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Кафедра РТЭ

Отчет по индивидуальному заданию №2

По дисциплине «Микроволновая электроника»

Студент гр. 9201

Рауан М.


Иванов В.А.



Task 1.

From the presented list, select "your" device according to the rule .If your number exceeds the number 11, then

For this device, describe:

  • Construction

  • The principle of operation using the hydrodynamic approach and the formula: , quantum approach and individual radiation of charged particles.

  • Estimate the size of the device if it operates at a frequency of

  • Power, gain, other parameters - choose yourself, according to the typical parameters of this type of devices


  1. Construction

An ubitron (ubitron – Undulator Beam Interaction) is an amplifying electronic device in which an electron beam interacts with a fast electromagnetic wave propagating in a waveguide. The ubitron was first described by R. Phillips (the USA) in 1960. It’s design is schematically represented in Fig.1.1. Electron gun 1 creates and accelerates an electron beam. Waveguide system 3, with input 2 and output waveguides 5, ensures the propagation of a fast wave. The magnetic system, including permanent magnets 4, creates a periodic magnetic field distribution and is called an undulator or a wiggler. Electron collector 6 receives the electron beam.

Fig. 1.1. Scheme of ubitron design.

  1. Hydrodynamic approach

Fig. 1.2. An undulator

Fig. 10.3.2 shows the undulator magnetic system formed by a number of prismatic magnets. The arrows point in the magnetization direction of the prismatic magnets. The function (x) in such an undulator is of periodic nature and can be approximated using the formula:

Quantum approach

Where b is the magnetic field period of the undulator; is the amplitude of the magnetic field.

Equations of motion of the electron beam in the ubitron undulator:

Where b – period of magnetic field; - field amplitude; - the average longitudinal velocity of electrons

- relativistic factor

Fig. 1.3 the motion of the electron beam in undulator

it is assumed that

Because of consequentely

Fig. 1.4 interaction of electrons with the waveguide field in the ubitron

The wave is used, the E field has only one transverse component , with which the electrons oscillating along the y axis interact

  1. Estimation the size of the device:

Operating frequency: f=21 GHz

Anode Voltage: Ua=200 V

The density of the constant convection current from the cathode:

The maximum value of the span angle: θ=2 π

Knowing that the angle of the span can be determined:

Sources: Microwave electronics pdf.pdf

Лекция 9 н Гирорезонансные Релятивистские.ppt (yandex.ru)

Task 2.

Devices with quasi-static control. Triode.

Calculate the static angles of flight of charge carriers in the cathode-grid gap of a triode operating in one of the modes A, B or C (choose yourself). The phases of departure from the cathode are set from 0 to . (Consider the voltage on the electrodes unchanged during the flight).

Operating frequency: (MHz), cathode-grid distance: 0.1* (mm) , constant voltage at the anode 50* (V), grid permeability 0.01*( ). Calculate the interaction coefficient for these angles. Using the results obtained, explain why triodes are ineffective at high frequencies.


Operating mode: A

Operating frequency: f=1400 MHz

Cathode-grid distance: d=0,1mm

Constant voltage at the anode: Ua=50 V

Mesh permeability: D=0,14


I have chosen the mode A, which is characterized by using only the rectilinear part of the control characteristic lying in the region . This ensures minimal distortion of the shape of the cathode and anode currents in relation to the shape of the control voltage.

The voltage range for Class A is from a voltage a litter more than the locking voltage to 0.

Fig 2.1 Cathode current modulation in Class A mode

  1. We can calculate Ucl, using the following formula:

Suppose, that (V)

Let’s calculate electron flight angle, using following formulas:

= 1,48 rad

= 0,56 rad

  1. Let 's find the coefficients of interaction by using following formulas:

  1. Why triodes are inefficient at high frequencies:

As we can see from calculations an increase in frequency leads to an increase in the span angle, the input conductivity is related to the span angle by a quadratic dependence, and thus an increase in the span angle significantly increases the input conductivity. The increase in input conductivity increases losses, it means, the input power and efficiency decreases. Consequently, triodes are not effective at high frequencies.


Sources: Сушков А.Д., Вакуумная электроника: Физико-технические основы.

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