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расходы по погрузке и выгрузке, лихтеровку, причальные сборы, сверхурочную работу и работу в ночное время), будет нести YYY.

8.4.XXX и YYY будут соответственно нести ответственность за своевременное получение экспортных и импортных лицензий, и других разрешений.

8.5.После подписания настоящего контракта все предыдущие переговоры и переписка, связанные с контрактом, должны считаться недействительными.

8.6.Все изменения и дополнения к настоящему контракту будут считаться действительными при условии, что они оформлены в письменном виде и подписаны уполномоченными на это представителями обеих сторон.

8.7.Вся переписка, связанная с исполнением настоящего контракта, должна вестись на английском языке. Настоящий контракт подписан в двух экземплярах на английском языке

– один подписанный экземпляр должен находиться у ХХХ, а другой – у YYY.

8.8.Настоящий контракт подлежит утверждению Правительством Нигерии, и вступит в силу с даты этого утверждения. YYY должна проинформировать ХХХ о дате утверждения контракта в течение трех (3) дней после утверждения.

Legal addresses of the Parties:

Юридические адреса сторон:



Exercise 3.

Translate the missing excerpts using the contract vocabulary.



… GmbH (Германия), именуемый в

… GmbH (Germany), ______________

дальнейшем Продавец, и … (Россия),

__________"Seller" and … Company Ltd

именуемый в дальнейшем Покупатель,

(Russia), ____________________"Buyer" have

заключили настоящий Договор о

concluded the present Contract on the following




1. ____________________________

1.1. Продавец продает, а Покупатель покупает 1.1. The Seller sells and the Buyer buys on the на условиях CIP (доставка автотранспортом) - terms CIP (shipment by truck)- Pushkino,

г. Пушкино, Московская область, Россия

Moscow region Russia (according

(согласно ИНКОТЕРМС 2000),

INCOTERMS 2000), the ophthalmologic

офтальмологическое оборудование (далее Оборудование), в соответствии с условиями, ценами и количеством, указанными в Спецификации, являющейся неотъемлемой частью Договора.


2.1.Цены на Оборудование, указанные в Спецификации, изменению не подлежат и понимаются CIP – г. Пушкино, Московская область, Россия (согласно ИНКОТЕРМС 2000). Цены зафиксированы в ЕВРО.

2.2.Общая сумма Договора составляет … ЕВРО 00 евроцентов, включая стоимость перевозки и страхования.


3.1.Покупатель производит заказ Оборудования по электронной почте (сканированная копия) у Продавца в соответствии с Договором.

3.2.Оборудование по настоящему Договору должно быть поставлено автотранспортом в течение 4 месяцев по следующему адресу:


141205 г. Пушкино Московская обл. ул. Межевая, 3а Тел./Факс: 007 …

3.3.Датой поставки Стороны считают дату отгрузки Оборудования, указанную в транспортной накладной.

3.4.Продавец информирует Покупателя по электронной почте (копия инвойса) о готовности Оборудования к отгрузке.

3.5.С Оборудованием должны быть поставлены следующие документы:

• счет-фактура Продавца (оригинал и копия);

• транспортная накладная на имя грузополучателя;

• специфицированный упаковочный лист (2 копии);

• страховое свидетельство.

3.6.Досрочная отгрузка разрешается.


equipment, hereinafter referred to as

“Equipment”, as per on terms, prices and quantity as stated in the Specification, which will be considered as an integral part of the Contract.

2. ____________________________________

2.1.The Prices for the Equipment as stated in the Specification ______________________

and understood to be CIPPushkino Moscow region Russia, (according to INCOTERMS 2000). Prices are fixed in EUR.

2.2._________________ is € …and 00 eurocents, including cost of carriage and insurance.

3. __________________________________

3.1 The Buyer orders the Equipment according to the Contract from the Seller by e-mail (scan copy).

3.2. _________________________________




3a Mezhevaya st.

