Фразы для диалогов терапевт и хирург / ПЗ_36
.pdfВоенно-медицинская академия имени С.М.Кирова
Кафедра иностранных языков
Для обучающихся 2 курса Специальность «Лечебное дело»
на практическое занятие по учебной дисциплине «Иностранный язык» (английский)
Тема №8. Хирургия
Занятие №36. Классификация повреждений
Санкт-Петербург 2023
Учебные вопросы
1.Работа с лексикой по теме «Классификация повреждений».
2.Работа с текстом «Классификация повреждений».
3.Повторение и закрепление грамматической темы «Сложное предложение: придаточные предложения обстоятельства времени, цели, причины, уступки».
Литература для подготовки к занятию
а) основная 1. Марковина И.Ю., Максимова З.К., Вайнштейн М.Б. Английский
язык. Учебник рекомендован для использования в образовательных учреждениях, реализующих образовательные программы ВПО по специальностям «Лечебное дело», «МПД», «Фармация» и др. М.: ГЭОТАР-
Медиа, 2013 - С. 306-307, 314-315. http://www.studmedlib.ru/book/ISBN9785970423790.html
б) дополнительная 2. Англо-русский медицинский словарь / под ред. И.Ю. Марковиной,
Э.Г. Улумбекова. – М.: Гэотар-Медиа, 2013.
3. Баракина И.В. Словарь-минимум для чтения и перевода английской медицинской литературы (English-Russian). Справочное издание. - СПб.: ВМедА, 2019.
Указания и рекомендации обучающимся по подготовке к занятию
1.К занятию знать: ЛЕ по теме занятия, грамматическую тему «Сложное предложение: придаточные предложения обстоятельства времени, цели, причины, уступки».
2.К занятию исполнить: лексические и грамматические упражнения, перевод текста.
3.На занятии иметь: рабочую тетрадь, ручку, словари.
4.На занятии быть в готовности: переводить ЛЕ и термины по теме, выполнять лексические и грамматические упражнения, читать и переводить текст «Классификация повреждений».
Задания на практическое занятие выполняются письменно.
Выполните следующие задания
Задание 1. Работа с лексикой
Exercise 1. Essential Vocabulary. Study the following words and word combinations:
1. wound |
- рана, ранение |
the wounded |
- раненый |
injury |
- повреждение, травма |
the injured |
- пострадавший |
2. continuity |
- целостность |
3. contused (= bruised) wound |
- ушибленная рана |
4. a black and blue |
- синяк |
5. dislocation |
- вывих |
displacement |
- смещение |
6. sprain |
- растяжение связок |
strain |
- растяжение мышц |
7. fracture |
- перелом |
8. lacerated (= torn, ruptured) wound |
- рваная рана |
9. incised wound |
- резаная рана |
cut |
- порез |
10. abrasive wound (= abrasion) |
- ссадина |
11. puncture (= stab) wound |
- колотая рана |
12. penetrating wound |
- проникающее ранение |
13. perforating wound |
- сквозное ранение |
14. shell or bomb fragment wound |
- осколочное ранение |
15. bayonet wound |
- штыковое ранение |
16. blast injury wound |
- взрывное ранение |
17. poisoned wound |
- инфицированная рана |
contaminated wound |
- контаминированная (=загрязненная) |
рана (обсемененная микрофлорой, но |
без признаков нагноения) |
18. to stretch |
- натягивать, растягивать |
to withdraw |
- удалять |
Exercise 2. Match the following terms with their definitions:
1. burn |
A. is a medical condition in which there is a break in |
the continuity of the bone |
2. dislocation |
B. is a hole in the skin made by a sharp, pointed object |
3. strain |
C. is irregular and torn, with jagged edges |
4. fracture |
D. is a complex type of physical trauma resulting from |
direct or indirect exposure to an explosion |
5. abrasive wound |
E. occurs when bones in a joint become displaced or |
misaligned |
6. incised wound |
F. is a wound containing foreign or infected material |
7. lacerated wound |
G. is a wound caused by damage to the skin and can be |
superficial (involving only the epidermis) to deep |
(involving the deep dermis); they usually involve |
minimal bleeding |
8. puncture wound |
H. is an injury to the skin or other organic tissue caused |
by heat or due to radiation, radioactivity, electricity or |
contact with chemicals |
9. contaminated wound |
I. is a twist, pull, or tear of a muscle or tendon |
10. blast injury wound |
J. is caused by a sharp instrument such as a razor, and |
bleeds freely because the blood vessels are ‘clean cut’ |
Exercise 3. Fill in the gaps with the words and word combinations from the box:
bullet / strikes / mechanical / injury / chemical continuity / tear / sharp object / traumatic instrument / lacerations
An ___1___ means a disorder of an anatomic structure (___2___) or physiological function of human tissues or organs caused by the action of different environmental factors (mechanical, physical, ___3___, etc.).
