons. It holds the record for total airlifted payload at 559,580 pounds, as well as airlifted single item payload at 418,830 pounds. It has the longest wingspan of any plane currently flying at 290 feet, and it has six freakin’ engines.

In 2020, the hulking aircraft joined the global fight against COVID 19, when it took to the skies to deliver supplies to countries around the world whose resources were stretched by the pandemic.

Airbus A380

The Airbus A380 is the European 747, and the A380 800 is the largest passenger aircraft ever made, with room for 850 passengers. It flies some of the longest routes around the planet, but like the 747, it may be starting to get replaced with smaller planes with similar range.

The Airbus A380 is truly the world’s flying bus, flying more people at a time than any other plane in history.

Tupolev Tu 160 (Blackjack)

The Tupolev Tu 160 is the largest, heaviest supersonic and combat aircraft ever constructed. The aircraft also holds the title for the largest variable geometry “swing wing” aircraft. The Tu 160 (NATO code: Blackjack) has a 183 foot wingspan and a max takeoff weight of 606,271 pounds.

Only 36 of the planes were ever built. The Soviet designed Tu 160 first took to the skies in 1981 and went on to set 44 world records. It was the last bomber ever designed for the Soviet Union.


But the Tu 160—nicknamed the “White Swan”—is making a comeback. In 2015, Russia revived the monster plane and ordered it to production again. The newly revamped Tu 160R made its inaugural flight in January 2018.

Boeing 777 9

JAY BENNETT Associate Editor Boeing’s 777 9 is the world’s largest and longest twin engine commercial aircraft. Once it goes into service, the 251 foot long aircraft will ferry up to 425 passengers on long haul flights—spanning up to 7,285 nautical miles—around the world. Each of the Boeing 777 9’s wings (complete with retractable wingtips) are the “largest single composite structure in the world,” according to a report from CNN. The jet’s twin General Electric GE9X engines, which generate roughly 105,000 pounds of thrust and are as wide as the fuselage of the company’s 737

jet, are the most powerful engines to be attached to a commercial aircraft yet. After several delays due to poor weather, the aircraft’s inaugural test flight

took place on January 27, 2020. But Boeing’s gargantuan jet, which officially launched in 2013, is now facing a number of hurdles.

Recent documents viewed by the Seattle Times revealed that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has halted the certification process of Boeing’s behemoth jet due to a number of issues, including an “uncommanded pitch event” that took place during one of the plane’s test flights. FAA certification of the behemoth airliner could be at least two years away, meaning it may not go into service until 2024, according to the Times report.

https://www.popularmechanics.com/flight/g17805179/worlds biggest planes/

Jet engines

by Chris Woodford A jet engine is a machine that converts energy rich, liquid fuel into a powerful pushing force called thrust. The thrust from one or more engines pushes a plane forward, forcing air past its scientifically shaped wings to create an upward force called lift that powers it into the sky. That, in short, is how planes

work—but how do jet engines work?

Jet engines and car engines. One way to understand modern jet engines is to compare them with the piston engines used in early airplanes, which are very similar to the ones still used in cars. A piston engine (also called a reciprocating engine, because the pistons move back and forth or "reciprocate") makes its


power in strong steel "cooking pots" called cylinders. Fuel is squirted into the cylinders with air from the atmosphere. The piston in each cylinder compresses the mixture, raising its temperature so it either ignites spontaneously (in a diesel engine) or with help from a sparking plug (in a gas engine). The burning fuel and air explodes and expands, pushing the piston back out and driving the crankshaft that powers the car's wheels (or the plane's propeller), before the whole four step cycle (intake, compression, combustion, exhaust) repeats itself. The trouble with this is that the piston is driven only during one of the four steps—so it's making power only a fraction of the time. The amount of power a piston engine makes is directly related to how big the cylinder is and how far the piston moves; unless you use hefty cylinders and pistons (or many of them), you're limited to producing relatively modest amounts of power. If your piston engine is powering a plane, that limits how fast it can fly, how much lift it can make, how big it can be, and how much it can carry.

A jet engine uses the same scientific principle as a car engine: it burns fuel with air (in a chemical reaction called combustion) to release energy that powers a plane, vehicle, or other machine. But instead of using cylinders that go through four steps in turn, it uses a long metal tube that carries out the same four steps in a straight line sequence—a kind of thrust making production line! In the simplest type of jet engine, called a turbojet, air is drawn in at the front through an inlet (or intake), compressed by a fan, mixed with fuel and combusted, and then fired out as a hot, fast moving exhaust at the back.