141205 Pushkino Moscow region RUSSIA

Phone/fax: 007 …

3.3.The date of the delivery is to be considered the shipment date of the Equipment in CMR.




3.5The following documents are to be shipped together with the Equipment:

• Invoice (original and copy);

• CMR to the Consignment name;

Specified packing list (2 copies);

Insurance certificate;

3.6. Prior shipment is allowed.




4.1. Если согласованные даты поставки

4.1. _________________________________

Оборудования по настоящему Договору не


соблюдаются из-за небрежности со стороны


Продавца, Продавец выплачивает Покупателюthe Seller shall pay to the Buyer the

конвенциональный штраф в размере 0,5% от

conventional penalty at the rate of 0,5 percent of

стоимости не поставленного в срок

the delayed Equipment value per each week for

Оборудования в течение первых 4-х недель и

the first four weeks and 1 percent per each

1% за каждую последующую неделю, но не

following week, but total amount of agreed and

более 10% от стоимости не поставленного в

liquidated damages is not to exceed 10 percent

срок оборудования.

of the delayed goods value.

4.2. Если согласованные даты оплаты настоящего Договора не соблюдаются из-за небрежности со стороны Покупателя, Покупатель выплачивает Продавцу конвенциональный штраф в размере 0,5% от стоимости неоплаченного в срок Оборудования в течение первых 4-х недель и 1% за каждую последующую неделю, но не более 10% от стоимости не оплаченного в срок Оборудования.


5.1.Качество проданного Оборудования должно соответствовать техническим условиям завода-изготовителя.

5.2.Упаковка, в которой отгружается оборудование, должна обеспечивать, при условии надлежащего обращения с грузом, сохранность Оборудования при транспортировке и соответствовать стандартам, прописанным для данного вида Оборудования и методов его транспортировки. На каждое место должна быть нанесена следующая маркировка: название пункта назначения, наименование Продавца, номер места, вес брутто, вес нетто, габариты ящика (см).

6. ПЛАТЕЖИ 6.1. Платежи по настоящему Договору

производятся в следующем порядке:

Покупатель осуществляет предоплату в размере … ЕВРО 00 евроцентов в течение

4.2. If the agreed payment dates of the present Contract are not observed due to negligence on the part of the Buyer, the Buyer shall pay to the Seller the conventional penalty at the rate of 0,5 percent of the unpaid on term Equipment value per each week for the first four weeks and 1 percent per each following week, but total amount of agreed and liquidated damages is not to exceed 10 percent of the unpaid on term Equipment value.


5.1.The quality of the sold Equipment shall be in conformity with the specifications of the manufacturing plant.

5.2.The packing of the Equipment to be shipped shall be in conformity with the standards established for this kind of Equipment and the chosen method of transportation, and shall ensure the safety of the Equipment during the transportation. Each place should be marked with address of the Buyer, name of the Seller, number of the place, size of the box (cm), net weight.




The Buyer transfers the down payment in the amount of … EUR 00 eurocents within 10


10 календарных дней со дня подписания

calendar days since the date the Contract is

настоящего Договора;


… ЕВРО 00 евроцентов Покупатель переводит… EUR 00 eurocents the Buyer transfers to the

на счет Продавца в течение 365 календарных

Seller’s account within 365 calendar days by the

дней равными платежами по … евро 00

equal payments of …EUR 00 eurocents a month

евроцентов в месяц по окончании монтажа

after the Equipment installation is finished and

Оборудования и подписании акта

the statement of completion is signed.

выполненных работ.


6.2.Платежи осуществляются Покупателем путем перечисления сумм на счет Продавца в банке:

6.3.После перевода денег Покупатель незамедлительно направляет Продавцу по электронной почте копию документа, подтверждающего перевод.


7.1. Качество Оборудования должно быть в полном соответствии с техническими условиями и спецификациями, указанными в Предложении Продавца.




6.3.The Buyer will send without delay the copies of the payment confirmation documents to the Seller by e-mail after each money transfer.


