.docUNIT 3
Случаи употребления
1. действие в момент речи
2. временное действие (шире момента речи)
3. динамическое действие
4. запланированное действие в будущем
5. эмоциональное преувеличение
6. эмоциональный отказ выполнять действие
Listen and read the dialogue In the hostel
Julie, Adam, Kim and Keith are students at Oxford University. They are in their hostel now. Read and listen to their conversation.
JULIE: Keith is making a lot of noise! What is he doing?
ADAM: I don’t know. He is working in his room. You know he’s studying electrical engineering, and I think he’s trying to build a robot, or something.
JULIE: He is always working these days.
ADAM: That’s because he’s taking his final exams next week.
JULIE: What are you making for dinner tonight, Kim?
KIM: I’m not cooking again tonight! I’m sure it’s Keith’s turn to cook.
JULIE: I hope he’s making us a robot that can cook dinner, I hope so because Keith is a terrible cook!
1. to make noise [nɔɪz]
to make a lot of noise
You are making a lot of noise.
сильно шуметь
Ты сильно шумишь. |
2. to take an exam [ɪgˈzæm ]
to take a final exam
Dave is taking his final exam.
to pass an exam
How did you pass your exam? |
сдавать экзамен
сдавать гос. экзамен/выпускной
Дэвид сдает гос. экзамен.
сдать экзамен
Как ты сдал экзамен? |
4. to be sure [ˈʃʊrə] I’ m sure it’s your turn to cook |
быть уверенным Я уверен, что твоя очередь готовить. |
5. to be a terrible cook [ˈˈterɪbəl ˈkʊk ]
Adam is a terrible cook. |
плохо готовить
Эдам плохо готовит. |
6. to build a robot [ˈroʊˌbɑt]
My friend is building a robot at the moment.
сделать робота
Мой друг делает сейчас робота. |
7. electrical engineering [ɪ'lektrɪk(ə)lˌ enʤɪ'nɪərɪŋ]
Keith is studying electrical engineering this semester.
8. to make smth for dinner [ˈdɪnə]
What are you making for dinner tonight?
Кейт изучает электротехнику в этом семестре.
готовить что-либо на ужин
Что ты приготовишь вечером? |
1. Answer the Questions
1. Who is making a lot of noise?
2. What is Keith doing?
3. What is he studying?
4. Why is Keith always working these days?
5. What is Kim making for dinner tonight?
6. When is Keith taking his final exams?
2. Read the statements and say whether they are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones.
Keith is making a lot of noise. __________________________
2. Adam is studying chemistry.____________________________
3. Adam is always working these days.______________________
4. Adam is going to his friend next week.____________________
5. Kim is not cooking again that night.______________________
6. Adam is trying to build a robot.__________________________
Exercise 1.
2. Put
the verb into the correct form.
1. Please be quiet. I ………………………..(work)
2. Look! Kim ………………………………..(cook).
3. You …………………………………….(make) a lot of noise.
4. What……………………………………..(Keith/try) to build?
5. I……………………………………….(not/cook) again tonight.
6. What ………………..(Keith/do) ?
7. He is still ill but he ……… (get) better.
8. What are you doing tomorrow evening? I………(go) to the cinema.
9. ‘Hello. Can I speak to Ann, please?’ ‘She ……….(take) a shower at the moment’.
10. ‘Where are you, George?’ ‘In the kitchen. I………………(cook) a meal.’
11. His English………………(get) better.
12. Helen…………………….(work) hard these days.
3. Look at the picture and make sentences about what the people and animals are doing, using the words in brackets.
(the woman with the hat / talk / to her dog)
(the children on the football pitch / play / football)
(the family by the lake / have / a picnic)
(the park keeper / pick up / some rubbish)
(the two girls / talk / on their mobile phones)
(the pigeons / eat / an old sandwich)
(the man under the tree / listen to / the radio)
8. (the man and woman holding hands / dream / of their future)
9. (the two girls / ride / their bikes through the gates)
(the old woman / enjoy / the roses)
Brian: Hello, Steve. I haven’t seen you for a long time. WhWhat……… (you/do) these days? Steve: I …………. .(work) in a supermarket. Brian: Really? Steve: Yeah. How about you? Brian: Well, I………….. (not/work) at the moment, but I am ververy busy. I am building a house. Steve: Really, ……………….(you/do) it alone? Bri Brian: No, some friends of mine ……… (help) me |
Brian and Steve meet in a restaurant
Make sentences.
Example: (-) They / not /go/ to / Spain / this summer.
They aren’t going to Spain this summer.
(?) you / stay / at home / this evening?
(+) She / see / her boyfriend / tonight.
(-) I not go / to work / tomorrow.
(+) They / meet / friends / next Saturday.
(-) We / not / go out / on Sunday.
(-) he / go / the / cinema / on Saturday?
7. (+) She / go / to her dentist / on Monday.
8. (?) Mr and Mrs Dean / go / to Mexico / tomorrow?
9. (-) Jason / not come / with us / this evening
10. (?) What / you / do / on Saturday?
Exercise 6. Look at Adam’s diary and speak about your plans for next week.
Example: He is seeing the doctor on Monday at 10.30.
Exercise 7. How is our world changing? Look at the pictures and make sentences using the Present Continuous.
The population of the world / increase / every year
Cities / grow/ bigger/ every year
Computers / become faster / every year
More young people / buy / cars / nowadays
The climate / get / warmer every year
Exercise 8. Make emotional sentences using the Present Continuous.
1. Maria………………..( always forget) to close the window.
2. You………………….( never wash) dishes.
3. Keith………………...(always take) my clothes.
4. I……………………...(never shop) here again.
5. Howard………………( always tell) me what to do.
6. Bart…………………..( always sit) on the sofa.
7. He……………………( constantly interrupt) me.
8. You…………………...(always forget) to pay the bills.
9. You……………………(always leave) the door open.
10. ‘Pete is playing his music very loud.’ ‘Again! He……..(always do) that!’
Translate sentences from Russian into English using the verbs in
Present Coninuous.
Где Кейт? Что он делает? 2. Он работает в комнате. 3. Он сдает экзамены на следующей неделе, а потом уезжает домой. 4. Он изучет электронику и пытается cсделать робота. 5. Что ты приготовишь на ужин вечером? 6. Я ничего не собираюсь готовить! 7. Он всё время работает. 8. Я надеюсь, что он сделает нам робота, который будет нам готовить. 9. Кейт очень сильно шумит. 10. Ты постоянно берешь мои вещи. 11. Ты постоянно забываешь закрыть дверь. 12. Она никогда мне не помогает. 13. Я никуда не пойду! 14. Я сейчас много работаю. Я сдаю экзамен на следующей неделе.