Gas turbines

A more technical name for a jet engine is a gas turbine, and although it's not immediately obvious what that means, it's actually a much better description of how an engine like this really works. A jet engine works by burning fuel in air to release hot exhaust gas. But where a car engine uses the explosions of exhaust to push its pistons, a jet engine forces the gas past the blades of a windmill like spinning wheel (a turbine), making it rotate. So, in a jet engine, exhaust gas powers a turbine—hence the name gas turbine.

Action and reaction. When we talk about jet engines, we to tend think of rocket like tubes that fire exhaust gas backward. Another basic bit of physics, Newton's third law of motion, tells us that as a jet engine's exhaust gas shoots back, the plane itself must move forward. It's exactly like a skateboarder kicking back on the pavement to go forward; in a jet engine, it's the exhaust gas that provides the "kick". In everyday words, the action (the force of the exhaust gas


shooting backward) is equal and opposite to the reaction (the force of the plane moving forward); the action moves the exhaust gas, while the reaction moves the plane.

But not all jet engines work this way: some produce hardly any rocket exhaust at all. Instead, most of their power is harnessed by the turbine—and the shaft attached to the turbine is used to power a propeller (in a propeller airplane), a rotor blade (in a helicopter), a giant fan (in a large passenger jet), or an electricity generator (in a gas turbine power plant). We'll look at these different types of gas turbine "jet" engines in a bit more detail in a moment. First, let's look at how a simple jet engine makes its power.


Module 2. Aerospace

Sergei Korolev

Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, (born January 12, 1907 [December 30, 1906, Old Style], Zhitomir, Russia [now Zhytomyr, Ukraine]—died January 14, 1966, Moscow, Russia, U.S.S.R.), Soviet designer of guided missiles, rockets, and spacecraft.

Korolev was educated at the Odessa Building Trades School, the Kiev Polytechnic Institute, and the Moscow N.E. Bauman Higher Technical School, where he studied aeronautical engineering under the celebrated designers Nikolay Yegorovich Zhukovsky and Andrey Nikolayevich Tupolev. Becoming interested in rocketry, he and F.A. Tsander formed the Moscow Group for the Study of Reactive Motion, and in 1933 the group launched the Soviet Union’s first liquid propellant rocket.

During World War II Korolev was held under technical arrest but spent the years designing and testing liquid fuel rocket boosters for military aircraft. After the war he modified the German V 2 missile, increasing its range to about 685 km (426 miles). He also supervised the test firing of captured V 2 missiles at the Kapustin Yar proving ground in 1947. In 1953 he began to develop the series of ballistic missiles that led to the Soviet Union’s first intercontinental ballistic missile. Essentially apolitical, he did not join the Communist Party until after Joseph Stalin’s death in 1953.

Korolev was placed in charge of systems engineering for Soviet launch vehicles and spacecraft; he directed the design, testing, construction, and launching of the Vostok, Voskhod, and Soyuz crewed spacecraft as well as of the uncrewed spacecraft


in the Kosmos, Molniya, and Zond series. He was the guiding genius behind the Soviet spaceflight program until his death, and he was buried in the Kremlin wall on Red Square. During his lifetime he was publicly known only as “the Chief Designer.” In accordance with the Soviet government’s space policies, his identity and his role in his country’s space program were not revealed until after his death.

https://www.britannica.com/biography/Sergei Korolev#ref48843

Shuttle Fleet Left Mark in Space, Hearts

By Steven Siceloff The space shuttle left its 30 years of achievements written in the sky above and in the hearts of the astronauts, American and international, who flew in

them. "Personally, looking back on it, I think the shuttle has been one of the most marvelous vehicles that has ever gone into space or done anything," said Bob Crippen, the iconic pilot on the first space shuttle mission in 1981, and commander of three more after that.

The shuttle broke boundaries of all sorts during its career, from technological successes to reflecting the evolution of American and global society. International cooperation that was commonplace as the shuttle neared the end of its work was unforeseen when the shuttle program began.

The thousands of space workers who physically readied the fleet to fly and those who worked meticulous mental problems to calculate orbits and rendezvous along with thrust and innumerable other considerations, also shared in the successes of the spacecraft that served as NASA's flagship for three decades.

NASA built five shuttles for spaceflight, all named for famous scientific and exploration sailing ships that made their mark in the past. Columbia launched first, then Challenger in 1983, Discovery in 1984, and Atlantis in 1985. Endeavour debuted in 1992. A prototype, Enterprise, was also built and flown in glide tests in 1977. All were built by Rockwell International in Palmdale, Calif.