7.1 Quality of the shipped Equipment shall be in full conformity with technical conditions and specifications of the Quotation.

7.2. Срок гарантии Оборудования составляет

7.2 ___________________________________

12 месяцев с момента начала его


использования, но не более 13 месяцев с даты, ______________________________________

указанной в отгрузочных документах. ______________________________________.

7.3.Если задержка эксплуатации оборудования происходит по вине Продавца, срок гарантии продляется на соответствующий период времени.

7.4.Если Оборудование оказывается неисправным по вине Производителя в течение гарантийного периода или не соответствует характеристикам и условиям, указанным в Договоре, Продавец может по своему усмотрению устранить имеющиеся дефекты или обменять поврежденное Оборудование (запасные части) бесплатно, с доставкой его без промедления в страну Покупателя (при этом стоимость доставки и страховки оплачивается за счет Продавца).

7.3If delay in putting the Equipment into operation takes place through the Seller’s fault the guarantee period shall be prolonged respectively.



during the period of warranty period or should they not conform to the terms and conditions of the Contract, the Seller shall undertake at the

Seller’s option to remedy the defects or replace the faulty Equipment (spare parts) free of charge delivering them without delay to the country of the Buyer, the cost of transportation and insurance being at the Seller’s expense.

7.5. В случае если Оборудование было 7.5 If the Equipment was damaged during the испорчено в течение гарантийного периода по warranty period through the Buyer's fault, the


вине Покупателя, ремонт осуществляется за

repair work should be carried out at the expense

счет Покупателя.

of the Buyer.


8. _________________________

8.1. Все проблемы и разногласия, которые

8.1. __________________________________

могут возникнуть по настоящему Договору,


следует решать взаимной договоренностью.


Если стороны не могут прийти к соглашению, ______________________________________.

любой спор, возникающий из или в связи с

If the parties fail to reach an agreement, any

настоящим Соглашением, в том числе любой

dispute arising out of or in connection with the

вопрос в отношении его существования,

present Contract, including any question

действительности или прекращения, должен

regarding its existence, validity or termination,

быть передан и, наконец, решен путем

shall be referred to and finally resolved by

арбитража в соответствии с Арбитражным

arbitration under the Arbitration Rules of the

регламентом Немецкого института

Deutsche Institution für Schiedsgerichtswesen e.

Schiedsgerichtswesen e. В. (DIS). Трибунал

V. (DIS). The tribunal shall consist of three

состоит из трех арбитров. Языком

arbitrators. _____________________________

арбитражного разбирательства является


английский язык. Место арбитража является


Вена, Австрия .




9.1. Ситуация форс-мажора определяется

9.1. ___________________________________

согласно общепринятым международным


правилам торговли.




10.1. Настоящий Договор вступает в силу с

10.1. The present Contract shall come into

момента его подписания обеими Сторонами.

effect on the date of signing it by both Parties.

10.2. Любые изменения и дополнения к

10.2 Any amendment and addendum to the

настоящему Договору действительны лишь в

present Contract shall be valid only when they

том случае, если они совершены в письменнойare made in written form and duly signed by

форме и подписаны обеими Сторонами.

both Parties.

10.3. Срок окончания Договора 31.12.2012.

10.3. The Contract ends on 31.12.2012.

10.4. Настоящий Договор составлен в 2-х

10.4. The present Contract has been made out in

экземплярах на русском и английском языках

two copies in English and Russian in one copy

по одному экземпляру для каждой стороны,

for each party and both texts being authentic.

причем оба текста имеют одинаковую силу.


10.5. Все документы, переданные электронной10.5. All documents transmitted by e-mail (fax)

почтой (факсом), являются действительными

are valid till the moment of the receipt of the

до момента получения оригиналов.















Exercise 4.

Scan this standard contract on import of bulk wine material and answer the questions.

1.What section identifies the parties to a contract?

2.In what clause do the parties agree upon the laws applied to?

3.What kind of packing is mentioned in the contract?

