академия 2
.docxThe Russian Academy of Sciences is the higher scientific institutions of Russian Federation uniting the most outstanding scientists of the country as its members. The Academy conducts research promoting the advancement of all branches of science in Russia in keeping with the procedure(просиде) determined by the General Meeting of the Academy.
It includes such sections as Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry and etc. The Academy consists of the following Institutions: Research institutes(институтс), laboratories, observatories and others.
The Academy participates in establishing international scientific institutions and organizations. It convenes scientific sessions, conferences and meetings to discuss scientific problems and the coordination of research work.
The Academy trains scientific personnel through the postgraduate courses attached to its institutions and conducts work to advance the qualifications of scientific workers. The Russian Academy of Sciences consists of academicians, corresponding and foreign members.
The elections of members of the Academy are held in accordance with the present Charter. The highest body of the Academy is the General Meeting consisting of the Academy's full and corresponding members.
The General Meeting of the Academy defines the basic trends in the Academy's Scientific work: it deals with major organizational matters; hears the reports of Sections, discusses problems of a scientific and etc.
Sessions of the General Meeting of the Academy are convened(конвид) whenever necessary but at least twice a year. Every member of the Academy wishing to raise some question at the General Meeting must give written notice of it to the Academy's Presidium in advance.
The Presidium of the Academy consists of the Academy's President, Vice-Presidents, Head Scientific Secretary of the Presidium and Secretary Academicians of the Academy's.
The Presidium of the Academy carries out the decisions of the Academy's General Meeting and directs all the Academy's activities in between General Meetings. A Section of the Russian Academy of Sciences is a scientific and organizational center uniting within the Academy scientists of one or several fields of science. The principal research bodies of the Academy are its research institutes. The research institutes of the Academy are headed by directors.
The scientific and historical manuscripts of the Academy are preserved in the Archives(аркайвс) of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The Academy exchanges publications with scientific institutions, libraries, museums and government institutions of other countries.