Mechanical factors are always combined with the motion of a ___4___ on a human body (as in a blow) or on the contrary when the moving body ___5___ a fixed object or surface (as in a fall). These factors result in formation of ___6___
injuries on human tissues.
The object which can stretch, squeeze, ___7___ and deform human tissues, resulting in definite injuries (scratches, bruises, abrasions, ___8___, fractures, etc.) is termed as blunt.
If a traumatic instrument punctures or cuts the tissues, is concentrated over a small area and has a pointed end or edge it is termed as a ___9___ (knife, broken glass, jagged metal).
High velocity* of traumatic object (for example a ___10___) inflicts the injury due to great kinetic energy of an object. This is a firearm injury.
*velocity - скорость
Exercise 4. Translate the following words and word combinations:
to be caused by violence, единичные или множественные ранения, impact from a blunt object, синяк, to leak from the injured capillaries, normal relationship of the bones, перенапряжение, перерастяжение, the overlying skin, a hard blow or an explosion, evidence of a wound, подлежащие структуры, jagged edges, bomb or high explosive shell fragments, to be scraped off or scratched, pointed object, to lodge, the wounding agent, wound channel, protrusion of a bone fragment, пулевые ранения, штыковые и ножевые ранения
Задание 2. Работа с текстом «Классификация повреждений». Прочитайте и переведите текст. Выполните послетекстовое задание:
ответьте на вопросы.
Exercise 5. Read and translate the text “Wounds”. Answer the following questions:
1.What is a wound?
2.What are the wounds classified by? Are there any sub-classifications?
3.What determines the primary classification of multiple wounds?
4.What is the difference between closed and open wounds?
5.What is the difference between sprain and strain?
6.What are closed and open fractures?
7.When does a rupture occur?
8.What kind of wounds is caused by sharp or pointed objects?
9.Can a bayonet produce an incised wound?
10.What are other classifications of wound?
A wound is any break in the skin, mucous membranes, or in the continuity of an organ, bone, or tissue, caused by violence. Wounds are classified by type, location, and causative agent. There are also sub-classifications. Wounds may be single or multiple. The part of the body most severely injured determines the primary classification of multiple wounds.
Classification of Wounds by Type
a) Closed Wounds. These are wounds in which there is no break in the skin.
-Contused wound or contusion is a subcutaneous injury, caused by impact from a blunt object. There is little danger of infection, but swelling and black and blue discoloration may occur if blood leaks from the injured capillaries. When a larger blood vessel is broken the blood may collect in a pocket in the tissues. This collection is called hematoma.
-Dislocation is the displacement of the normal relationship of the bones forming a joint.
-Sprain is an overexertion, overstretching, or tearing of ligaments around the joint.
-Strain is the stretching or tearing of a muscle or tendon.
-Closed fracture is the breaking a bone without a breaking the overlying
-Rupture occurs when a muscle or an internal organ bursts because of pressure from a hard blow or an explosion. With a rupture, they may be no injury to the skin or no external evidence of a wound.
b) Open wounds. There are wounds in which the skin and underlying structures are cut, torn or penetrated.
-Lacerated wound is a wound that is irregular and torn, with jagged edges. This type of wound might be caused by bomb or high explosive shell fragments.
-Incised wound is a cut made by a sharp object such as a knife, bayonet, or broken glass.
-Abrasion is a wound in which outer layers have been scraped off or scratched.
-Puncture wound is caused by a sharp and pointed object. Even though the wounding agent is withdrawn from the wound, it may carry bacteria deep into the tissues. This enables the tetanus or other infection to develop in the wound.
-Penetrating wound is one in which a foreign object enters the body and lodges there.
-Perforating wound is a wound that goes all the way through the body, the head, or limb.
-Open fracture is a break in the bone that communicates with the outside surface of the skin through a wound channel or by protrusion of a bone fragment through the skin.