4.How many lots of the goods shall be shipped upon the agreement?

5.What’s the language of marking?

6.How many appendixes does the contract contain?

Moscow " " _____________.

_____________" _____________", _____________, hereinafter referred to as the "Seller", on the one hand, and firm " _____________", _____________, the Russian Federation, hereinafter referred to as the "Buyer", on the other hand, have concluded the present contract as follows:


The Seller has sold and the Buyer has bought the below-mentioned goods:

bulk wine material untreated and unstable for bottling from red varieties of the grapes, made of a crop of _____________, of an approximate ____ percent alcoholic strength by volume in quantity of________ liters +/-_____________% (_____________flexi tanks) and from white varieties of the grapes, made of a crop of _____________, of an approximate _____ percent alcoholic strength by volume in quantity of _____ liters +/-_____________% (_____________ flexi-tanks).


The Goods should fully comply with descriptions, characteristics and other data specified in Appendix No.1 to the present Contract, and its quality will be confirmed


with the Certificate of Quality issued by the manufacturer of the goods, and also with the samples, sent to the Buyer before shipment of the goods.


The Price of the goods specified in paragraph 1 of the present contract is _____USD for liter of red wine material and ___USD for liter of white wine material and is understood on DDU ______terms, the Russian Federation, (Incoterms 2000) including the cost of the goods in bulk in flexi-tanks, the cost of transport flexi-tanks stacked in 20’ sea containers, marks, transportation till _____________and insurance.

The total value of the goods to be delivered under the present contract is _____USD (_____________US dollars). The specified price is not subject to change and includes all taxes, fees and duties arising in territory of _____________in connection with export of the given goods.


The goods are to be delivered packed (in bulk) in the disposable flexi-tanks (for oneway using), which are soft bags, made from a synthetic material, allowed for contact with food liquids, and also containing locking fittings necessary for pouring in and pouring out a liquid product. The flexi-tank stowed in a _____________’ sea container is filled up by a liquid product, maximal capacity of a flexi-tank -

_____________liters. The above described container-packing should provide safety of the goods during transportation from a place of manufacturing up to the customer, and also during transshipment of the goods in a mode of transit. Packing should correspond to the norms and standards of storage established for wine products. The Seller bears the responsibility for the damage caused to the goods by inadequate packing.

Each flexi-tank should be marked as follows:


_____________wine material in bulk

Gross weight

Net weight

Flexi No. (flexi number/total quantity of flexies in the lot)

Contract No.


Marking should be done in English.

Having shipped the goods, the Seller informs the Buyer of the seal No. on the container and on each packing flexi.

The goods are to be delivered to the territory of the Russian Federation at the address of _____________.

The Seller is to inform the Buyer by a fax or e-mail message of the shipment of the goods from a port of the Baltic Sea to _____________not later than within

_____hours from the moment of shipment. The Seller is to inform the number of the Contract, date and time of shipment, denomination of the goods, gross and net weight, seal Nos. on the containers, number of waybill, value of the goods.


The first lot of the goods (___liters of red wine material, _____containers) will be shipped before ___________.

The second lot of the goods (_____liters of _____________wine material, ______

containers) will be shipped before _____________.

The third lot of the goods (______liters of white wine material, ______containers) will be shipped before _____________.

The fourth lot of the goods (____ liters of _____________wine material,

____containers) will be shipped before _____________.

The date of the Bill of Lading will be considered as the date of shipment.

The goods shall be shipped and delivered to the Buyer in different lots.

Upon receipt of the goods, the Buyer undertakes to clear up the imported goods from the customs. Free-of-charge time given to the Buyer for unloading and customs clearance of the goods is only 3 (three) working days from the moment of arrival of the containers with flexi-tanks with the goods in _____________to a customs warehouse of the Buyer. In case of exceeding the given time the Buyer is obliged to pay the idle time of truck and containers at the rate of _______USD per container for each day of delay, but no more than ______% from the total value of the Contract.


