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5, 2020.

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Ability, in Fogg Behavior Model, 160 Accelerated learning

focus, 183190 memory, 211221 science of, 180

speed reading, 237253 studying, 193209 thinking, 255275

Active recall, 54, 199, 208

Alexis (Kwik Learning online partner), 7375 Alzheimer’s disease, 143

Ambivalence, 159

Amen, Daniel, 137 Answers

asking right questions and, 59 generalization and, 60 looking for, 7475 neuroplasticity and, 63 questions and, 5660, 61, 63

Anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), 187

ANTs (automatic negative thoughts), 137138, 146, 282 Anxiety, 187

Association, 224226 Attention

brain nutrients and, 136 calming mind and, 186 conscious, 196

focused, 145

memory and, 217, 223 paying, 59, 81, 185 positive emotions and, 86 shifting, 25

supervillains and, xv, xvi wandering, 48

Auditory learners, 260 Aureliu, Marcus, 192 “Automaticity,” 153, 157

Automatic negative thoughts (ANTs), 137138, 146, 282 Autopilot, 153157

Avocados, 131, 133, 134, 245, 284


Bad habits, 157, 159 Baker/baker Paradox, 217218 Bannister, Roger, 7172 Baroque music, 203, 235 Barriers, moving through, 7172 “Beginner’s mind,” 50

Behavior change, 159 Beliefs

accepted, 16 core, xviii iceberg, 7576

intelligence is fixed, 90

limiting, xvii, xviii, xxii, 19, 7285 mindset and, 66

new, creating, 84

as not constraining, xxii Belief systems, 66

BE SUAVE mnemonic, 231232 Beyerstein, Barry, 9495

Binet, Alfred, 9192

Black, David S., 145

Black hat, 256 Blaze genius, 78

Blueberries, 131, 133, 245, 284 Blue hat, 257

Bohórquez, Diego, 40 Bonchek, Mark, 271272

“Boy with the broken brain,” 58, 9 Bradberry, Travis, 177


about, 3435

blueprint for upgrading, xviii broken, boy with, 58, 9 cerebral cortex, 35 connections, 40

as deletion device, 56 as energy hog, 94

environment influence on, 3536 evolving understanding about, 34 exercising, 213

gene influence on, 3536 health and fitness of, xvi limited knowledge about, 34 limited use LIE, 9395 limitless, 3345

listening with, 203205 memory and, 27

as muscle, 27, 212213 neurological peak and, 35 neuroplasticity, 35, 3638 outsourcing, 2728 regions and functions, 94

reticular activating system (RAS), 5659 space description as, 9

supervillains, xvixvii upgrading through reading, 45

Brain Boost Salad, 133134 Brain coaching, 14