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Hemorrhagic syndrome

Indicates severe flu

In pathogenesis - DIC syndrome

Children often have nosebleeds

Extrapulmonary complications of influenza

Meningitis, Meningoencephalitis

Subarachnoid hemorrhage


Acute myocarditis

Thrombophlebitis and thrombarteritis

in Children - Reye's syndrome, acute coronary syndrome, WatterhausenFriderichsen syndrome)

Nonspecific: inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, pyelonephritis


incubation is more often 2-4 days;

seasonality - the end of winter, the beginning spring;

the onset of the disease may be gradual;

the course is sluggish, in adults it is not severe.:

duration up to 2-3 weeks;

the temperature usually does not exceed 38 ° C;

intoxication is poorly expressed;

catarrhal syndrome occurs early and is manifested by laryngitis.

characteristic hoarseness, aphonia, persistent dry "barking" cough.

Complications: false croup in children, the spread of the inflammatory process to the bronchi, pneumonia, otitis media, damage to the paranasal sinuses is possible.

false croup

Inflammatory edema of the vocal cords,

reflex spasm of the larynx muscles.

Clinically manifested:

sudden onset of suffocation

barking cough,


acute respiratory failure.

Adenovirus infection

incubation from 4 to 14 days;

season - summer-autumn period;

the possibility of infection not only by airborne droplets, but also by the fecal-oral route;

the onset of the disease is acute;

fever may be above 38 ° C;

exudative inflammation of the mucous membranes of the oropharynx, trachea, eyes;

swollen lymph nodes (mainly neck);

main symptom complex:

pharyngoconjunctival fever,


membranous or catarrhal-follicular conjunctivitis

Adenovirus infection

the development of acute tonsillitis is characteristic, more often than with other acute respiratory infections;

the possibility of diarrhea (in young children and at a young age);

enlargement of the spleen, less often the liver;

occasionally short-term polymorphic rash;

the course is often mild, can be delayed up to 7-10 days.

A complication is pneumonia, which is usually viral-bacterial in nature.

Rhinovirus infection

incubation 1-3 days;

seasonality - autumn-winter;

the onset is acute, sudden with sneezing, feeling of soreness and scratching in the throat;

the leading manifestation is rhinitis (the disease was called "contagious rhinitis") with abundant serous, later mucous discharge.

Often - dry cough, sore throat, decreased sense of smell, taste;

temperature reaction, intoxication are absent or insignificant;

mild course (duration up to 7 days);

complications are possible: otitis media, inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, pneumonia.

Reovirus infection

(REO — Respiratory Enteric Orphan viruses)

group morbidity mainly in children's groups;

incubation 1-5 days;

Possible fecal-oral route of infection

temperature reaction and intoxication of varying severity;

combination of catarrhal syndrome with gastroenteric disorders;


manifestations of gastroenteric syndrome: nausea, abdominal pain, rumbling, loose stools;

the possibility of an increase in lymph nodes, liver;

the course is often mild, duration 5-7

Respiratory syncytial infection (PC infection)

sick mostly children

duration of incubation 3 - 6 days;

in adults, it proceeds easily, with mild signs of tracheobronchitis;

in persons with weakened immunity and in the elderly, it can give a clinic of pneumonia with a protracted course;

in children, occur with lesions of the lower respiratory tract, the development of acute bronchitis, broncho-bronchiolitis, with a pronounced asthmatic component, prolonging the disease up to 2-3 weeks;

persistent cough is characteristic, first dry, then productive, often paroxysmal;

severe manifestations of respiratory failure (expiratory dyspnea, cyanosis);

the temperature reaction often does not exceed 38 ° C with pronounced manifestations of intoxication;

Enteroviral infection

incubation 2-4 days;

An additional mechanism of infection is fecaloral;

seasonality summer-autumn;

the onset is acute with fever (often above 38 ° C), combined with intoxication, lasts for the most part 2-4 days;

characteristic muscle pain;

catarrhal syndrome (rhinopharyngitis, hyperemia and granularity of the mucous membrane of the pharynx) is less pronounced than with acute respiratory infections;

other forms of enterovirus infection (exanthema, myalgia, herpangina, serous meningitis);

sometimes revealed lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly;

the course is often not severe, sometimes dragging on for up to 7-10 days.

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