The agency's Hubble Space Telescope, International Space Station and probes that studied Venus, Jupiter and the sun in groundbreaking ways, owe their success to the space shuttles.

The space shuttle also forced NASA to re examine itself after two spacecraft and their astronaut crews were lost in accidents. Challenger broke up during launch on Jan. 28, 1986, when leaking exhaust from a solid rocket booster burned through the skin of the external fuel tank 73 seconds after liftoff. The seven astronauts onboard were lost.


Three spacewalkers capture the wayward Intelsat VI satellite during STS 49, the maiden flight of the space shuttle Endeavour. This was the first time three astronauts took part in a spacewalk from the same spacecraft.

Columbia was destroyed during entry Feb. 1, 2003, when hot plasma gases penetrated the shuttle's spaceframe through a hole in the left side wing. Its seven astronauts were lost in the accident.

Both tragedies tested the agency and its shuttle teams. But more missions followed in each case after exhaustive introspection and extensive changes with the spacecraft, schedule and how the agency conducted shuttle work.

Engineers and scientists had longed for years for a reusable spacecraft that could tote large loads into orbit and bring them back if necessary. The crewed space craft before the shuttle were just big enough to hold the astronauts and supplies.


Ground Launched Small Diameter Bomb

Ground Launched long range fires capability. Developed in partnership with Boeing, our GLSDB is exceptionally flexible, highly effective and accurate over long distances.

Capable of reverse slope engagements and defeating defeating multiple threats ranging from hardened facilities to soft skin assets, GLSDB adds another dimension to your capabilities. 360 degree engagement. Designed to engage from any angle, our GLSDB provides supreme flexibility and complements existing ballistic trajectory weapons.

GLSDB builds upon the proven and successful Small Diameter Bomb Increment (SDB I) and Multiple Launch Rocket System rockets. SDB is a 250 pound class weapon with an Advanced Anti Jam GPS System aided Inertial Navigation System, combined with a multipurpose, penetrating blast and fragmentation warhead and programmable electronic fuze.

GLSDB advantages:

Increased range

Guided artillery

Accuracy to within one metre

All angle, all aspect attack, even targets behind launch point

Multiple rockets to act against many targets, with near simultaneous impact


All weather, 24/7 capability

Terrain avoidance, such as mountains

Cave breaching capability

Launchable from hidden or protected positions to avoid detection

Programmable impact and delay fuzing for deep penetration or proximity height of burst

SDB Focused Lethality Munition (FLM) variant for low collateral damage

Laser SDB variant for moving target capability

https://www.saab.com/products/ground launched small diameter bomb glsdb

Orbital space tourism

The advent of space tourism occurred at the end of the 1990s with a deal between the Russian company MirCorp and the American company Space Adventures Ltd. MirCorp was a private venture in charge of the space station Mir. To generate income for maintenance of the aging space station, MirCorp decided to sell a trip to Mir, and Tito became its first paying passenger. However, before Tito could make his trip, the decision was made to deorbit Mir, and—after the intervention of Space Adventures Ltd.—the mission was diverted to the ISS. Tito, who paid $20 million for his flight on the Russian spacecraft Soyuz TM 32, spent seven days on board the ISS and is considered the world’s first space tourist. However, given the arduous training required for his mission, Tito objected to the use of the word tourist, and since his flight the term spaceflight participant has been more often used to distinguish commercial space travelers from career astronauts.

Orbital space tourism continued to grow following Tito’s mission, with flights to the ISS by South African computer millionaire Mark Shuttleworth in 2002 and American businessman Gregory Olsen in 2005. These travelers were followed by Iranian born American entrepreneur Anousheh Ansari, who became the fourth spaceflight participant and the first female fee paying space traveler when she visited the ISS in September 2006. The following year American billionaire Charles Simonyi joined the ranks of spaceflight participants when he shared a ride with two cosmonauts on board Soyuz TMA 10 for a 10 day stay on the ISS, and Simonyi made a second flight in 2009. The sixth spaceflight participant, American video game developer Richard Garriott, was launched in October 2008. In making his flight, Garriott became the first second generation American in space, since his father, Owen Garriott, was a former astronaut.


(Cosmonauts Aleksandr Volkov and his son Sergey were the first father and son space travelers. Sergey Volkov was on the ISS when Garriott arrived.) No spaceflight participants have flown to the ISS since Canadian entrepreneur Guy Laliberté in 2009, but in 2021 Space Adventures has scheduled to fly to the ISS two passengers, Japanese entrepreneur Maezawa Yusaku and Hirano Yozo, who will document Maezawa’s experiences. Since 2007 Space Adventures has offered a spaceflight around the Moon on a Soyuz spacecraft for a fee of $100 million.

