новая папка 1 / 358535
.pdfBritain |
You and the law |
Russia |
Age 10 |
Be convicted of a crime. If you kill someone |
Go to prison |
Age 12 |
Buy a pet |
Age 13 |
Get a part-time job but not for more than two |
hours on a school day on a Sunday |
Age 14 |
Go into a pub but not buy or drink alcohol |
there. |
Own an air gun |
Age 15 |
Open a bank account with a guarantor |
Age 16 |
Leave school. |
Work full-time. |
Marry with a parental consent. |
Ride a moped. |
Join the armed forces with parental consent |
(boys) |
Drink cider, beer or wine with meal in pub or |
restaurant. |
If you leave home the law is unlikely to |
enforce your return |
Age 17 |
Drive most vehicles. |
Buy any firearm and ammunition. |
Join the armed forces with parental consent |
(girls) |
Age 18 |
Vote. |
Be tried by adult criminal courts. |
Make a will. |
Own a house, apply for a mortgage. |
Apply for a passport. |
Open a bank account without a parent’s |
signature |
Join the forces without parental consent. |
Donate your body to science |
Age 21 |
Be a Member of Parliament. |
Drive a heavy goods vehicle |
Task 9. In groups of 4–5 discuss the following questions:
1.What legal rights do you have at your age?
2.Are these rights similar to those of young people in Britain?
3.At what age should a person be responsible for a serious crime such as murder?
4.Should a young offender go to prison?
5. In your opinion, at what age should it be possible:
-to marry (for boys and girls);
-to vote;
-to open a bank account;
-to buy cigarettes and alcohol;
-to get a driving licence;
-to own a firearm.
While speaking, use the expressions from Task 9 p.21 (Unit 2, Part 2).
Библиографический список
1.Алимов В.В. Юридический перевод. Практический курс / В.В. Алимов. – УРСС, М. : Либроком, 2012. – 162 с.
2.Алонцева Н.В. Английский для студентов факультетов права и международных отношений / Н.В. Алонцева. – Минск : Тетра Системс, 2009. – 400 с.
3.Английский язык для юристов : учебник / [под ред. А. А. Лебедевой]. –
М. : ЮНИТИ-ДАНА, 2010. – 359 с.
4.Крупченко А.К. Contemporary Law in Russia : Современное право в России / А.К. Крупченко. – М. : Менеджер, 2009. – 240 с.
5.Brown G.D. Professional English in Use. Law / G.D. Brown, S. Rice. – Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2007. – 128 p.
6.Seely J. Law in Everyday Life / J. Seely. – Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2008. – 150 p.
7. McCarthy M. English vocabulary in use intermediate /. M. McCarthy, F. O'Dell. – Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2009. – 315 p.
8.Stewart W.J. Collins Dictionary of Law / W.J. Stewart. – 3-d edition. – Glasgow : Harper Collins Publishers, 2006. – 474 p.
9.Режим доступа: http://www.gourt.com
10.Режим доступа: http://www.legalcareers.about.com
11.Режим доступа: http://www.natcorp.ox.ac.uk
Учебное издание
Учебно-методическое пособие
Васильченко Наталья Викторовна, Климова Алла Юрьевна, Пешкова Анна Борисовна
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