6.1. Payment of the value of the goods to be delivered under the present Contract for the amount of _______USD (_____________00/100 US dollars) will be effected in


US Dollars out of irrevocable non-confirmed Letter of Credit to be opened in

_____________ on behalf of the Buyer in favour of the Seller.

6.2.The Letter of Credit is to be advised through _____________ (SWIFT:

_____________), _____________.

6.3.The Letter of Credit should be opened for the sum of _______USD (_____________00/100 US dollars) within _______days after signing the present Contract and is to be valid within ______ (_____________) days from the date of its opening for shipment and ________ (_____________) days for the presentation of the shipping documents.

Payment of the Letter of Credit will be effected partially in accordance with the effected dispatch upon presentation of the documents to the Bank.

6.4. For receipt of payment under the Letter of Credit the Seller should present to the bank specified in item. 6.2 the following documents:

three originals and two copies of “Clean on Board” Bill of Lading

the original invoice (with indication " For the goods under the contract № …)

a copy of the shipping specification

a copy of the certificate of quality of the manufacturer;

a copy of the Insurance Policy issued in favour of the Buyer.

All the above-stated documents should be submitted to the bank within the validity of the Letter of Credit as per p. 6.3.

The Letter of Credit is to allow partial shipments. The Letter of Credit is to be subject to " Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits " (1993 Revision), ICC Publication No. 500.

6.6.All bank charges and commissions connected with effecting payment under the present Contract on the territory of the Russian Federation and also its confirmation will be for the account of the Buyer. All bank charges and the commissions outside of territory of the Russian Federation connected with the use of the Letter of Credit will be borne by the Seller. Charges for alteration of the terms of the Letter of Credit are to be paid by that party under whose initiative they were made.

6.7.In case of infringement by the Seller of the schedule of shipments or other terms of the Contract, all charges on prolongation of the Letter of Credit are charged to the Seller unless this infringement is caused by force majeure circumstances or because


of delays, cancellations or changes in the program of shipments of the transport company. 6.8. Final settlement of the payment under this contract is made on the basis of the Certificate of quantity, according to really accepted quantity of the goods.

6.9. The full set of the shipping documents in English should be sent by the Seller by courier mail to the direction of the Buyer within 5 (five) days from the date of shipment of the goods. All charges connected with sending of documents are to be for the account of the Seller.


The seller exclusively is responsible for the quality of the goods which should correspond to the data specified in Appendix 1 of the present Contract, and also to the quality of samples of the shipped lot of the goods. At the same time, the Buyer himself has the right to carry out the examination of the goods at his own expense. The Seller guarantees the quality of the delivered goods to the data, specified in the present Contract and to the samples handed over provided that transportation and storage of the goods are carried out in accordance with the requirements stated in the Appendix 2 to the present Contract. In case of delivery of the bad-quality goods, the Buyer has the right to present the claim on quality to the Seller and to demand either return of the value of the goods or its replacement by the goods of the required quality, and also compensation of already suffered losses, including delivery of the goods up to the customer, customs clearance of the goods, payment of rent and storage of containers and other expenses. In case of shortage of the goods at the flexies, which are in intact conditions, and in the presence of seals on packing flexies and containers, the Buyer has the right to present the claim to the Seller and to demand return of cost of the missing goods, and also compensation of all already suffered charges on import. The Seller has the right to be convinced of validity of the claim directly or through the representatives.

In case of the loss of the part of the goods during the transportation of the goods and Insurance Company’s refusal occurred by any reason to compensate this damage in favour of the Buyer, the Buyer has the right to claim on the Seller requiring to return the value of the missing goods. The Seller will have the right to be convinced of reasonability of the claim directly or through the representatives.


The goods sold under the present Contract, should be shipped from a port of the manufacturer of the goods to a port of the Baltic Sea to address of the Buyer in

_____________ sea containers of the international standard. For transportation are to be used containers in good condition only providing for technical norms and securing necessary safety of flexi-tanks and the goods.