The American spaceflight corporation SpaceX has allowed its Crew Dragon spacecraft to be chartered for orbital flights. The first such mission, Inspiration4, carried four private citizens—Americans Jared Isaacman, Sian Proctor, Hayley Arceneaux, and Chris Sembroski—to Earth orbit for three days in September 2021. Another mission has been chartered by the American spaceflight company Axiom Space and will take one astronaut and three tourists to the ISS.

https://www.britannica.com/topic/space tourism




access point — точка доступа

accomplishment [əˈkʌmplɪʃm(ə)nt] — достижение, выполнение, завершение adjustment [əˈdʒʌs(t)m(ə)nt] — регулировка, регулирование, установка aeolipile (aeolipyle, or eolipile, a Hero's engine) геро́нов шар, эолипил,

геронова турбина

aerial [ˈeərɪəl] — воздушный, авиационный aerodrome [ˈeərədrəʊm] — аэродром

aerodynamic drag [dræɡ] — аэродинамическое сопротивление aerodynamics [ˌeərə(ʊ)dæɪˈnæmɪks] — аэродинамика aeronautics [eərəˈnɔːtɪks] — аэронавтика

aerospace [ˈeərəspeɪs] — космонавтика, авиационно космический affordable [əˈfɔːdəbəl] — по средствам, допустимый

afterburners [ˈɑːftəˌbɜːnə] — авиафорсажная камера aileron [ˈeɪlərɒn] — элерон

air refueling — дозаправка самолетов в воздухе

aircraft [ˈeəkrɑːft] — воздушное судно, самолет, самолеты, авиация, авиационный

airfoil [ˈeəfɔɪl] — аэродинамический, крыло, аэродинамическая поверхность airliner [ˈeəlaɪnə] — пассажирский самолет

alignment [əˈlaɪnm(ə)nt] — техн. выравнивание

alloy [ˈælɔɪ] — сплав (металлов), сплавить, легировать alumina [əˈluːmɪnə] — окись алюминия

aluminum [əˈluːmɪnəm] — алюминий

analogous [əˈnæləɡəs] — аналогичный, сходный anticipate [ænˈtɪsɪpeɪt] — предвидеть, ожидать

approximate [əˈprɒksɪmət] — приблизительный, приблизительно точный architecture [ˈɑːkɪtektʃə] — архитектура, структура, строение

arcing [ˈɑːrkɪŋ] — дугообразный

armament [ˈɑːməm(ə)nt] — вооружение, оружие, боеприпасы, вооруженная сила, вооруженные силы

array [əˈreɪ] — матрица


article [ˈɑːtɪk(ə)l] — статья

as opposed to [əˈpəʊzd] — в противоположность

assemblage [əˈsemblɪdʒ] — сборка, монтаж, скопление, сбор, соединение, совокупность

asteroid [ˈæstərɔɪd] — астероид, малая планета astronaut [ˈæstrənɔːt] — астронавт, космонавт astronomer [əˈstrɒnəmə] — астроном atmosphere [ˈætməsfɪə] — атмосфера

attain [əˈteɪn] — достигать

attitude control — управление положением в пространстве aviation [eɪvɪˈeɪʃ(ə)n] — авиация, авиационный

aviation engine [ˈendʒɪn] — авиационный двигатель, авиамотор avionic — относящийся к авионике

awe inspiring [ˈɔːɪnspaɪərɪŋ] — внушающий благоговение; разг. волнующий, впечатляющий


backward [ˈbækwəd] — назад

ballistic [bəˈlɪstɪk] — баллистический band [bænd] — полоса, полоска

barely [ˈbeəlɪ] — едва, только, лишь, еле еле, просто, прямо, открыто be armed with — иметь на вооружении, иметь в своём распоряжении bear (bore, borne) — нести, иметь

bench test — заводские испытания, испытания в заводских условиях beneficial [benɪˈfɪʃ(ə)l] — выгодный, полезный

biplane (double winged) [ˈbaɪpleɪn] — биплан blade [bleɪd] — лопасть

blast [blɑːst] — взрыв, взрывать

booster [ˈbuːstə] — воен. ракета носитель; стартовый двигатель bypass [ˈbæɪpɑːs] — байпас, перепуск


cardboard [ˈkɑːdbɔːd] — картон cargo [ˈkɑːɡəʊ] — груз

causal [ˈkɔːz(ə)l] — причинный, каузальный cement [sɪˈment] — цемент