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Упражнения из методички.docx
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Имя Существительное.

Упражнение 1. Напишите существительные, выделенные жирным шрифтом, во множественном числе, сделав, где необходимо, соответствующие изменения в предложении.

Example: A copy of the contract was sent yesterday. – Copies of the contract was sent yesterday.

1) Put the box on the shelf.

2) I have hurt my foot.

3) This is an English dictionary.

4) Where is the knife?

5) This factory has a good laboratory.

Упражнение 2. Заполните пропуски, изменяя форму существительных: advicejob, information, luggage, progress, experience, chair, work .

Example: I‘ve lost my luggage: two bags and a suitcase.

Jack is out of work. He doesn‘t have a …………. .

Mike is unemployed. He can‘t get ………………..

To get a good job you should get a lot of ………………

If you don‘t know what to do, ask for ………………..

There are enough ………… here, everyone can sit.

I‘m disappointed, I can‘t see much …………… .

Try to get a lot of ……………. about this company.

Упражнение 3.Составьте предложения, соединяя фразы

Example: A cup of coffee is a good way to start a day.

a cup of 1) wine is acceptable at a business lunch, but no more.

a glass of 2) coffee is a good way to start a day.

a bottle of 3) paper can sometimes stuck in the photocopier.

a barrel of 4) whisky costs less at the airport.

a slice of 5) wholemeal bread goes well with tomato soup.

a sheet of 6) oil can cost US$ 15-30 on the commodity markets.

Артикль. Упражнение 1.Вставьте нужный артикль a/an или the Example: Yesterday I bought a dress and _ shoes, the dress is fine, but the shoes are too tight.

1. There are two cars parked outside: _____. blue one and _____. black one. _____ blue care belongs to my friend, I don‘t know about _____ black one.

2. Newcastle is _____ town in _____north of _____ England.

3. Anna was born in _____Italy but she lives in _____ U.S.A now.

4. Jennifer tasted _____ birthday cake her mother had made.

5. Danny wanted _____ new bicycle for Christmas.

6. The teacher read _____ interesting article from the newspaper.

7. Dana turned on _____ radio to listen to _____ news.

8. You can cross _____ Lake Geneva by ferry

9. He is studying _____ American history this semester.

10. She worked as _____ office clerk three years ago.

Упражнение 2. Вставьте артикль, там где это необходимо:

Moving to United States was …… most exciting thing I have ever done. I moved last year to…… New York. New York is ……. exciting city, full of ….. adventure. In fact, I met…… famous actor on ….bus yesterday!

Today, I have ….. job interview at ….financial company. …. company has offices all over …. world. I'm not sure that I have ….. skills to get hired. ….. company's office is on Main Street. That's ……. same street my friend works on. If I get hired, I could meet him after ….. work for drinks. That would be great. He's from ….. Scotland.

After …. dinner, I usually wash …… dishes. My wife hates doing it. I waste a lot of …. water when I do it. That's bad for ….. environment, I think.

We live near … sea. … houses in this area are expensive.