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Chapter 14 Releasing Our Application

failure here will give a fairly useful error message and can be a relatively easy fix. More information can be found at https://developer.apple. com/documentation/xcode/capabilities.

Changes to the capabilities of your application will invalidate your provisioning profiles so they will need to be edited in the https:// developer.apple.com portal to update them with the newer capabilities.


Entitlements tie in closely with capabilities and allow you to configure settings during compilation. You need to add an Entitlements.plist file to your application and then add the relevant entries for the configuration. Information on how to configure this can be found at https://learn. microsoft.com/dotnet/maui/ios/deployment/entitlements

Provisioning Profiles

Provisioning profiles determine how your application will be provisioned for deployment. There are two main types:

•\ Development: This is what you need when running a debug build of your application on your own device.

•\ Distribution: This is required for the release builds when you ship to the App Store.

A common issue around provisioning profiles is when trying to run the application on your device and the tooling reports back Unable to deploy app to this device, no provisioning profiles were found. When observing this a good starting point is to double check that you have the provisioning profile installed and whether the profile has been invalidated by changing any Capabilities.