According to anatomical parts of the body, wounds are classified as: head wounds (these are subdivided into scull, face and jaw wounds), chest wounds, and abdominal wounds, wounds of the extremities (arms or legs), wounds of joints and spinal and pelvic wounds.
According to the agent causing them, wounds are classified as bullet wounds, shell or bomb fragment wounds, bayonet and knife wounds, burns, blast injury wounds and poisoned wounds.
Задание 3. Повторение и закрепление грамматической темы «Сложное предложение: придаточные предложения обстоятельства времени, цели, причины, уступки» и выполнение упражнений.
Повторите грамматическую тему «Сложное предложение» [1:306-308, 314-315], затем выполните упражнения.
Exercise 6. Translate the following sentences. Mind the conjunctions in
a) Adverbial clauses of time:
1.An injury is when you are hurt in some part of your body as a result of an accidental event.
2.It is important to remove an inflamed appendix before it ruptures.
3.Hospital-acquired pneumonia may develop after a person has major
4.No attempt is made to clean the wound until the patient reaches the operating room.
5.As soon as the bullet hits the biological target, it transfers its energy to the body, resulting in injuries.
6.Napoleon’s Surgeon General, Baron Dominique Larrey* provided the first description of the mechanisms of frostbite in 1812, while his army was retreating from Moscow.
7.Five years have elapsed since the tetanus toxoid was given.
8.Once the physician has considered all the possible factors, he comes up with a working diagnosis and begins treatment.
9.At first, the bruise is purplish black, and then slowly, over several days, turns green and yellow as the blood clots are broken down and reabsorbed back into the body.
b) Adverbial clauses of purpose:
10.Wounds that are filled with dead cells, blood clots, and other debris must be cleansed in order that healing takes place.
11.It is important to determine the cause of the bone pathology, so that appropriate therapy could be given.
12.All sick individuals are isolated lest the epidemic might occur.
c) Adverbial clauses of cause:
13.The kitchen is both the worst and the best place to get a cut; the worst because the uncooked food is nearly always covered in bacteria and the best because soap and water are nearby.
14.Since a wound may involve serious damage to the deeper structures, skin and the underlying tissue, the location of the wound is important.
15.The wounds causing facial trauma require special attention as, apart from survival, the face of a person has an aesthetic significance.
16.A dislocated ankle is a severe injury for (the reason that) it usually happens in conjunction with a fracture or complete rupture of the lateral ankle ligaments.
d) Adverbial clauses of concession:
17.In spite of the fact electrical burns can cause severe damage to the deep tissues, their diagnosis is difficult as many individuals underestimate their severity.
18.Although first-degree burns are not as serious as higher-degree burns, they can hurt quite a bit and can leave a scar if not properly treated.
19.The majority of blunt injuries to the thorax are due to car accidents, though other forms of trauma from various sports or falls may also cause such injury.
20.While the milder abrasions may cause some amount of pain and discomfort, they usually heal on their own within a few days or weeks.
*Napoleon’s Surgeon General, Baron Dominique Larrey – начальник медицинской службы наполеоновской армии, барон Доминик Ларрей (выдающийся новатор военнополевой хирургии, которого называют «отцом скорой помощи»)
Exercise 7. Differentiate the meaning of the words “after”, “before”, “because”, “as”, “since”, “for”. Translate the sentences:
1.Signs and symptoms of foodborne botulism typically begin between 12 and 36 hours after the toxin gets into the body.
2.A diagnosis of appendicitis can be made after a thorough assessment of the clinical signs and symptoms.
3.Appendicitis is a potentially serious condition; it is important to remove an inflamed appendix before it ruptures.
4.People visiting seriously ill patients may be asked to wash their hands and put on a gown and mask before entering the patient’s room.
5.Because the blood vessels at the edges of the wound are cut, there may be
profuse bleeding.
6.Mortality due to septic shock has decreased slightly because of new therapeutic treatments.
7.Incised wounds heal very quickly as compared to other wound types, probably because of their smooth edges.
8.As bacteria begin to leak out through the dying walls, pus forms within and around the appendix (suppuration).
9.Since a laceration causes torn and jagged edges of skin, it heals slowly and has more chances of scarring.
10.Tuberculosis has been present in humans since ancient times.
11.Drug therapy is rarely indicated for acute viral hepatitis A and E for 95% of patients recover without complications.
12.Classification of surgical wounds based on the level of their contamination helps to predict the risk of wound infections, allowing optimal treatment for each type of wound.